Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States


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<strong>Slave</strong> <strong>Narratives</strong>: a <strong>Folk</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slave</strong>ry by Various 65BEFORE AND AFTER THE WARAn <strong>in</strong>terview with Mattie Curtis, 98 years old, <strong>of</strong> Raleigh, North Carol<strong>in</strong>a, Route # 4.I wus borned on de plantation <strong>of</strong> Mr. John Hayes <strong>in</strong> Orange County n<strong>in</strong>ety-eight years ago. Seberal <strong>of</strong> dechilluns had been sold 'fore de speculator come an' buyed mammy, pappy an' we three chilluns. De speculatorwus named Bebus an' he lived <strong>in</strong> Henderson, but he meant to sell us <strong>in</strong> de tobacco country.We come through Raleigh an' de fust th<strong>in</strong>g dat I 'members good wus go<strong>in</strong>' through de paper mill on Crabtree.We traveled on ter Granville County on de Granville Tobacco path till a preacher named Whitfield buyed us.He lived near de Granville an' Frankl<strong>in</strong> County l<strong>in</strong>e, on de Granville side.Preacher Whitfield, be<strong>in</strong>' a preacher, wus supposed to be good, but he a<strong>in</strong>'t half fed ner clo<strong>the</strong>d his slaves an'he whupped 'em bad. I'se seen him whup my mammy wid all de clo<strong>the</strong>s <strong>of</strong>fen her back. He'd buck her downon a barrel an' beat de blood outen her. Dar wus some difference <strong>in</strong> his beat<strong>in</strong>' from de neighbors. De folksround dar 'ud whup <strong>in</strong> de back yard, but Marse Whitfield 'ud have de barrel carried <strong>in</strong> his parlor fer de beat<strong>in</strong>'.We a<strong>in</strong>'t had no sociables, but we went to church on Sunday an' dey preached to us dat we'd go ter hell aliveiffen we sassed our white folks.Speak<strong>in</strong>' 'bout clo<strong>the</strong>s, I went as naked as Yo' han' till I wus fourteen years old. I wus naked like dat when mynature come to me. Marse Whitfield a<strong>in</strong>'t car<strong>in</strong>', but atter dat mammy tol' him dat I had ter have clo<strong>the</strong>s.Marse Whitfield a<strong>in</strong>'t never pay fer us so f<strong>in</strong>ally we wus sold to Mis' Fanny Long <strong>in</strong> Frankl<strong>in</strong> County. Dat'oman wus a debil iffen dar eber wus one. When I wus little I had picked up de fruit, fanned flies <strong>of</strong>fen detable wid a peafowl fan an' nussed de little slave chilluns. De las' two or three years I had worked <strong>in</strong> de fiel'but at Mis' Long's I worked <strong>in</strong> de backer factory.Yes mam, she had a backer factory whar backer wus stemmed, rolled an' packed <strong>in</strong> cases fer sell<strong>in</strong>'. Dey saiddat she had got rich on sell<strong>in</strong>' chaw<strong>in</strong>' terbacker.We wus at Mis' Long's when war wus declared, 'fore dat she had been purty good, but she am a debil now.Her son am called ter de war an' he won't go. Dey comes an' arrests him, den his mammy tries ter pay him out,but dat a<strong>in</strong>'t no good.De <strong>of</strong>ficers sez dat he am yaller an' dat day am gw<strong>in</strong>e ter shoot his head <strong>of</strong>f an' use hit fer a soap gourd. DeYankees did shoot him down here at Bentonville an' Mis' Long went atter de body. De Confederates has gotde body but dey won't let her have it fer love ner money. Dey laughs an' tells her how yaller he am an' deyburies him <strong>in</strong> a ditch like a dog.Mis' Long has been bad enough fore den but atter her son is dead she sez dat she am gw<strong>in</strong>e ter fight till shedraps dead. De nex' day she sticks de shot gun <strong>in</strong> mammy's back an' sez dat she am gw<strong>in</strong>e ter shoot her dead.Mammy smiles an' tells her dat she am ready ter go. Mis' Long turns on me an' tells me ter go ter de peachtree an' cut her ten limbs 'bout a yard long, dis I does an' atter she ties dem <strong>in</strong> a bundle she wears dem out onme at a hundret licks. Lemmie tell yo', dar wus pieces <strong>of</strong> de peach tree switches stick<strong>in</strong>' all <strong>in</strong> my bloody backwhen she got through.Atter dat Mis' Long a<strong>in</strong>'t done noth<strong>in</strong>' but whup us an' fight till she shore nuff wore out.De Yankee capta<strong>in</strong> come ter our place an tol' us dat de lan' was go<strong>in</strong>' ter be cut up an' divided among deslaves, dey would also have a mule an' a house apiece.

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