Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 27PLANTATION TIMESAn Interview on May 18, 1937 with Alice Baugh, 64, who remembers hear<strong>in</strong>g her mo<strong>the</strong>r tell <strong>of</strong> slavery days.My mammy Ferbie, an' her bro<strong>the</strong>r Darson belonged ter Mr. David H<strong>in</strong>nant <strong>in</strong> Edgecombe County till youngMarster Charlie got married. Den dey wuz drawed an' sent wid him down hyar ter Wendell. De ole H<strong>in</strong>nanthome am still stand<strong>in</strong>' dar ter dis day.Marster Charlie an' Missus Mary wuz good ter de hundred slaves what belonged ter' em. Dey gib 'em goodhouses, good feed, good clo<strong>the</strong>s an' plenty uv fun. Dey had dere co'n shuck<strong>in</strong>'s, dere barn dances, prayermeet<strong>in</strong>'s an' sich like all de year, an' from Christmas till de second day o' January dey had a holiday wid roastoxes, pigs, turkey an' all de rest o' de fix<strong>in</strong>'s. From Saturday till Monday de slaves wuz <strong>of</strong>f an' dey had dereSunday clo<strong>the</strong>s, which wuz nice. De marster always gib 'em a paper so's de patterollers won't git 'em.Dey went up de riber to o<strong>the</strong>r plantations ter dances an' all dem th<strong>in</strong>gs, an' dey wuz awful fond uv s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>'songs. Dat's whut dey done atter dey comes ter dere cab<strong>in</strong>s at de end o' de day. De grown folkses s<strong>in</strong>gs an'somebody pick<strong>in</strong>' de banjo. De favorite song wuz 'Sw<strong>in</strong>g Low Sweet Chariot' an' 'Play on yo' Harp LittleDavid'. De chilluns uster play Hide an' Seek, an' Leap Frog, an' ever'body wuz happy.Dey had time <strong>of</strong>f ter hunt an' fish an' dey had dere own chickens, pigs, watermillons an' gyardens. De fruitsfrom de big orchard an' de honey from de hives wuz et at home, an' de slave et as good as his marster et. Deyhad a whole heap o' bee hives an' my mammy said dat she had ter tell dem bees when Mis' Mary died. Shesaid how she wuz cry<strong>in</strong>' so hard dat she can't hardly tell 'em, an' dat dey hum lak dey am mo'n<strong>in</strong>' too.My mammy marry my pappy dar an' she sez dat de preacher from de Methodis' Church marry 'em, dat shew'ar Miss Mary's wedd<strong>in</strong>' dress, all uv white lace, an' dat my pappy w'ar Mr. Charlie's wedd<strong>in</strong>' suit wid aflower <strong>in</strong> de button hole. Dey gived a big dance atter de supper dey had, an' Marster Charlie dance de first[HW correction: fust] set wid my mammy.I jist thought <strong>of</strong> a tale what I hyard my mammy tell 'bout de Issue Frees <strong>of</strong> Edgecombe County when she wuza little gal. She said dat de Issue Frees wuz mixed wid de white folks, an' uv cou'se dat make 'em free.Sometimes dey stay on de plantation, but a whole heap uv dem, long wid niggers who had done runned awayfrom dere marster, dugged caves <strong>in</strong> de woods, an' dar dey lived an' raised dere families dar. Dey a<strong>in</strong>'t woredmuch clo<strong>the</strong>s an' what dey got to eat an' to w'ar dey swiped from de white folkses. Mammy said dat she ustergo ter de spr<strong>in</strong>g fer water, an' dem ole Issue Frees up <strong>in</strong> de woods would yell at her, 'Doan yo' muddy datspr<strong>in</strong>g, little gal'. Dat scared her moughty bad.Dem Issue Frees till dis day shows both bloods. De white folkses won't have 'em an' de niggers doan want 'embut will have ter have 'em anyhow.My uncle wuz raised <strong>in</strong> a cave an' lived on stold stuff an' berries. My cous<strong>in</strong> runned away 'cause his marsterwuz mean ter him, but dey put de blood hounds on his trail, ketched him. Atter he got well from de beat<strong>in</strong>' deygib him, dey sold him.I'se hyard ole lady Prissie Jones who died at de age <strong>of</strong> 103 las' w<strong>in</strong>ter tell 'bout marsters dat when dere slavesrunned away dey'd set de bloodhounds on dere trail an' when dey ketched 'em dey'd cut dere haids <strong>of</strong>f wid deswords.Ole lady Prissie tole 'bout slaves what a<strong>in</strong>'t had noth<strong>in</strong>' ter eat an' no clo<strong>the</strong>s 'cept a little strip uv homespun,but my mammy who died four months ago at de age 106 said dat she a<strong>in</strong>'t knowed noth<strong>in</strong>' 'bout such do<strong>in</strong>'s.When de Yankees come, dey come a burn<strong>in</strong>' an' a-steal<strong>in</strong>' an' Marster Charlie carried his val'ables ter

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