Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 115Mr. Jake orders de c<strong>of</strong>f<strong>in</strong>maker ter make de p<strong>in</strong>e box, an' den he fergits hit. De slaves puts de c<strong>of</strong>f<strong>in</strong> on decyart h<strong>in</strong>' de two black hosses an' wid six or maybe seben hundert niggers foller<strong>in</strong>' dey goes ter de Simms'graveyard an' buries her. All de way ter de graveyard dey s<strong>in</strong>gs, 'Sw<strong>in</strong>g Low Sweet Chariot,' 'De PromisedLan', 'De Road ter Jordan,' an' 'Ole Time Religion.'Hit's a good th<strong>in</strong>g dat none <strong>of</strong> de white folkses a<strong>in</strong>'t went to de funerals case iffen dey had de niggers can'ts<strong>in</strong>g deir hymns. Does you know dat dey warn't no 'ligion 'lowed on dat plantation. Ole lady Betsy Holmeswus whupped time an' ag'<strong>in</strong> fer talk<strong>in</strong>' 'ligion er fer s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>' hymns. We sometimes had prayermeet<strong>in</strong>' anyhow<strong>in</strong> de cab<strong>in</strong>s but we'd turn down de big pot front o' de door ter ketch de noise.Dey won't gib us no pass hardly, an' iffen we runs 'way de patterollers will git us. Dey did let us have somedances do' now an' den, but not <strong>of</strong>fen. Dey let us go possum hunt<strong>in</strong>' too case dat wus gitt<strong>in</strong>' someth<strong>in</strong>g ter eatwidout Mr. Jake pay<strong>in</strong>' fer hit.Mr. Henry, Mr. Jake's bruder an' his Uncle Moses uster come a-visit<strong>in</strong>' ter de house fer de day. Mr. Henry wuslittle wid a short leg an' a long one, an' he had de wust temper dat eber wus <strong>in</strong> de worl'; an' he loved ter seeslaves suffer, near 'bout much as he loved his brandy. We knowed when we seed him com<strong>in</strong>' dat dar wusgw<strong>in</strong>e ter be a whupp<strong>in</strong>' frolic 'fore de day wus gone.Dar wus three niggers, John Lane, Ananias Ruff<strong>in</strong> an' Dick Rogers what got de blame fer eber'th<strong>in</strong>g whathappens on de place. Fer <strong>in</strong>stance Mr. Henry 'ud look <strong>in</strong> de hawg pen an' 'low dat hit 'peared dat he bruder'sstock wus grow<strong>in</strong>' less all de time. Den Mr. Jake sez dat dey done been stold.'Why doan you punish dem thiev<strong>in</strong>' niggers, Jake'?Jake gits mad an' has dese three niggers brung out, deir shirts am pulled <strong>of</strong>f an' dey am staked down on deirstomichs, an' de oberseer gits wored out, an' leav<strong>in</strong>' de niggers tied, dar <strong>in</strong> de sun, dey goes ter de house ter gitsome brandy.Dey more dey dr<strong>in</strong>ks from de white crock de better humor dey gits <strong>in</strong>. Dey laughs an' talks an' atter awhiledey th<strong>in</strong>k o' de niggers, an' back dey goes an' beats 'em some more. Dis usually lasts all de day, case hit amfun ter dem.Atter so long dey ketched Jack Ashe, a Free Issue, wid one <strong>of</strong> de pigs, an' dey whups him twixt dr<strong>in</strong>ks all deday, an' at night dey carried him ter de Raleigh jail. He wus convicted an' sent ter Bald Head Island ter wuckon de breastworks dur<strong>in</strong>' de war an' he a<strong>in</strong>'t neber come back.[HW: Asterisk <strong>in</strong> marg<strong>in</strong>] Dar wus a man <strong>in</strong> Raleigh what had two blood houn's an' he made his liv<strong>in</strong>' byketch<strong>in</strong>' runaway niggers. His name wus Beaver an' he a<strong>in</strong>'t missed but onct. Pat Norwood took a long grasssy<strong>the</strong> when he runned away, an' as de fust dog come he clipped <strong>of</strong>f its tail, de second one he clipped <strong>of</strong>f its earan' dem dawgs a<strong>in</strong>'t run him no more.De war lasted a long time, an' hit wus a mess. Some <strong>of</strong> Marster Jake's [HW: Asterisk] slaves lef' him an' whende Yankees got ter Raleigh dey come an' tol' 'em 'bout de way Mr. Jake done. Well <strong>in</strong> a few days hyar comesde Yankees a-rid<strong>in</strong>', an' dey sez dat dey had tentions o' hang<strong>in</strong>' Mr. Jake on de big oak <strong>in</strong> de yard iffen he 'uvbeen dar, but he a<strong>in</strong>'t. He an' his family had flewed de coop.Dem Yankees went <strong>in</strong> de big house an' dey tored an' busted up all dey pleased, dey eben throwed de clo<strong>the</strong>sall ober de yard.Dey took two big barns o' corn an' haul hit <strong>of</strong>f an' down Devil's Jump on Morris Creek dey buried ever somuch molasses an' all.

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