Recipes for Survival_English_tcm46-28192

Recipes for Survival_English_tcm46-28192

Recipes for Survival_English_tcm46-28192

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WSPA/APE ALLIANCERECIPES FOR SURVIVALColobus satanas Black colobus VU A1CD+2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaColobus vellerosus Geoffroy's black-and-white colobus VU A1CD+2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaErythrocebus patas Patas monkey LR/LC Sub-Saharan AfricaLophocebus aterrimus Black crested mangabey LR/NT Sub-Saharan AfricaMacaca assamensis Assam macaque VU A1CD East Asia, SouthAnd SE AsiaMacaca fascicularis Long-tailed macaque LR/NT South And SE AsiaMacaca nemestrina Pig-tailed macaque VU A1CD South And SE AsiaMacaca silenus Lion-tailed macaque EN C2A(I) South And SE AsiaMandrillus leucophaeus Drill EN A1ACD+2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaMandrillus sphinx Mandrill VU A2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaMiopithecus talapoin Talapoin (W&C) LR/LC Sub-Saharan AfricaPapio anubis Olive baboon LR/LC Sub-Saharan AfricaPapio cynocephalus Yellow baboon LR Sub-Saharan AfricaPapio hamadryas Hamadryas baboon LR/NT Sub-Saharan AfricaPresbytis hosei canicrus Miller's grizzled surili DD South And SE AsiaPresbytis melalophos Banded leaf monkey LR/NT South And SE AsiaProcolobus badius Red colobus EN A1CD+2CD, B1+2ABC Sub-Saharan AfricaProcolobus pennantii Pennant's red colobus EN A2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaProcolobus rufomitratus Eastern red colobus CR B1+2ABCDE, C2A Sub-Saharan AfricaPygathrix cinerea Grey-shanked douc EN A1CD South And SE AsiaSemnopithecus johnii Black leaf monkey VU C2A(I) South And SE AsiaSemnopithecus vetulus nestor Western purple-faced langur EN A1CD South And SE AsiaSimias concolor Pig-tailed langur EN A1CD+2C South And SE AsiaTrachypithecus delacouri Delacour's langur CR A2CD+3CD; C2A(I) South And SE AsiaTrachypithecus obscurus Dusky leaf monkey LR/LC South And SE AsiaTrachypithecus poliocephalus Golden-headed langur CR A2CD, C2AB South And SE AsiapoliocephalusGALAGONIDAEGalago alleni Allen’s squirrel galago LR/NT Sub-Saharan AfricaGalago elegantulus Elegant needle-clawed galago LR/NT Sub-Saharan AfricaGalagoides potto Demidoff’s galago NR Sub-Saharan AfricaGalagoides sp. Nov Mt. Rungwe galago NR Sub-Saharan AfricaOtolemur crassicaudatus Greater galago LR/LC Sub-Saharan AfricaHOMINIDAEGorilla beringei graueri Eastern gorilla EN A2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaGorilla gorilla gorilla Western gorilla EN A2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaPan paniscus Bonobo EN A2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaPan troglodytes Chimpanzee EN A3CD Sub-Saharan AfricaAPPENDIXGorilla beringei beringei Mountain gorilla CE Sub-Saharan AfricaGorilla gorilla ssp. Diehli Cross River gorilla (W&C) CE Sub-Saharan AfricaPongo abelii Sumatran orangutan CR A2BCD South And SE AsiaPongo pygmaeus Orang-utan EN A2CD South And SE AsiaHYLOBATIDAEHylobates lar White-handed gibbon LR/NT South And SE AsiaLoris lydekkerianus Horton Plains slender loris NR South And SE AsianycticeboidesNomascus gabriellae Buff-cheeked gibbon VU A1CD+2CD South And SE AsiaNomascus leucogenys White-cheeked gibbon DD East Asia, SouthAnd SE AsiaINDRIDAEPropithecus candidus Silky sifaka NR Sub-Saharan AfricaPropithecus perrieri Perrier's sifaka NR Sub-Saharan AfricaLEMURIDAEEulemur albocollaris White-collared lemur NR Sub-Saharan AfricaProlemur simus Greater bamboo lemur CR A2CD Sub-Saharan AfricaLORIDAEArctocebus aureus Golden angwantibo LR/NT Sub-Saharan AfricaArctocebus calabarensis Angwantibo LR/NT Sub-Saharan AfricaPerodicticus potto Potto gibbon (W&C) LR/LC Sub-Saharan Africa107WSPA/APE ALLIANCE106

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