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Part III. Appendix 4: User OutreachTeam ConclusionsREQUIREMENTSThe lists of community issues are the ultimate source of the user’s requirements for the data systembeing designed by DMAC. As IOOS evolves, the development of institutional infr<strong>as</strong>tructure,such <strong>as</strong> committees and regional representatives, should make it possible to capture and use moredetailed information on user requirements in the design and implementation of the data system.For the interim, the following are highlights of data management and communications issues thatappear to be common to all types of consumers of oceanographic data, <strong>as</strong> entry-level system requirements.Note that end users make a sharp distinction between data (<strong>as</strong> raw observations) andinformation (<strong>as</strong> data organized in ways that make it e<strong>as</strong>y to use). These requirements are more extensivelydefined and discussed in the references of the bibliography.1. Data integrity must be <strong>as</strong>sured. The origin, chain of custody, accuracy, precision, and other vitalcharacteristics of the data must be known and verifiable.2. End users want useful information products. For the majority of users of IOOS data, raw dataneed to be converted to descriptive statistics, other types of mathematical summaries, such <strong>as</strong>models, and visualizations, such <strong>as</strong> graphs and maps (GIS).3. Data need to be available in a timely f<strong>as</strong>hion. The length of time between observation and disseminationneeds to be minimized, recognizing that certain types of data, such <strong>as</strong> biological, willrequire different lengths of time to complete the three-step cycle of observation, QA/QC, anddissemination. Timeliness is especially critical to users in government agencies with regulatoryresponsibilities.4. E<strong>as</strong>y access to data through commonly available hardware and software should be provided. Usersexpect to be able to get the information and data needed.5. Open access is provided to all data collected with public funds. Access to data collected withgovernment funds needs to be open to all, save for considerations of national security, scientificprofessional courtesy, QA/QC being performed.6. Data need to be preserved indefinitely. Although some information products are ephemeral, i.e.,the flight conditions now prevailing, or the wave heights at the surfing beach today, the data thatgoes into those products should be stored for future retrieval.251

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