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Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n° 3-<strong>2016</strong><br />
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br /><br />
OF URBAN<br />
22<br />
TO THE ZEB<br />
36<br />
SMART<br />
CITY<br />
NEWS<br />
16<br />
28<br />
AREAS: THE<br />
32<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 15
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
by Luigi Colombo and Barbara Marana<br />
The paper deals some experimental<br />
benchmarks regarding urban environment<br />
modelling. The employed techniques,<br />
which automatically collected point clouds<br />
and created the DSM, are terrestrial laser<br />
scanning, with a direct GNSSRTK<br />
geo-referencing, and UAS imagery.<br />
Fig. 3 - A perspective view of S. Pellegrino Terme inside the point model.<br />
The technological innovation<br />
in survey<br />
techniques has nowadays<br />
led to the development of<br />
automated systems, with combined<br />
multi-functional sensors<br />
including laser scanning, GNSS<br />
receivers and imaging. These<br />
devices can per<strong>for</strong>m on field<br />
metric operations, ranging from<br />
spatial modelling, geo-referencing<br />
of objects in an assigned<br />
coordinate system, fast spatial<br />
reconstructions of interiors or<br />
exteriors and roofs, with the<br />
Fig. 1 - Nadir and oblique images.<br />
related thematic in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
(colour, materials, decay).<br />
The automatic sensors allow<br />
to mainly collect point clouds,<br />
from the ground, from road<br />
vehicles or small remotely piloted<br />
aircraft (Unmanned Arial<br />
Systems). This redundant mass<br />
of data simplifies the survey<br />
process, increasing productivity<br />
<strong>for</strong> 3D modelling and derived<br />
sub-products (vector-raster),<br />
such as perspective views, elevations,<br />
orthophotos, horizontal<br />
and vertical sections, thematic<br />
maps, etc.<br />
Present technologies and<br />
techniques<br />
Point clouds are today the first<br />
source of spatial in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
(also texturized with colours or<br />
reflected energy). The clouds<br />
are generated by automated<br />
survey techniques, without<br />
contact, and represent the basis<br />
<strong>for</strong> creating the so-called Digital<br />
Surface Models.<br />
Terrestrial and air-transported<br />
laser scanning has been till now<br />
the main way to generate online<br />
point clouds; more recently,<br />
the research in Computer<br />
Vision has deeply trans<strong>for</strong>med<br />
imaging survey, allowing the<br />
off-line extraction of point<br />
clouds from image blocks. One<br />
speaks in this case of Dense<br />
Image Matching, referring to<br />
the software procedures which<br />
guarantee this technologic enhancement.<br />
It is known that the point cloud<br />
collection does not occur in a<br />
deterministic <strong>for</strong>m, as manual<br />
surveys (the meaningful points,<br />
only), but in a stochastic way,<br />
with the surveyed points which<br />
become the nodes of a sampling<br />
grid superimposed over the objects.<br />
The grid step depends on selected<br />
spatial resolution, measurement<br />
distance, laser beam<br />
impact (normality, obliquity)<br />
and morphologic surface irregularities.<br />
The transition from the grid<br />
nodes to the interest points is<br />
then per<strong>for</strong>med by applying local<br />
interpolation processes.<br />
Much is known and has been<br />
written these years about scanning<br />
systems and associated<br />
16 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
Fig. 2 - Direct geo-referencing <strong>for</strong> scanning survey.<br />
procedures, much less, perhaps,<br />
about the bi-centennial imaging<br />
survey. This technique was<br />
indeed overcome at the end<br />
of the previous century by the<br />
