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Part II. Ph<strong>as</strong>ed Implementation Plan for DMAC6.1.9. The DMAC shall offer a cross-language and cross-platform data access mechanism thatis independent of the data repository.6.1.10. The DMAC shall enable the abstraction of encoding and transmission mechanisms andallow transparent distributed access to data using multiple protocols.6.1.11. The DMAC shall provide access to all types of data: physical, chemical, biological, andgeological.6.1.12. The DMAC shall support system synchronization to permit multiple users access to thesame datab<strong>as</strong>e simultaneously.DATA COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTUREAND ARCHIVALThe DMAC Subsystem is envisioned to consist of a Data Communications Infr<strong>as</strong>tructure (standards,protocols, and tools for Metadata, Data Discovery, Data Transport, and On-line Browse) andan Archival capability. Figure 1 shows the interfaces through which Data Discovery functionality isachieved within the DMAC Data Communications Infr<strong>as</strong>tructure. Numbers in italics refer to thesections of the requirements that reflect the drawing portion.1. Metadata/Data Discovery (MD) Requirements(MD – Metadata; MMS – Metadata Management System; MC – Metadata Catalog)1. Nature of Metadata1.1. The IOOS MD shall be supplied using the guidelines established by the Federal GeographicData Committee (FGDC) augmented by any applicable supplemental profiles.1.2. The DMAC shall provide the capability to deliver metadata along with data delivery.1.3. The MMS shall provide a mechanism to ensure that metadata found during data discovery areup to date, consistent, and understandable.1.4. The MMS shall provide mechanisms for extensibility of the metadata.1.5. The MD shall provide a framework for data versioning, data lineage tracking, and informationcitations.1.6. The MD shall provide a framework for both semantic and syntactic metadata.1.7. The MC shall provide a metadata query mechanism that supports access through a programminginterface to any/all metadata fields.1.8. The MMS shall support multiple standards that exist today and be able to extend beyond thoseto include expected future metadata standards.1.8.1. Existing standards: FGDC; Biological Profile; Shoreline Profile, TBD1.8.2. Possible future standards: TBD58

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