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liii 1,1 - State Law Publisher

liii 1,1 - State Law Publisher


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cont1 byi2234 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A.SEPTEMBER. 23, 1927.1 1. No structure any kind shall be ereunder a Itc , footpath, or pu1I the plans aucl Titications haveuuttcd to and approve:) the Board, !or signboard will be a 1.1ow(.al overa clear way of not less than eigldpath is provided.12. No street verandah shallaccoreinu co with a plan Sothe I km rd. and every such einiwith 0 a 1de gutter ; o ram. \-such E.ra n ah.charges 1'gut:If the I\ a'rAtli such street verd.all times be kept ining ill front of whichthe Iloard, (tal the own.in such manner as may kNC 1)1.1WI.: of 'land.,ere :'wise'01:1 v.11'00:0-theHire,righ:scrvn ler(op.ming ol gab-w7,y ..1t oneotbe1.4. Pecore t ho construe' amenced. 0 privy shall he provided 0111150 Of the workmen.ore ulug:eryiity!'I l e poi.ipound. airamount ('111 may be motpost or leavinging license shall be St:Board is complied 1.,ItheI loard)11inintuniluau of adH. 1,,,street.bepru.comp11... wit17. pp 1 i f 0 !nthi it 1 1;!! or Sidled !do "1.8. Bui shallSchedule "B"19. Any person v.1 raveneswith any 0110 07 ?IIIbe guilty of an o ir,1 agnevery such offence shift Is.(-ceding twenty pour ' ; aml'i1 upon,-sob-' era tidal'n unlesscell footexceptinOpprovoii.shall be providedv.;:b.i. Ca ding onsind. disimstreetdov of suchI shallh110i 0as the11eenc(d fro atdid downpipe shallhn owner of the build-.) the satisfaction ofcarry not filly repairs.1 by the Board.deal'er than six feeten which it stands.s such id, (:1(, unless othertheBoard,int e service door isobbymeans of anIibuildi. ng is camtheland or theFee, .'Diem se issued without fee.on of a building, toalmi ling' on such hiuild-:hs, Ten shillings; forOne pound.such part occupied :--Oueteal' at :my time require theI o be increased to such amounting ootice to the builder byKO,TONt.TP ROAD BOApirriefttionat the building, and the buildeduntil the order of theBHU0/1111/ Li0071or :1 1.aws;,1mledfilthsll-. and I'm'pi mdtc not esn Pen19Appl1cation No..To the Building Surve Yor.As the builder o-or di reel thework undermentione.1 I he: el.y l'or tc BullLicense for same.The following are tin' particulars of the proposedwork :Situation t (or of each,more ,than one) :1,ot or Subdivision .. StreetIntended use of building or structure (or of each, if(11(110 1111011 one) and number of buildings or structores :--'1_4,211estie Building to be used asBuilding of the Warehouse class to be usedas_Public Building to be used asStructure to be used as. . Dwell ing. Num 1,er of Rooms.n.litions or tilterations only to 'Building or Struetof encl, it more thai one, if additions orsubject of the notice), nature ofadditions or tt10 dations.ToDomestic.Additions, if any ft. x ft.Toof Warehouse Class.Additions, any ft. x ft.To Public Building.Additions, if any ft. x ft.Structure.Additions, if any ft. x ft.To Dwelling House.Additions, if anyThe nature of work isft. x ft.Dimensions of Building' or Structure (or of each, if:nor than one) : -A. rep ft.; Depth ft.;ih ; Height of walls ft.; No. ofA ',proximate value of workIt wner--NameAddressOeeupierNa meAddressDate of commencement of workof , 19 .Signature ofsputsgiving noticeAddressday1-::(1,0( Bniteling By-laws.!mi.; he a ink: on tracing linen or on paper1.0 staid the erasure of " H " pencil( hood injury to the paper.Drawings must show ground plan and elevation,'od in feet and inches. Scale not lessinch.ity tIn' builder or owner, -showing clearly the position of theon the block or land 011 lvliieli it isthe privy. Such plan.0 ill typewriting or lit inkon, in figures.if built his than 2ft. froma parapet wall must be provided.h. rbott nr iron buildings must be at least1.0 boutn of adjoining allotments.n shall comnienee to build until planswith the Building By-laws have beenapproved by the ,Board and the neces-: l ion. forms and suitable paper to complywith ...., :. eol,titition s may be .obt-dtined at the RoachBoard ° e -u irtyment of Ls. (one shilling).9. A licen..o. be granted until seven days]cave el:ipso:1 since the lodging of the plans and specifications.1:10,1 ONUP ROAD BOARD.Schedule "B."Buifrtig License.Ll h im, Licence issued by the Kojonup RoadIf aril in of , subjectto the provisions of the Building Regulations, underthe Second Schedule of "The Roads Districts Aet,19 I9, or ts thereto, ::nil to the .13 y-ws rd for the time being in force, byOlieb wit1 calendar months from date

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