advent and fast development of<br />
laser scanning and only recently<br />
it is coming back thanks to<br />
Computer Vision support and<br />
to remotely piloted aircrafts.<br />
However, this cannot be considered<br />
a return to the past but<br />
rather a “back to the future” (as<br />
written by someone), because<br />
the technological scenario has<br />
now significantly changed (processing<br />
algorithms and so on).<br />
Laser technology nevertheless<br />
provides the relevant advantage<br />
(thanks to the measured stationpoint<br />
distance) that just one<br />
single ray has to be reflected<br />
from an object point <strong>for</strong> its 3D<br />
determination; on the contrary,<br />
imagery survey needs at least<br />
two homologous reflected rays<br />
(from different sensor locations)<br />
<strong>for</strong> each object point and some<br />
measured in<strong>for</strong>mation on the<br />
point model, as well.<br />
Additionally, if problems arise<br />
in laser scanning applications,<br />
regarding reflective, transparent<br />
and translucent surfaces (metals,<br />
marble, paints, glass, etc.),<br />
also <strong>for</strong> imagery approach the<br />
surveyed objects must present a<br />
meaningful geometry and thematic<br />
characters, such as nonuni<strong>for</strong>m<br />
or not smooth and<br />
monochrome surfaces and few<br />
shadows.<br />
These conditions are necessary<br />
to allow automatic recognition<br />
of homologous points among<br />
corresponding frames: the<br />
process is per<strong>for</strong>med by means<br />
of digital image correlation algorithms,<br />
with the support of<br />
epipolar geometry to speed up<br />
the search.<br />
The acquisition phase registers a<br />
block of photos, longitudinally<br />
and transversally overlapped according<br />
to the type of selected<br />
survey (2D or 3D) (fig. 1):<br />
aerial nadir or oblique images<br />
are collected through horizontal<br />
strips (ground survey) together<br />
with normal or oblique shootings<br />
belonging to vertical strips<br />
(façade survey).<br />
The aerial carrier brings survey<br />
sensors and navigational devices<br />
(GNSS+INS) <strong>for</strong> recording realtime<br />
position and attitude of<br />
the photo-camera: this enables<br />
both autonomous flights, via<br />
pre-defined way-points, and a<br />
geo-referencing process based on<br />
GNSS-RTK or PPK techniques<br />
(the so-called Direct<br />
Photogrammetry).<br />
Remotely piloted small<br />
aircrafts (UAS) are vertical<br />
take-off and landing carriers,<br />
with hovering functions (the<br />
so-called multi-rotorcrafts), or<br />
fixed-wing aircrafts. All systems<br />
are equipped with a stabilized<br />
plat<strong>for</strong>m to overcome spatial<br />
rotations produced by flight,<br />
air turbulence or wind, and can<br />
carry a payload, that is the sensors<br />
<strong>for</strong> survey.<br />
The UASs allow lower flightheights,<br />
compared with<br />
manned aircrafts; so, a larger<br />
image scale is collected, with<br />
the same value of camera focal<br />
length, and higher levels of detail<br />
and height accuracy.<br />
Certainly, the lower flight<br />
height increases the <strong>for</strong>ward<br />
motion effects on the image, resulting<br />
in blurring phenomena;<br />
it is possible to limit this problem<br />
both by reducing the cruise<br />
speed and well combining<br />
stops, shutter time and sensitivity<br />
(ISO) of the digital sensor.<br />
So, the motion blur can be kept<br />
within the pixel size of the photo<br />
and the relative object settlement<br />
inside the GSD parameter<br />
(Ground Sampling Distance).<br />
Some experiences regarding<br />
multi-sensor survey <strong>for</strong> territory<br />
documentation were recently<br />
per<strong>for</strong>med at the University<br />
of Bergamo by the Geomatics<br />
group: two applications of them<br />
are described below.<br />
Fig. 4 - A 3D view of the point model <strong>for</strong> the ancient bridge.<br />
