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Part II. Ph<strong>as</strong>ed Implementation Plan for DMAC- T<strong>as</strong>k 5: Publish draft data model—follow IOOS Standards Process for Review.º Subt<strong>as</strong>ks:• Devise a plan to obtain community feedback.• Publish and circulate the draft data model.• Obtain feedback from the community on the data model.º Level of Effort: FTE (TBD)º Start: 1 _ yearº Duration: 6 monthsº Category: Data Model Working Group- T<strong>as</strong>k 6: Pilot implementations of data modelº Brief pilot t<strong>as</strong>k using data model for non-gridded data, such <strong>as</strong> remote sensing “swath”data.• Restructuring and aggregation of this sort of “sequence” data are important due to thelarge amount of data in that format.º Pilots should include network transport utilizing the “f<strong>as</strong>t-track” transport mechanism at aminimumº Category: Contract- T<strong>as</strong>k 7: Broad testing of data model by distinct ocean data communitiesº including data observed from biological/laboratory sampling, cruises, moorings, floats,satellites, … and produced by the broadest range of modelsº Category: Community participation activityº Sequencing: Must follow pilot testing• Deliverables: Comprehensive IOOS Data Model Standard• Estimated Resources:• Schedule: Year 1 and 2• Sequencing: IOOS Standards process must be completed before T<strong>as</strong>k 6• Partnerships: oceanographic data communities, OPeNDAP, national and internationalmetadata standards2. Activity: Deliver time-critical (real-time) data to data <strong>as</strong>sembly andoperational modeling sites• Description: IOOS sites that have regular, repeated need of time critical observations maybest be served by a subscription-b<strong>as</strong>ed “data push” service.• Milestone 1: Provide operational support for time-critical data.- F<strong>as</strong>t-track note: An effective implementation of DMAC real-time delivery is singularlyimportant in commencing the integration of IOOS operational observations with modelingactivities. If a suitable candidate is available it will significantly advance the IOOS towardimplementing a f<strong>as</strong>t-track solution to this component. The Plan must include procedures toevaluate the effectiveness of the solution adopted and either make adjustments to it or abandonit, if it proves unsuitable.87

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