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Part III. Appendix 4: User Outreach• Product NS-3.1: Background levels of nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) contaminants.• Product NS-3.2: Analyses and predictions of NBC concentrations on scales from the sub-hourlyto weekly.• Variables required for National Security Issue 3 include:- 3-D Vector Currents- Wind Vectors- Water Contaminant Observations (both initial conditions and real-time updates)- Bottom Characteristics (sediments composition)National Security Issue 4:Support environmental stewardship• Product NS-4.1: Physiological descriptions of sensitivity to and utilization of acoustic signals bycl<strong>as</strong>ses of marine mammals• Product NS-4.2: Real-time and climatological marine mammal/protected species distributions.• Product NS-4.3: Real-time velocity fields in locations of hazardous material spills or potentialspills.• Variables required for National Security Issue 4 include:- Marine Mammal Abundance- All variables listed for Issues 1 and 3.National Security Issue 5:Improve at-sea system performance through more accurate characterizations and prediction of themarine boundary layer.• Product NS-5.1: Improved prediction of electromagnetic/electro-optic propagation through themarine boundary layer in support of strike warfare, antiaircraft warfare, and antisubmarine warfare.• Product NS-5.2: Improved prediction of near-surface visibility• Variables required for National Security Issue 5 include:- Water Temperature (especially sea surface temperature)- Humidity- Marine Boundary Layer Height- Directional Wave Spectra (especially, wave height)- Aerosols- Atmospheric Visibility240

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