Fig. 5 - 3D model: a bank of the Brembo river with hotels and restaurants.<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 17
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
The first experience:<br />
the multi-scale survey<br />
of S. Pellegrino Terme<br />
This application regards the<br />
multi-scale survey with terrestrial<br />
laser scanning realized over<br />
the urban land of S. Pellegrino<br />
Terme, a small ancient town<br />
close to Bergamo (northern<br />
Italy).<br />
Advanced laser-scanning technologies<br />
were used, with a<br />
remarkable attention to the<br />
needed level of detail and with<br />
a careful look at buildings, their<br />
decorations and history. The<br />
reconstructed model was also<br />
utilized to create a virtual walkthrough<br />
<strong>for</strong> land investigation.<br />
The per<strong>for</strong>med survey has<br />
pointed out the original development<br />
of this settlement, designed<br />
<strong>for</strong> leisure and wellness,<br />
which was followed early by<br />
a gradual decadence that only<br />
new ideas and a renewed love<br />
<strong>for</strong> the site could overcome.<br />
The standards <strong>for</strong> urban model<br />
construction and management<br />
(city modelling) were proposed<br />
by the Open Geospatial<br />
Consortium (OGC) with the<br />
CityGML: these models are<br />
typically multi-scale 3D applications,<br />
ranging from landscape<br />
simulation to urban planning,<br />
from managing calamities to<br />
safety monitoring, etc.<br />
A modelling process requires<br />
the selection of geometric entities<br />
according to the chosen<br />
level of detail (LoD) and the<br />
attribution of textures <strong>for</strong> augmenting<br />
realism. This way,<br />
the survey approach <strong>for</strong> S.<br />
Pellegrino Terme documentation<br />
was established, together<br />
with the set of data to collect.<br />
It is known that laser scanning<br />
and imaging provide a dense<br />
object-point cloud, which can<br />
be geo-referenced in an assigned<br />
coordinate system. The geo-referencing<br />
is per<strong>for</strong>med either indirectly,<br />
through control points<br />
Fig. 6 - Orthographic elevations of the Spa-buildings, extracted from the point model.<br />
(pre-marked and measured on<br />
the object) and matching procedures<br />
based on natural features,<br />
or directly using satellite positioning<br />
and orientation devices.<br />
The localization quality is enhanced<br />
through differential<br />
positioning techniques via<br />
Internet corrections (code or<br />
phase), transmitted from a<br />
GNSS reference networks: a<br />
few centimetre accuracy (at<br />
95% likelihood) is guaranteed,<br />
either interactively via a RTK<br />
approach or in Post-Processing<br />
(PPK). In the described application,<br />
the GNSS reference<br />
network (NetGeo), by Topcon<br />
Positioning, was used.<br />
The direct geo-referencing,<br />
without control points and an<br />
alignment phase, is particularly<br />
convenient in applications<br />
regarding large areas (requiring<br />
several scans) when a level<br />
of detail equal or lower than<br />
LoD2-3 (likewise the scale<br />
1:200 or smaller) is required.<br />
Obviously, where the satellite<br />
signal is not guaranteed, due to<br />
urban obstructions, indirect or<br />
mixed geo-referencing have to<br />
be applied.<br />
Anyway, it is useful to select<br />
some check points (CP), among<br />
the control points (GCP), to<br />
assess the final accuracy of the<br />
process.<br />
Figure 2 shows the adopted<br />
scheme <strong>for</strong> capturing direct georeferenced<br />
object points: a laser<br />
scanner was used (Faro) and<br />
two satellite receivers (Topcon),<br />
fitted with a bracket respectively<br />
over the scanner and on an orientation<br />
point; both the receiv-<br />
18 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong><br />
