Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 35One time dar, I done fergit de year, some white mens comes down de riber on a boat an' dey comes <strong>in</strong>ter defiel's an' talks ter a gang <strong>of</strong> us an' dey says dat our masters a<strong>in</strong>'t treat<strong>in</strong>' us right. Dey tells us dat we orter bepaid fer our wuck, an' dat we hadn't ort ter hab passes ter go anywhar. Dey also tells us dat we ort ter beallowed ter tote guns if we wants 'em. Dey says too dat sometime our marsters was gw<strong>in</strong>e ter kill us all.I laughs at 'em, but some <strong>of</strong> dem fool niggers listens ter 'em; an' it 'pears dat dese men gib de niggers someguns atter I left an' promised ter br<strong>in</strong>g 'em some more de nex' week.I f<strong>in</strong>'s out de nex' day 'bout dis an' I goes an' tells de marster. He sorta laughs an' scratches his head, 'Demniggers am headed fer trouble, Dave, 'he says ter me, 'an I wants yo' ter help me.'I says, 'Yas sar, marster.'An' he goes on, 'Yo' f<strong>in</strong>'s out when de rest <strong>of</strong> de guns comes Dave, an' let me know.'When de men br<strong>in</strong>gs back de guns I tells de marster, an' I also tells him dat dey wants ter hold er meet<strong>in</strong>'.'All right,' he says an' laughs, 'dey can have de meet<strong>in</strong>'. Yo' tell 'em, Dave, dat I said dat dey can meet onChuesday night <strong>in</strong> de pack house.'Chuesday eben<strong>in</strong>' he sen's dem all <strong>of</strong>f to de low groun's but me, an' he tells me ter nail up de shutters ter depack house an' ter nail 'em up good.I does lak he tells me ter do an' dat night de niggers marches <strong>in</strong> an' sneaks dar guns <strong>in</strong> too. I is ly<strong>in</strong>' up <strong>in</strong> del<strong>of</strong>t an' I hyars dem say dat atter de meet<strong>in</strong>' dey is gw<strong>in</strong>e ter go up ter de big house an' kill de whole fambly.I gits out <strong>of</strong> de w<strong>in</strong>der an' I runs ter de house an tells de marster. Den me an' him an' de young marster goesout an' quick as lightn<strong>in</strong>', I slams de pack house door an' I locks it. Den de marster yells at dem, 'I'se got menan' guns out hyar, he yells, 'an' if yo' doan throw dem guns out <strong>of</strong> de hole up dar <strong>in</strong> de l<strong>of</strong>t, an' throw demebery one out I'se gw<strong>in</strong>e ter stick fire ter dat pack house.'De niggers 'liberates for a few m<strong>in</strong>utes an' den dey throws de guns out. I knows how many dey has got so Icounts till dey throw dem all out, den I ga<strong>the</strong>rs up dem guns an' I totes 'em <strong>of</strong>f ter de big house.Well sar, we keeps dem niggers shet up fer about a week on short rations; an' at de end <strong>of</strong> dat time demniggers am kyored for good. When dey comes out dey had three oberseers 'stid <strong>of</strong> one, an' de rules am stricterdan eber before; an' den de marster goes <strong>of</strong>f ter de war.I reckon I was 'bout fifteen or sixteen den; an' de marster car's me 'long fer his pusonal sarvant an' body guardan' he leabes de rest <strong>of</strong> dem niggers <strong>in</strong> de fiel's ter wuck like de dickens while I laughs at dem Yankees.Jim belonged to Mr. Harley who lived <strong>in</strong> New Hanover County dur<strong>in</strong>g de war, <strong>in</strong> fac' he was young MassaHarley's slave; so when young Massa Tom went to de war Jim went along too.Dey wuz at Manassas, dey tells me, when Massa Tom got kilt, and de orders wuz not to take no bodies <strong>of</strong>f defield right den.Course ole massa down near Wilm<strong>in</strong>gton, doan know 'bout young Massa Tom, but one night dey hears Jimholler at de gate. Dey goes runn<strong>in</strong>' out; an' Jim has brung Massa Tom's body all dat long ways home so dat hecan be buried <strong>in</strong> de family burian ground.De massa frees Jim dat night; but he stays on a time atter de war, an' tell de day he died he hated de Yankees

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