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Part III. Appendix 1: Metadata and Data DiscoveryAnnex A: Glossary of TermsAccuracyConformity to fact. (From The American Heritage Dictionary, third edition)CatalogA list or itemized display, <strong>as</strong> of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition orsale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations. (From The AmericanHeritage Dictionary, third edition)DAML+OILA semantic markup language for web resources. It builds on earlier W3C standardssuch <strong>as</strong> RDF and RDF Schema, and extends these languages with richermodeling primitives. (From http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-daml+oil-reference-20011218)FGDCThe Federal Geographic Data Committee coordinates the development of theNational Spatial Data Infr<strong>as</strong>tructure (NSDI). The NSDI encomp<strong>as</strong>ses policies,standards, and procedures for organizations to cooperatively produce and sharegeographic data. The Federal Geographic Data Committee approved the ContentStandard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998) in June 1998.(From http://www.fgdc.gov/)InventoryA detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one’s possession, especiallya periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock. (From The American HeritageDictionary, third edition)LineageDirect descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry. Derivation. (From The AmericanHeritage Dictionary, third edition)OntologyOntology is the theory of objects and their ties. The unfolding of ontologyprovides criteria for distinguishing various types of objects (concrete andabstract, existent and non-existent, real and ideal, independent and dependent)and their ties (relations, dependences and predication). (From http://www.formalontology.it/)OWLA semantic markup language for publishing and sharing ontologies on the WorldWide Web. OWL is derived from the DAML+OIL Web Ontology Language[DAML+OIL] and builds upon the Resource Description Framework [RDF/XML Syntax]. The OWL Web Ontology Language is being designed by the W3CWeb Ontology Working Group in order to provide a language that can be usedfor applications that need to understand the content of information instead ofjust understanding the human-readable presentation of content. OWL facilitates134

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