Fig. 7 - A view of the monastic complex in Albino
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
ers, which operated in staticrapid<br />
mode, were connected via<br />
Internet to NetGeo <strong>for</strong> a fine<br />
RTK positioning in the Italian<br />
reference system (ETRF 2000).<br />
The set of direct geo-referenced<br />
scanning stations also provided<br />
a pseudo GNSS network, able<br />
to act as a geodetic support.<br />
The collected point clouds were<br />
altogether 200, with an average<br />
spatial resolution of 100 mm in<br />
the useful range (10÷350) m;<br />
the computer storage has been<br />
globally around 26 GB.<br />
S. Pellegrino Terme, a small<br />
tourist settlement today, was<br />
very fashionable last century<br />
in the world of entrepreneurial<br />
bourgeoisie. The town is located<br />
along the narrow Brembo<br />
valley (north of the city of<br />
Bergamo): famous <strong>for</strong> the healing<br />
waters, it stands out in the<br />
local landscape with the undisputed<br />
charm of its architectures<br />
and the elegance of the urban<br />
environment.<br />
Among the artistic treasures,<br />
it must be remembered the<br />
municipal Club-House (1904-<br />
1906), with two towers reminiscent<br />
of the famous one in<br />
Monte Carlo (Principality of<br />
Monaco), and the impressive<br />
Grand Hotel (1904), along the<br />
Brembo river, with the large<br />
front full of decorations.<br />
The Grand Hotel is connected<br />
to the Club-House and the Spa<br />
buildings, located on the right<br />
bank of the river, through the<br />
bridge “Principe Umberto I”.<br />
All these structures were realized<br />
at the beginning of the<br />
nineteenth century in the<br />
years of Belle Époque and Art<br />
Nouveau.<br />
The terrestrial scanning survey<br />
was per<strong>for</strong>med in a multi-level<br />
detail, ranging from OGC-<br />
LoD2 and OGC-LoD4, and<br />
corresponding to the scales<br />
from 1:500 to 1:100.<br />
A Faro laser scanner (Focus<br />
X330) was utilized, with a builtin<br />
photo-camera; this scanner,<br />
characterized by a long range<br />
(around 350 m), is particularly<br />
effective <strong>for</strong> 3D survey of large<br />
territorial spaces because it allows<br />
a meaningful reduction<br />
of the instrumental stations<br />
needed to capture in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
(see figures 3, 4, 5, 6).<br />
Good results were generally<br />
obtained, despite some deficiencies<br />
in the building-roof<br />
documentation, thanks to the<br />
favorable hilly morphology and<br />
the large range provided by the<br />
scanning device.<br />
The roof knowledge could be<br />
better realized through an additional<br />
survey from above, using<br />
UAS techniques.<br />
The other experience:<br />
the UAS survey of the<br />
Dehonian complex<br />
The religious complex of<br />
Dehonian fathers, is located in<br />
Albino, a small town in the valley<br />
of Serio, the river flowing<br />
down from the mountains surrounding<br />
Bergamo.<br />
This Apostolic school was<br />
built in 1910; during the years<br />
of World War II it became a<br />
kind of big ark hosting people<br />
evacuated from their homes<br />
and moved to Albino, which<br />
was considered safer from the<br />
bombing risk.<br />
In 1944 a part of the complex<br />
was occupied by the Italian military,<br />
who remained there until<br />
early 1945; during the war, the<br />
little town was bombed but the<br />
Apostolic school was luckily<br />
spared.<br />
In the following years, until<br />
1991, the structure served as<br />
Diocesan Seminary; when this<br />
activity ceased, the complex of<br />
buildings was renovated to create<br />
a meeting point <strong>for</strong> spirituality<br />
(fig. 7), still active.<br />
The imaging survey (using a<br />
hexa-copter) aimed to provide a<br />
Fig. 8a – The flight planning <strong>for</strong> the nadir image coverage.<br />
