Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 37[Footnote 4: The old man was too ill to walk out on <strong>the</strong> porch for his picture, and his m<strong>in</strong>d wandered toomuch to give a connected account <strong>of</strong> his life.]N. C. District: No. 2 [320190] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 793 Subject: Ex-<strong>Slave</strong> Story Story Teller:Henry Bobbitt Editor: Daisy Bailey Waitt[TR: No Date Stamp]EX-SLAVE STORIESAn <strong>in</strong>terview with Henry Bobbitt, 87 <strong>of</strong> Raleigh, Wake County N. C. May 13, 1937 by Mary A. Hicks.I wuz borned at Warrenton <strong>in</strong> Warren County <strong>in</strong> 1850. My fa<strong>the</strong>r wuz named Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, atter GeneralWash<strong>in</strong>gton an' my mamma wuz named Diasia atter a woman <strong>in</strong> a story. Us an' 'bout forty or fifty o<strong>the</strong>r slavesbelonged ter Mr. Richard Bobbitt an' we wucked his four hundred acres o' land fer him. I jist had one bro<strong>the</strong>rnamed Clay, atter Henry Clay, which shows how Massa Dick voted, an' Delilah, which shows dat ole missusread de Bible.We farmed, mak<strong>in</strong>' tobacco, cotton, co'n, wheat an' taters. Massa Dick had a whole passel o' f<strong>in</strong>e horses an'our Sunday job wuz ter take care <strong>of</strong> 'em, an' clean up round de house. Yes mam, we wucked seben days aweek, from sunup till sundown six days, an' from seben till three or four on a Sunday.We didn't have many tear-downs an' prayer meet<strong>in</strong>'s an' sich, case de fuss sturbed ole missus who wuz k<strong>in</strong>dersickly. When we did have somp<strong>in</strong>' we turned down a big wash-pot <strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> de do', an' it took up de fuss, an'folkses <strong>in</strong> de yard can't hyar de fuss. De patterollers would git you iffen you went <strong>of</strong>fen de premises widout apass, an' dey said dat dey would beat you scandelous. I seed a feller dat dey beat onct an' he had scars as bigas my f<strong>in</strong>gers all ober his body.I got one whupp<strong>in</strong>' dat I 'members, an' dat wuz jist a middl<strong>in</strong>' one. De massa told me ter pick de cotton an' Isot down <strong>in</strong> de middle an' didn't wuck a speck. De oberseer come an' he frailed me wid a cotton-stalk; he wuza heap meaner ter de niggers dan Massa Dick wuz. I saw some niggers what wuz beat bad, but I a<strong>in</strong>'t neberhad no bad beat<strong>in</strong>'.We libed <strong>in</strong> log houses wid sand floors an' stick an' dirt chimneys an' we warn't 'lowed ter have no gyarden,ner chickens, ner pigs. We a<strong>in</strong>'t had no way o' mak<strong>in</strong>' money an' de fun wuz only middl<strong>in</strong>'. We had ter stealwhat rabbits we et from somebody elses [TR correction: else's] boxes on some udder plantation, case demassa won't let us have none o' our own, an' we a<strong>in</strong>'t had no time ter hunt ner fish.Now talk<strong>in</strong>' 'bout somp<strong>in</strong>' dat we'd git a whupp<strong>in</strong>' fer, dat wuz fer hav<strong>in</strong>' a pencil an' a piece <strong>of</strong> paper er a slate.Iffen you jist looked lak you wanted ter larn ter read er write you got a lick<strong>in</strong>'.Dar wuz two colored women lived nigh us an' dey wuz called "free issues," but dey wuz really witches. I a<strong>in</strong>'treally seen 'em do noth<strong>in</strong>' but I hyard a whole lot 'bout 'em putt<strong>in</strong>' spells on folkses an' I seed tracks whar dayhad rid Massa Dick's hosses an' eber mo'n<strong>in</strong>' de hosses manes an' tails would be all twisted an' knotted up. Iknow dat dey done dat case I seed it wid my own eyes. Dey doctored lots <strong>of</strong> people an' our folkses a<strong>in</strong>'t neberhad no doctor fer noth<strong>in</strong>' dat happen.You wuz ax<strong>in</strong>' 'bout de slave sales, an' I want ter tell you dat I has seen some real sales an' I'se seed niggers,whole bunches <strong>of</strong>' em, gw<strong>in</strong>' ter Richmond ter be sold. Dey wuz mostly cha<strong>in</strong>ed, case dey wuz new ter deboss, an' he doan know what ter 'spect. I'se seed some real sales <strong>in</strong> Warrenton too, an' de mammies would besold from deir chilluns an' dare would be a whole heap o' cry<strong>in</strong>' an' mou'n<strong>in</strong>' 'bout hit. I tell you folkses a<strong>in</strong>'tlak dey uster be, 'specially niggers. Uster be when a nigger cries he whoops an' groans an' hollers an' his

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