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SEPTEMBER 23. 1927.1 7PTTE, W A 2209Governor, by and with the advice of the ExecutiveCouncil, hereby gists in Claude Lyle Henderson andCyril Phil ips 3 'or;fan, and any person or personspointed to Ic,pornrily act in their ;dace, the appointmentof foreni n and all persons employed on suchworks at a daily rate of it ages.L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.Land Drainage Act, 1925.Arfookentw000 Drainage District.ORDER IN COUNCIL.P.W.W.S. 1516/18.WHEREAS under the provisions of "The Land DrainageAct, 1925," the Njookentooroo Drainage Districthas been extended; and whereas it is provided underSeetiun 14, Suhse,1:::n (2), of the "The Land DrainageAct, 1925," that the Governor may by Order in Councildeclare and direct whether the Board of the Districtso affected shall be reconstituted; and whereas it isdesirable to reconstitute the Board of the NjookenboorooDrainage District: Now, therefore, His Excellencythe Governor, by and with the consent of theExecutive Council, (loth by this Order reconstitute theBoard of the Njookenbooroo Drainage District, anddoth declare that such Board shall consist of six (6)members.L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.The Land Act, 1898.ORDER IN COUNCIL.Corn No. 1233/91.WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898,''it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that anyReserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality,Road Board, or other person or persons to be namedin the order. in trust for any of the purposes set forthin Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or otherpublic purposes to be specified in such order: Andwhereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve No. 1698MI-nom-hill Lots 365 and :166) should vest in and beheld by the Bronmehill Road Board in trust for thepornose of Recreation: Now, therefore, His Excellencythe Governor. by and with the advice and consent ofthe Execotive Council, (loth hereby direct that thebefor'-mentirmed Reserve shall vest in and he held bythe B,00mehill Road Board in trust for the purposeaforesaid, subject nevertheless to the powers reservedto him by Section 41 of the said Act.(Sgd.)L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.The Land Act, 1898.ORDER IN COUNCIL.Corr. No. 2536/27.WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898,"it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that anyReserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality,Road Board, or other person or persons to be namedin the order, in trust for any of the pm-poses set forthin Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or otherpublic purposes to be specified in such order: Andwhereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve No. 19572(Dumbleyung Lot 250) should vest in and be held bythe Dumbleyung Road Board in trust for the purposeof a Horse Paddock: Now, therefore, His Excellencythe Governor, by and with the advice and consent of theExecutive Council, loth hereby direct that the beforementionedReserve shall vest in and be held by theDumbleyung Road Board in trust for the purpose aforesaid.subject nevertheless to the powers reserved to himby Section 41 of the said Act.(Sgd.)L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.The Traffic Act, 1919-26.Bridgetown Road Board.ORDER IN COUNCIL.P.W. 1196/23.WHEREAS under the provisions of "The Traffic Act,1919-26," the Governor may by Order in Council empowera local authority to exercise within its districtany power of making regulations which the Governorcan exercise under Division 4 of Part IV. of the saidAct: Aid whereas it is desirable to empower the BridgetownRoad Board to prohibit the passage of heavytraffic over specified roads within its district and todefine what shall be deemed heavy traffic for such purpose:Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, byand with the advice and consent of the Executive Council,under the provisions of the said Act and all otherpowers enabling lrim in this behalf, cloth hereby empowerthe Bridgetown Road Board, by the By-law in theschedule hereto, to prohibit the passage of heavy trafficover suecbfied roads within its district and to definewhat shall he deemed heavy traffic for such purpose;also to impose a penalty not exceeding £20 for thebreach thereof.(Sgd.) L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.Schedule.THE TRAFFIC ACT, 1919-26.Bridgetown Road Board.The Bridgetown Road Board., pursuant to an Orderin Council under Section 43 of "Ths Traffic Act, 1919-26,'' and in exercise of the power thereby conferred,cloth hereby make the following By-law, to have effectwithin the Bridgetown Road District:The passage of any vehicle engaged in heavy trafficover those portions of the Mokerdillup Road, WheatleyRiver Road. Grange Road, Yornup Road. Yornlip-GlentullochRoad, Jayes Road to Hester Siding turn-off,Winnigun Road turn-off to Bridgetown, Hester SidingRoad, Johnson-Gunn Road, Peninsular Road, GlentullochRoad, Wheatley-Crowd Pond. Seaton Ross Road, withinthe Bridgetown Road District. during the months ofMay, June. July, August, and September in every yearis prohibited.For the purnoses of this By-law "Heavy traffic"shall he as defined by Regulation ]49, published in theGovernment Gazette on the 5th day of September, 1924.Any person who commits a breach of this By-lawshall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding £20.Made and passed at a meeting of the Bridgetown.Road Board held on the 26th day of August, 1927.W. A. HUGGETT,Acting Chairman.C. V. DRAPER,Secretary.Recommended (Sgd.) ALEX. McCALLUM,Minister for Works and Labour.Approved by His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil this 14th day of September, 1927.(Sgd.)L. E. SHAPCOTT,Cleric of the Council.AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in theExecutive Council Chambers, at Perth, this 21st dayof September, 1927, the following Order in Domicilwas authorised. to be issued:The Road Districts Act, 1919.'Kondiain Road Board.ORDER IN COUNCIL.P.W. 1044/27.WHEREAS by Section 202 of "The Road DistrictsAct; 1919," it ip enacted that the Governor may in hisdiscretion extend the provisions set out in the SecondSchedule of the said Act to any District or portionthereof ; and whereas it is desirable to extend suchprovisions to the Townsite of Kondiniu, within the

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