Fig. 8b – Vertical strips with oblique images.<br />
spatial model of the built area,<br />
including roofs, <strong>for</strong> documentation<br />
and maintenance purposes.<br />
The model, with a level of<br />
detail equal to 1:200 scale, was<br />
per<strong>for</strong>med by:<br />
- a nadir image coverage with<br />
horizontal (parallel) strips (fig.<br />
8a) from heights less than 50<br />
m, taken by a Sony photocamera<br />
with a 14.2 MP CMOS<br />
sensor (fixed focal length of 16<br />
mm); the image overlaps were<br />
between 80% and 60% and the<br />
carrier speed around 5 m/s.<br />
- some up and down vertical<br />
strips over the façades, with<br />
oblique images taken at a surface<br />
distance around 10 m (fig.<br />
8b).<br />
It is known that an image-based<br />
survey can be per<strong>for</strong>med using<br />
algorithms, techniques and<br />
software ranging from those of<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 19
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
Fig. 9 - Software <strong>for</strong> imaging.<br />
classical Photogrammetry to<br />
the modern ones of Computer<br />
Vision; some well-known packages<br />
<strong>for</strong> imaging are shown in<br />
figure 9.<br />
The collected nadir and oblique<br />
images <strong>for</strong> the religious complex<br />
(fig. 10), around 400 photos,<br />
were used to generate a 3D<br />
model through a dense image<br />
matching, per<strong>for</strong>med inside the<br />
Swiss-made Pix4D Mapper, a<br />
software of Computer Vision.<br />
About thirty Ground Control<br />
Points, <strong>for</strong> block adjustment<br />
and geo-referencing (Italian<br />
Reference System - ETRF 2000),<br />
Fig. 10 - The set of collected nadir and horizontal images.<br />
were targeted over some selected<br />
details (on ground and<br />
roofs), measured by direct<br />
topographic methods (accuracy<br />
equal to a few centimetres) and<br />
then observed over the images.<br />
Figure 11 points out the georeferenced<br />
orthomosaic per<strong>for</strong>med<br />
from the set of photos<br />
and regarding the main cloister;<br />
figure 12 shows the correspondent<br />
3D reconstruction through<br />
a perspective view with phototextures.<br />
It is interesting to observe that<br />
the imaging model has resulted<br />
a bit more smoothed in comparison<br />
with those per<strong>for</strong>med<br />
through a laser scanning approach.<br />
Final remarks<br />
The described experiences have<br />
highlighted the great potentiality<br />
that laser scanning and<br />
UAS imagery can offer <strong>for</strong> a<br />
Fig. 11 - A geo-referenced orthomosaic <strong>for</strong> the main cloister.<br />
multi-scale analysis of urban<br />
land. This is the result of the<br />
meaningful development now<br />
achieved in the acquisition<br />
phase, the deep ease allowed by<br />
automation and the increased<br />
reliability. The software has<br />
once more had a central role <strong>for</strong><br />
an effective point cloud management<br />
and raster-vector production.<br />
The support of GNSS-<br />
RTK technology has been<br />
useful <strong>for</strong> cloud connection<br />
(direct and automatic); besides,<br />
GNSS and INS units represents<br />
a fundamental basis <strong>for</strong> autonomous<br />
aerial navigation and<br />
positioning. Surely, the integration<br />
between laser scanning and<br />
UAS imagery will become more<br />
and more interesting, to allow a<br />
complete photo-realistic model<br />
of urban environments; anyway,<br />
some security aspects have to be<br />
still improved in relation to aircraft<br />
standards and flights.<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
The authors wish to thank the<br />
students Lorenzo Filippini,<br />
Riccardo Begnis and Daniela<br />
Piantoni, who developed their<br />
master theses in Building<br />
Engineering, and Eng. Giorgio<br />
Ubbiali of DMStrumenti <strong>for</strong><br />
