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Part II. Ph<strong>as</strong>ed Implementation Plan for DMACID T<strong>as</strong>k Name1DMAC OVERALL PROGRAM2PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES3High Priority Program Management Activities4 Y-2 High Priority PM Activities5 Y-1 High Priority PM Activities6METADATA AND DISCOVERY7 R1: Determine IOOS Metadata Content and Format Standards8 M1: Compile IOOS Metadata Standards21 R2: Develop Tools and Procedures to Support Metadata Providers22 M1: Develop and Maintain Metadata27 M2: Develop Tools to Modify Metadata <strong>as</strong> appropriate to data accessed28 R3: DISCOVERY: Select/Develop and Maintain Catalog & Search Capability29 M0: Initial List of pre-op metadata catalog centers30 M1: Convene Catalog Architecture Working Group32 M2: Determine Search/Browse Capabilities Needed36 M3: Determine Metadata Loading and Update Policies38 M4: Plan Catalog Security42 M5: Build Initial Capability46 M6: Transition to Pre-Operational, then Operational Systems50 R4: DISCOVERY: Develop Archive System Data Discovery Interfaces51 R5: DISCOVERY: Design Discovery Portal52 M1: Plan architecture of portal service60 R6: DISCOVERY: Study Alternative Discovery Approaches61 M1: Study Implementation Language Neutral Approach63 M2: Study Fe<strong>as</strong>ibility of Using Semantic Web65 M3: Convene WG to Study Semantic Web fe<strong>as</strong>ability67 M4: R&D or Pilot Study of Alternate Approaches69 R7: Design and Implement Data Location Service70 M1: Determine Specifications for Data Location Service73 M2: Data Location Service Pilot Projects74 M3: Broad Deployment of Data Location Service75Metadata/Data Discovery - Initial Operations76 R8: Metadata/Data Discovery Software Maintenance77 Portal maintenance78 Metadata maintenance79DATA ARCHIVE AND ACCESS179DATA TRANSPORTDMAC - Initial Operations288DMAC PHASED IMPLEMENTATION PLANY-2 Y-1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2$108,41510/1$1,180,689$685,385$922,985$437,539$1,133,72311/3011/30$28,794,303$3,616,615$7,764,570$2,653,096$751,154$9,360,458$7,944,245DMAC_Schedule_Sep30.mpp Page 1 2/27/04Figure 4. Metadata and Data Discovery Gantt Chart84

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