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SEPTEMBER 23, 1927.1 n,r-cc'u, VAT-PVT CI 77TTE' W 2213ERRATUM NOTICE.Corres. 2192/27.IN a Proclamation apeearing in the Gazette of the 26thAugust last, page 1597, resuming certain lands for thepurpose of Gravel Reserve out of Conditional PurchaseLeaso 30214/55, in the second part of the schedulethereto for Conditional Purchase Lease 39214/55 read30214/55.C. G. MORRIS,Under Secretary for Lands.WITHDRAWAL NOTICE.Kaianning Land Agency.Department of Lands and Surveys,Corr. 5430/24. Perth, 20th September, 1927.IT is notified, for general information, that EwlyamartupAgricultural Area Lot 11)6 is hereby withdrawn fromselection. (Plan 417D/40, 03.)C. G. MORRIS,Us fin- Secretary for Lands.OPEN WEDNESDAY, 28th SEPTEMBER, 1927.GERALDTON LOCAL LAND DISTRICT.Victoria District (Wundi Estate).Corr. 2777/09. (Plan 166D/40, A3.)HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Councilhas been pleased to approve of that portion ofWundi Repurchased Estate Lot 9, as described hereunder,being excised from Reserve 12021 (Water) andthrown open for selection under Part V. of " The LandAct, 1598," and its amendments, and the provisionsof " The Agricultural Lands Purchase Act, 1909," andits amendments on Wednesday, the 28th day of September,1927.Schedule.The area, containing 10 acres, being the Southernportion of Wundi Lot 9, bounded on the North by aline parallel to and at a distance of five chains from itsSouthern boundary. Subject to survey, classification,and pricing. Reserve 12021 (Water) is hereby reduced.C. G. MORRIS,Under Secretary for Lands.LAND OPEN FOR PASTORAL LEASING.Under Part X of "The Land Act, 1898."IT is hereby notified that the land described hereunderwill be available for general selection under Part X.of " The Land Act, ISM,' ' and its amendments, on andafter the date specified:-OPEN VEDNESDAY, 28th SEPTEMBER, 1927.PERTH LAND AGENCY.North-West Division.Nardey District (near Mt. Florry).Cures. 1564/26. (Plan 93/300.)That portion of unsurveyed land, containing about24,000 acres, being the land excised from G. H. Parker'sPastoral Lease 3626/96.OPEN WEDNESDAY, 5th OCTOBER, 1927.SOUTHERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.Eastern Division.Yilgarn District (46 miles North of Yelladine).Corres. 2066/27. (Plan 24/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about200,000 acres, starting from the North-West corner ofPastoral Lease 3483/97, thence North 1,250 chains,thence East 1,600 chains; the opposite sides being paralleland equal; being F. R. Mann's abandoned PastoralLease application.OPEN WEDNESDAY, 12th OCTOBER, 1927KALGOORLIE LAND AGENCY.Eastern Division.Jilbadji District (about 11 miles North ofKara lee).Corr. 1483/27. (Plan 24/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about17.000 acres, bounded on the West by Pastoral Lease3484/97; on the &nth by a line running Eastward fromthe South-West corner of aforesaid lease about 380chains; on North and East by opposite, parallel, andequal lines: being K. & V. T. Cookson 's cancelled application.PERTH LAND AGENCY.Eucla Division.Mundrabilla District (near Eucla).Corr. 1057/23. (Plans 14 and 15/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about317,000 acres; being C. Hunter's forfeited PastoralLease No. 1165/95.Eastern Division.Nab bent District (near 388-Mile Post, Fabbit-proofFence).Corr. 6877/23. (Plan 60/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about64,000 acres; being A. G. P. Paterson's forfeited PastoralLease No. 3231/97.North-West Division.Ashburton District (about 7oin7)zie. miles South of Mt.Corr. 6887/20. (Plan 111/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about27,000 acres; being C. G. Meares' forfeited PastoralLease No. 3264/96.C. G. MORRIS,Under Secretary for Lauds.LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION.IT is hereby noCfied, for general information, that theareas scheduled hereunder will be available for selectionunder " The Land Act, 1898," and its amendments, onand after the dates set out in the schedules.The areas marked "A" shall be open for selectionby the special classes of selectors hereinafter named inthe following order of preference:-(1) Under "The Discharged Soldiers' SettlementAct, 1918," by "Discharged Soldiers" withinthe meaning of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c)of the interpretation of the term in Section 3of that Act, and "Dependants" within themeaning of that term in the said section.(2) Under " The Land Act, 1898," by ex-BritishSoldiers who were on active service in the late(3)war.Under The Land Act, 1898," by MunitionWorkers in the late war.(4) Under " The Land Act, 1898," by ordinaryselectors.(In the event of an applicant other than a DischargedSoldier under subparagraph (1) obtaining a block withina Repurchased Estate, the term of the lease and conditionsof payment will be subject to re-adjustment inaccordance with the provisions of " The AgriculturalLands Purchase Act, 1909.")The areas marked "B" are not subject to such orderof preference.The areas marked thus are open under Part VI.Applications must be lodged at the Local Land Officefor the district in which the land is situated, and shouldbe lodged on or before the date specified.

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