the technological support in the<br />
measurement campaign.<br />
Fig. 12 - A 3D view regarding the reconstructed photorealistic model of the complex.<br />
20 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
B. Bhandari, U. Oli, N. Panta, U. Pudasaini (2015) -<br />
Generation of high resolution DSM using UAV images - FIG<br />
Working Week 2015 - Sofia - May 2015<br />
L. Colombo, B. Marana (2015) - Terrestrial multi-sensor survey<br />
<strong>for</strong> urban modelling - Geoin<strong>for</strong>matics, 3-2015<br />
H. Hirschmueller (2011) - Semi-Global Matching -<br />
Motivation, developments and applications - Proceedings of<br />
Photogrammetric Week 2011, Stuttgart - Wichmann<br />
J.N. Lee, K.C. Kwak (2014) - A trends analysis of image processing<br />
in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle International Journal of<br />
Computer, In<strong>for</strong>mation Science and Engineering, 8(2)<br />
M. Naumann, G. Grenzdoerffer (<strong>2016</strong>) - Reconstructing a<br />
church in 3D - GIM International, 2-<strong>2016</strong><br />
R. Pacey, P. Fricker (2005) - Forward Motion Compensation<br />
(FMC) - Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing,<br />
November 2005<br />
R. Szeliski (2011) - Computer Vision: Algorithms and applications<br />
- Springer - New York<br />
The paper deals some experimental benchmarks regarding urban environment<br />
modelling. The first application has been per<strong>for</strong>med over the small<br />
thermal settlement of S. Pellegrino Terme, famous in northern Italy both<br />
<strong>for</strong> the healing waters and <strong>for</strong> its rich Art Noveau architectural decorations;<br />
the second test is the documentation of the religious complex of<br />
Dehonians in Albino, a little town close to Bergamo (Italy).<br />
The employed techniques, which automatically collected point clouds<br />
and created the DSM, are terrestrial laser scanning, with a direct GNSS-<br />
RTK geo-referencing, and UAS imagery.<br />
AUTHOR<br />
Luigi Colombo<br /><br />
Barbara Marana<br /><br />
University of Bergamo<br />
DISA - Geomatics Group<br />
Dalmine (Italy)<br />
Land documentation; point-cloud analysis; laser scanning;<br />
UAS imagery<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 21
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
Welcome to the ZEB REVOlution<br />
by Stuart Cadge<br />
In this article we will introduce<br />
the ZEB-REVO, and the attributes<br />
that make this a unique piece<br />
of surveying hardware. We will<br />
discuss how the ZEB-REVO is<br />
shaking up the surveying market,<br />
Fig. 1 - The ZEB-REVO in action – handheld, pole-mounted, backpack-mounted – a<br />
truly versatile tool.<br />
and will look at a number of<br />
industry applications in which the<br />
ZEB-REVO is making a difference.<br />
The surveying industry<br />
has witnessed rapid<br />
changes in the last<br />
few years - the increased use<br />
of mobile surveying devices<br />
and the utilisation of LiDAR<br />
technology (Light Detection<br />
And Ranging) to produce 3-dimensional<br />
point clouds of the<br />
survey subject are two such examples.<br />
Another major shift is<br />
the mapping of indoor spaces,<br />
utilising technology that does<br />
not rely on GPS.<br />
Leading the <strong>for</strong>e in all of these<br />
technologies is GeoSLAM,<br />
a young, vibrant technology<br />
company based in the UK.<br />
GeoSLAM <strong>special</strong>ises in the<br />
manufacture and supply of<br />
indoor, handheld mobile surveying<br />
units; the ZEB1 and the<br />
new ZEB-REVO, launched in<br />
March <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
Strong Beginnings<br />
GeoSLAM was founded in<br />
2012 as a joint venture between<br />
CSIRO (Australia’s National<br />
Science Agency and the inventors<br />
of WiFi) and 3D Laser<br />
Mapping (a leading global provider<br />
of 3D LIDAR solutions).<br />
Coming from such strong pedigree<br />
has allowed GeoSLAM to<br />
