Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 106wuz cattle, but Marse Peter wouldn' 'low no beat<strong>in</strong>' <strong>of</strong> his niggers.Marse Peter had acres an' acres <strong>of</strong> woods dat wuz his hunt<strong>in</strong>' 'zerve. Dey wuz every k<strong>in</strong>d <strong>of</strong> bird an' animal <strong>in</strong>dem woods <strong>in</strong> shoot<strong>in</strong>' season. Dey wuz snipes, pheasants, patridges, squirrels, rabbits, deers, an' foxes; deywuz even bears, an' dey wuz wolfs too dat would come an' catch de sheeps at night.Dey wuz always a crowd at Easy Acres hunt<strong>in</strong>' rid<strong>in</strong>' danc<strong>in</strong>' an' hav<strong>in</strong>' a good time. Marse Peter's stables wuzfull <strong>of</strong> hunters an' saddlers for mens an' ladies. De ladies <strong>in</strong> dem days rode side saddles. Mis' Laura's saddlewuz all studded wid sho nuff gol' tacks. De fr<strong>in</strong>ge wuz tipped wid gol', an' de buckles on de bridle wuz solidgol'. When de ladies went to ride dey wore long skirts <strong>of</strong> red, blue, an' green velvet, an' dey had plumes on deyhats dat blew <strong>in</strong> de w<strong>in</strong>'. Dey wouldn' be caught wear<strong>in</strong>' britches an' rid<strong>in</strong>' straddle like de womens do desedays. In dem times de women wuz ladies.Marse Peter kept de bes' sideboa'd <strong>in</strong> Pr<strong>in</strong>cess Anne County. His cut glass decanters cos' near 'bout as much asMis' Laura's diamon' ear r<strong>in</strong>gs I's go<strong>in</strong>' tell yo' 'bout. De decanters wuz all set out on de sideboard wid deglasses, an' de w<strong>in</strong>e an' brandy wuz so ole dat one good size dram would make yo' will<strong>in</strong>' to go to de jail housefor sixty days. Some <strong>of</strong> dat w<strong>in</strong>e an' likker done been <strong>in</strong> dat cellar ever s<strong>in</strong>ce Ole Marse Caleb Hamilton'stime, an' de done built Easy Acres befo' Mistah George Wash<strong>in</strong>gton done cut down his pappy's cherry tree.Dat likker done been down <strong>in</strong> dat cellar so long dat yo' had to scrape de dus' <strong>of</strong>f wid a knife.I wuz Marse Peter's ma<strong>in</strong> sideboa'd man. When he had shoot<strong>in</strong>' company I didn' do noth<strong>in</strong>' but shake drams.De mens would come <strong>in</strong> from de hunt<strong>in</strong>' field col' an' tired, an' Marse Peter would say: 'Hustle up, Hecter, fixus a dram <strong>of</strong> so an' so.' Dat mean dat I wuz to mix de special dram dat I done learned from my gran'pappy. So,I pours <strong>in</strong> a little <strong>of</strong> dis an' a little <strong>of</strong> dat, den I shakes it 'twell it foams, den I fills de glasses an' draps <strong>in</strong> de icean' de m<strong>in</strong>t. Time de mens dr<strong>in</strong>k dat so an' so dey done forgot dey's tired; dey 'lax, an' when de ladies comedown de stairs all dredd up, dey th<strong>in</strong>ks dey's angels walk<strong>in</strong>' <strong>in</strong> gol' shoes. Dem wuz good times befo' de waran' befo' Marse Peter got shot. From de day Marse Peter rode his big grey hoss <strong>of</strong>f to fight, we never seed himno more. Mis' Laura never even know if dey buried him or not.After de mens all went to de war dey won't no use for no more drams, so Mis' Laura took me away from desideboa'd an' made me a watchman. Dat is, I wuz set to watch de commissary to see dat de niggers wuzn' giveno more den dey share <strong>of</strong> eats, den I looked after de chickens an' th<strong>in</strong>gs, kaze de patter-rollers wuz all 'roun'de country an' dey'd steal everyth<strong>in</strong>' from chickens to sweet taters an cawn, den dey'd sell it to de Yankees.Dat's when I named dat ole mean fight<strong>in</strong>' gander General Lee.Everywhare I went 'roun' de place dat gander wuz right at my heels. He wuz de bigges' gander I ever seed. Heweighed near 'bout forty pounds, an' his w<strong>in</strong>gs from tip to tip wuz 'bout two yards. He wuz smart too. Iteached him to drive de cows an' sheeps, an' I sic'd him on de dogs when dey got 'streperous. I'd say, Sic him,General Lee, an' dat gander would cha'ge. He wuz a better fighter den de dogs kaze he fit wid his w<strong>in</strong>gs, hisbill, an wid his feets. I seed him skeer a bull near 'bout to death one day. Dat bull got mad an' jump de fencean' run all de niggers <strong>in</strong> de cab<strong>in</strong>s, so I called General Lee an' sic'd him on dat bull. Dat bird give one squawkan' lit on dat bull's back, an' yo' never seed such carry<strong>in</strong>'s on. De bull reared an' snorted an' kicked, but datgander held on. He whipped dat bull wid his w<strong>in</strong>gs 'twell he wuz glad to go back <strong>in</strong> de lot an' 'have hese'f.After dat all I had to do to dat bull wuz show him General Lee an' he'd quiet down.Now I's go<strong>in</strong>' to tell yo' 'bout Mis' Laura's diamon' ear r<strong>in</strong>gs.De fus' Yankees dat come to de house wuz gentlemens, 'cept dey made us niggers cook dey supper an' sh<strong>in</strong>edey muddy boots, den dey stole everyth<strong>in</strong>' dey foun' to tote away, but de nex ones dat come wuz mean. Deygot made kaze de fus' Yankees done got de pick<strong>in</strong>'s <strong>of</strong> what Mis' Laura hadn' hid. Dey cut open de fea<strong>the</strong>rbeds look<strong>in</strong>' for silver; dey ripped open de chair cush<strong>in</strong>gs look<strong>in</strong>' for money, dey even tore up de carpets, butdey didn' f<strong>in</strong>' noth<strong>in</strong>' kaze all de valuables done been buried. Even mos' <strong>of</strong> de w<strong>in</strong>e done been hid, 'twuz' all

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