Recipes for Survival_English_tcm46-28192

Recipes for Survival_English_tcm46-28192

Recipes for Survival_English_tcm46-28192

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108RECIPES FOR SURVIVAL.Organisations involved in bushmeat projects andcampaignsSee separate document.ReferencesNote: Appendix 5 (see separate document) contains the abstracts <strong>for</strong> some of thereferences cited.ABCG (2004). African Biodiversity Collaborative Group & Bushmeat Crisis Task Forcemeeting notes from: Food Security and Conservation in Africa: Addressing hunger andfarming issues to conserve wildlife. USAAgnaga, M. (2004). The CITES Bushmeat Working Group Programme <strong>for</strong> theManagement of Bushmeat in the Central African Sub-region: A proposal <strong>for</strong> the secondphase of the CITES Bushmeat Working Group <strong>for</strong> Central Africa. CITES, Yaounde,Cameroon.Agnagna, M. (2002). Global and government ef<strong>for</strong>ts to address the bushmeat crisis.In AZA Communique, ppp35 – 37. American Zoo Association, US.Alers, M.P.T., Blom, A., Sikubwabo, Sikubwabo Kiyengo, Tshobo Masunda(1989). Reconnaissance des elephants des <strong>for</strong>ets du Zaire: Rapport de mission(Janvier-Mars, 1989). WCI/IZCN/WWF.Alvard, M. (1995). Shotguns and sustainable hunting in the Neotropics. Oryx 29:58 – 65.Ambus, L.M. & Dempsey, J. (2004). Update on the 4th session of the United NationsForum on Forests: Highlights from the sidelines. Taiga News 47: 2.Ammann, K., Bowman, K. and Dupain, J. (2002) Expedition to the People and theBonobos of the Proposed Lomako Forest Reserve, Equateur Province, DemocraticRepublic of Congo, November 8 – 29 2002: The Report. Available fromjefdupain@iccnet.cmApaza, L., Wilkie, D., Byron, E., Huanca, T., Leonard, W., Pérez, E., Reyes-Garcia, V., Vadez, V. & Godoy, R. (2002). Meat prices influence the consumption ofwildlife by the Tsimane’ Amerindians of Bolivia. Oryx 36: 382 – 388.REFERENCES109

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