grow rapidly in both range and<br />
scope, currently incorporating a<br />
global distribution network of<br />
35 agents across 6 continents.<br />
GeoSLAM launched their first<br />
mobile scanner, the ZEB1, in<br />
Q4 of 2013. With its springmounted<br />
head and nodding<br />
movement, the ZEB1 quickly<br />
Fig. 2 - Comparison of ZEB1 data (left) and ZEB-REVO data (right) Image courtesy of Opti-cal<br />
Survey Equipment.<br />
gained notoriety and popularity.<br />
Early adopters were amazed<br />
by the speed of scanning, the<br />
ease of use and the quality<br />
of the results. Data processing<br />
was also a simple process<br />
– customers simply ‘drag and<br />
drop’ their raw datasets onto<br />
an online Uploader, in order to<br />
register and process their scan.<br />
In a matter of minutes, fullyregistered<br />
3D point clouds were<br />
obtained.<br />
However, GeoSLAM did not<br />
rest on their laurels. The technology<br />
industry moves quickly,<br />
and GeoSLAM knew that a<br />
second, more sophisticated<br />
solution was required. ZEB1<br />
customers spoke of their desire<br />
<strong>for</strong> a truly-mobile scanner –<br />
one that wasn’t just handheld.<br />
They also wanted a fuller,<br />
more even point cloud that the<br />
40Hz ZEB1 could produce.<br />
When the customers spoke,<br />
GeoSLAM listened.<br />
The REVOlution Begins<br />
In March <strong>2016</strong>, the ZEB-<br />
REVO was launched. Featuring<br />
an in-built motor to create<br />
360 o rotation, the REVO can,<br />
like the ZEB1, be handheld.<br />
However, it can also be mounted<br />
onto an extending pole,<br />
fastened to a backpack, secured<br />
to a trolley or vehicle, even<br />
strapped to a UAV <strong>for</strong> aerial<br />
surveys.<br />
22 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
Fig. 3 - Building surveys (such as this family-sized home) are completed in minutes, not hours, with the ZEB-REVO.<br />
The autonomous motion of<br />
the motorised scan head opens<br />
up a world of new applications<br />
<strong>for</strong> this clever little scanner.<br />
Little being the operative word;<br />
weighing just over 4kg (including<br />
the backpack) and with the<br />
scanner head measuring 9 x 11<br />
x 29cm, this is a surveying tool<br />
that is truly mobile.<br />
It’s not just the outside that<br />
has evolved – inside the scanner<br />
head is a powerful yet safe<br />
(Class 1 Eye safe) 100Hz laser –<br />
making an impressive 100 rotations/second.<br />
The unit collects<br />
the same number of points per<br />
second as the ZEB1 – 43,200.<br />
So what’s the advantage of this<br />
faster speed?<br />
The increased scan speed (over<br />
2.5 times faster than the ZEB1)<br />
means that the collected data<br />
points are spread out more<br />
evenly over a greater number of<br />
scan lines - giving the appearance<br />
of smoother, cleaner and<br />
less noisy datasets. More importantly,<br />
this even distribution of<br />
points allows the world-beating<br />
SLAM algorithm to work better.<br />
The SLAM algorithm works<br />
by dividing the scanned surface<br />
into sectors, and identifying<br />
points within each sector. If a<br />
sector is devoid of points, then<br />
it cannot be included in the<br />
algorithm. So, by having a more<br />
even distribution of points, the<br />
SLAM algorithm can build a<br />
fuller, more complete point<br />
cloud.<br />
The difference is clear to see.<br />
Compare the two images below<br />
of the same elevation. The view<br />
on the left is ZEB1 data, which<br />
is characterised by a striated,<br />
lined appearance. There are a<br />
few gaps, e<strong>special</strong>ly higher up<br />
the elevation where the scan<br />
lines have hit the elevation at a<br />
more acute angle.<br />
The right hand view is the<br />
same elevation captured with a<br />
ZEB-REVO. The point cloud<br />
is cleaner and the points are<br />
more evenly distributed – creating<br />
a much more ‘complete’<br />
