Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 132[TR: Date Stamp "JUN 1 1937"]EX-SLAVE STORYAn <strong>in</strong>terview on May 19, 1937 with Elbert Hunter <strong>of</strong> Method, N. C., 93 years old.I wuz borned eight miles from Raleigh on de plantation <strong>of</strong> Mr. Jacob Hunter <strong>in</strong> 1844. My parents were Stroudand Lucy an' my bro<strong>the</strong>rs wuz Tom, Jeems an' Henderson. I had three sisters who wuz named Carol<strong>in</strong>e,Emil<strong>in</strong>e an' Ann.Massa Hunter wuz good to us, an' young Massa Knox wuz good too. My mammy wuz de cook an' my pappywuz a field hand. Massa a<strong>in</strong>'t 'lowed no patterollers on his place, but one time when he wuzn't ter home mymammy sent me an' Carol<strong>in</strong>e ter de nex' door house fer someth<strong>in</strong>g an' de patterollers got us. Dey carried ushome an' 'bout de time dat dey wuz ax<strong>in</strong>' questions young Massa Knox rid up.He look dem over an' he sez, 'Git <strong>of</strong>f dese premises dis m<strong>in</strong>ute, yo' dad-limb sorry rascals, if us needs yo' we'llcall yo'. 'My pappy patterolls dis place hisself.'Dey left den, an' we a<strong>in</strong>'t been bo<strong>the</strong>red wid 'em no more.I toted water 'fore de war, m<strong>in</strong>ded de sheeps, cows and de geese; an' I a<strong>in</strong>'t had many whupp<strong>in</strong>'s nei<strong>the</strong>r. Darwuz one th<strong>in</strong>g dat massa a<strong>in</strong>'t 'low an' dat wuz dr<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>' 'mong his niggers.Dar wuz a ole free issue named Denson who digged ditches fer massa an' he always brung long his demijohnwid his whiskey. One eben<strong>in</strong>' Missus tells me an' Carol<strong>in</strong>e ter go ter de low groun's an' git up de cows an' onde way we f<strong>in</strong>' ole man Denson's demijohn half full <strong>of</strong> whiskey. Carol<strong>in</strong>e sez ter lets take er dr<strong>in</strong>k an' so wedoes, an' terreckly I gits wobbly <strong>in</strong> de knees.Dis keeps on till I has ter lay down an' when I wakes up I am at home. Dey says dat Massa Jacob totes me, an'dat he fusses wid Denson fer leav<strong>in</strong>' de whiskey whar I can f<strong>in</strong>' it. He give me a talk<strong>in</strong>' to, an' I a<strong>in</strong>'t neberdrunk no more.When we hyard dat de Yankees wuz com<strong>in</strong>' ole massa an' me takes de cattle an' hosses way down <strong>in</strong> deswamp an' we stays dar wid dem fer seberal days. One day I comes ter de house an' dar dey am, shoot<strong>in</strong>'chickens an' pigs an' everth<strong>in</strong>g. I'se seed dem cut de hams <strong>of</strong>f'n a live pig or ox an' go <strong>of</strong>f leav<strong>in</strong>' de animalgroan<strong>in</strong>'. De massa had 'em kilt den, but it wuz awful.Dat night dey went away but de nex' day a bigger drove come an' my mammy cooked fer 'em all day long.Dey killed an' stold ever'th<strong>in</strong>g, an' at last ole massa went to Raleigh an' axed fer a gyard. Atter we got de gyardde fuss ceased. One <strong>of</strong> de <strong>of</strong>ficers what spent de night dar lost his pocket book an' <strong>in</strong> it wuz seven greenbackdollars, de fust I eber seed.We wuz glad ter be free even do' we had good white folks. De wuck hours wuz frum daybreak till dark, an' dewimmens had ter card an' sp<strong>in</strong> so much eber night. We had our own chickens an' gyarden an' little ways <strong>of</strong>mak<strong>in</strong>' money, but not so much fun.We played cat, which wuz like base ball now, only different. De children played a heap but de grown folkswucked hard. De cruelest th<strong>in</strong>g I eber seed wuz <strong>in</strong> Raleigh atter slavery time, an' dat wuz a nigger whupp<strong>in</strong>'.De pillory wuz whar de co'rthouse am now an' de sheriff, Mr. Ray whupped dat nigger till he bled.I neber seed a slave sale, an' I neber seed much whupp<strong>in</strong>'s. I larned some long wid de white chilluns, 'specially

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