Bulletin (PDF 18.3 MB) - City of Armadale

Bulletin (PDF 18.3 MB) - City of Armadale

Bulletin (PDF 18.3 MB) - City of Armadale


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Information <strong>Bulletin</strong> T5Information Items from the Technical Services DirectorateDepartment November 2010 December 2010 January 20119503 and 9504 Ranford Road. • WUW– Cell E (North) Stg 2 –preliminary earthworks and filling.• Champion Lakes – Stage 3.preliminary earthworks and filling. • WUW– Cell E (North) Stg 3 –• Wungong Urban Water – Cell 1A – • WUW– Cell E (North) Stg 3 –preliminary earthworks and filling.preliminary earthworks and filling. preliminary earthworks and filling. • WUW– Cell E (South) – preliminary• Wungong Urban Water – Cell C – • WUW– Cell E (South) – preliminary earthworks and filling.preliminary road layouts.earthworks and filling.• WUW– Cell E – Lot 7 & 8, Forrest• Wungong Urban Water – Cell E • WUW– Cell E – Lot 7 & 8, Forrest Rd, Brookdale - Stg 1.(North) Stage 1 – preliminaryRd, Brookdale - Stg 1.• WUW– Cell F –earthworksearthworks and filling.• WUW– Cell F –earthworksstockpiling.• Wungong Urban Water – Cell Estockpiling.• WUW– Cell K – Preliminary(North) Stage 2 – preliminary • WUW– Cell K – Preliminaryearthworks and filling.earthworks and filling.earthworks and filling.• Lots 34, 35 and 800 Westfield Road.• Wungong Urban Water – Cell E • Lots 34, 35 and 800 Westfield Road. • Lots 10 and 11 Gillam Drive.(North) Stage 3 – preliminaryearthworks and filling.• Lots 10 and 11 Gillam Drive.• Wungong Urban Water – Cell E(South) – preliminary earthworks andfilling.• Wungong Urban Water – Cell E – Lot8, Forrest Rd, Brookdale - Stage 1.• Wungong Urban Water – Cell F –earthworks stockpiling.• Wungong Urban Water – Cell K –Preliminary earthworks and filling.• Lots 34, 35 and 800 Westfield Road.• Lots 10 and 11 Gillam Drive.Design andEngineeringDesign and Engineering:• Warton Road/<strong>Armadale</strong> Road – InstallTraffic Control Signals and modifyintersection to provide two throughDesign and Engineering:• Warton Road/<strong>Armadale</strong> Road – signalsby MRWA.• Railway Avenue – Merrifield toDesign and Engineering:• <strong>Armadale</strong>/Seville – traffic signals.• Challis/Seville - new roundabout.• Railway Avenue/Merrifield to

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