The Paris Review - Fall 2016

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attic of our house in Buffalo and play a recording of John Ciardi’s Inferno<br />

while I followed along with the book. I read Dante and realized how much<br />

power a writer could have. A writer could put people in hell who weren’t<br />

even dead yet. I loved James Joyce, too, and really studied his work—at the<br />

library I would listen to proceedings of the James Joyce Society. I especially<br />

loved Dubliners. Nathanael West was another favorite, A Cool Million. I<br />

had never seen satire and nonlinear writing like West did—he was creating<br />

Age two.<br />

collages—and that influenced me. I still write that way. I wrote a short story<br />

in night school that was a mix of Joyce and Nathanael West. My teacher<br />

responded very strongly to the story, and they offered me a full scholarship<br />

to day school at the University of Buffalo. I didn’t receive the full scholarship<br />

because my stepfather wouldn’t sign a statement of his assets.<br />

Why not?<br />



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