Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

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<strong>Half</strong>-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> report <strong>at</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>Other inform<strong>at</strong>ionth<strong>at</strong> it did not include the CD with the list of “indicted” meters indic<strong>at</strong>ed in the decree as an“<strong>at</strong>tachment forming a m<strong>at</strong>erial part of the charge”. The Gip upheld the exception anddeclared the notific<strong>at</strong>ion null and void. As a result the Public Prosecutor had to reissue the“Notific<strong>at</strong>ion of the Conclusion of Preliminary Investig<strong>at</strong>ions - article 415-bis of the ItalianCriminal procedure code” and return to the previous stage in the proceedings. On January 4-9, 2012, the “Notific<strong>at</strong>ion of the Conclusion of Preliminary Investig<strong>at</strong>ions - article 415-bis of theItalian Criminal procedure code” was reissued, this time with the CD.The preliminary hearing was held on October 18, 2012, <strong>at</strong> which the judge raised a preliminaryexception pursuant to article 11 of the criminal procedure code noting th<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong> least twomagistr<strong>at</strong>es, whose judicial offices are included within the district of the Brescia Appeal Court,are “injured parties” in the proceeding and asked the judge in charge of the preliminaryhearing (Gup), Dr. Napo, to declare the Brescia judicial authority acting beyond its jurisdiction.The defense agreed with the applic<strong>at</strong>ion. The Gup therefore declared th<strong>at</strong> the case wasbeyond his jurisdiction and ordered the papers to be sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office ofVenice. As a result of this provision the proceeding has returned to the initial stage.120However, as <strong>A2A</strong> Reti Gas S.p.A. had to carry out maintenance on certain plants sequestered aspart of the criminal proceeding in question, checks were carried out to identify theprosecuting magistr<strong>at</strong>e in charge of the case <strong>at</strong> the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Venice. It waslearned from this th<strong>at</strong> without giving notice of such to any of the <strong>at</strong>torneys of the personsunder investig<strong>at</strong>ion or to those persons themselves, in the meantime the proceeding had beentransferred from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Venice (which presumably had identified asimilar case of lack of jurisdiction) to th<strong>at</strong> of Trento, which has jurisdiction for proceedings inwhich a magistr<strong>at</strong>e of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Venice acts in a capacity as “injuredparty”. At the present moment, therefore, the proceeding, assigned index no. 838/<strong>2013</strong>, isbeing followed by the Trento Public prosecutor Pasquale Profiti, and is still, therefore, <strong>at</strong> theinitial stage of preliminary investig<strong>at</strong>ions.Arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion initi<strong>at</strong>ed by Ecovolt for viol<strong>at</strong>ion of the Quotaholders’ Agreement for theInvestment in Ostros Energia S.r.l. in liquid<strong>at</strong>ion (arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion case no. 6<strong>30</strong>9 initi<strong>at</strong>edby Ecovolt)On May 25, 2009 the minority quotaholders of Ostros Energia S.r.l. in liquid<strong>at</strong>ion initi<strong>at</strong>edarbitr<strong>at</strong>ion proceedings under a settlement clause contained in the Investment Agreementsigned with ASM S.p.A. (now <strong>A2A</strong> S.p.A.) on January <strong>30</strong>, 2007, with a view to establishing abreach of th<strong>at</strong> agreement by <strong>A2A</strong> S.p.A. for having failed to finance the development of OstrosEnergia S.r.l. in liquid<strong>at</strong>ion and comply with the provisions of article 2.5 of the Agreement.

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