looking point cloud. Not only<br />
does this provide better results,<br />
it also supplies the user with<br />
vitally important confidence in<br />
the kit.<br />
Versatility in Action<br />
The upshot of these technological<br />
advances is the sheer number<br />
of new applications and<br />
industries that are now open to<br />
scanning with the ZEB-REVO.<br />
Whether it is simply improving<br />
an existing workflow of the<br />
ZEB1 (i.e. stockpile surveys<br />
and building scans) or opening<br />
up brand new uses (i.e. manhole<br />
and suspended ceilings,<br />
utility trenches) versatility is the<br />
word <strong>for</strong> the ZEB-REVO. A<br />
number of these new and improved<br />
applications are featured<br />
below.<br />
Building Surveys<br />
Building surveys have long been<br />
the ‘bread and butter’ work of<br />
the ZEB1 – the simplicity, ease<br />
of use, highly mobile nature<br />
of the unit lends it perfectly to<br />
multi-level, indoor structures.<br />
The ZEB-REVO has simply<br />
improved and built upon this<br />
success.<br />
The increased scan speed creates<br />
a fuller, more complete point<br />
cloud, reducing the number of<br />
areas with low coverage. The<br />
ability to rapidly unscrew the<br />
handle and attach an extending<br />
pole allows the user to reach<br />
into spaces that may not otherwise<br />
have been available – into<br />
loft spaces, suspended ceilings,<br />
even to ‘poke’ the unit out of<br />
windows in order to obtain<br />
overlaps with the building exterior.<br />
Underground Mapping<br />
Another staple of the ZEB1,<br />
underground mapping includes<br />
both mine and cave surveys.<br />
Similarly to buildings, under-<br />
Fig. 4 - The ZEB-RE-<br />
VO in action – handheld,<br />
pole-mounted,<br />
backpack-mounted –<br />
a truly versatile tool.<br />
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ground is the perfect<br />
environment <strong>for</strong> ZEB<br />
systems, being devoid of<br />
GPS, totally enclosed, and<br />
often with many unique features<br />
<strong>for</strong> the SLAM algorithm<br />
to work with. Not only have<br />
ZEB systems been proven to increase<br />
survey quality and detail<br />
(over traditional survey methods),<br />
they have also slashed survey<br />
times by a factor of 3.<br />
A major advantage of the ZEB-<br />
REVO in these environments is<br />
safety – and the ability <strong>for</strong> the<br />
REVO to access areas that human<br />
users cannot. The autonomous<br />
nature of the ZEB-REVO<br />
allows the unit to be attached<br />
to a remote-controlled trolley<br />
system and sent into areas that<br />
are either too small to access,<br />
or that are hazardous to health.<br />
The image shows the ZEB-<br />
REVO head mounted onto the<br />
front of a remote-controlled<br />
trolley in a mine. The datalogger<br />
sits just behind the head<br />
in the body of the trolley. The<br />
trolley was sent into a restricted<br />
area of the mine that was inaccessible<br />
to people, allowed to<br />
scan, and returned to its starting<br />
position.<br />
Stockpiles<br />
Another area of application<br />
where both the ZEB1 and<br />
ZEB-REVO excel. With these<br />
mobile scanning units, stockpiles<br />
of all varieties can be surveyed<br />
in a matter of minutes.<br />
The survey data can then be<br />
easily imported into a variety of<br />
third party software packages,<br />
where volumetric calculations<br />
can be carried out in minutes.<br />
The advantages of the REVO<br />
in this application are complete<br />
coverage and continuous scanning.<br />
A potential pitfall of using<br />
the ZEB1 <strong>for</strong> stockpile scanning<br />
was the chance that areas<br />
would be missed, e<strong>special</strong>ly the<br />
very top of the pile. It is not<br />
advisable to walk on the stockpile<br />
<strong>for</strong> obvious safety reasons.<br />
There<strong>for</strong>e, a pole-mounted<br />
ZEB-REVO can be utilised to<br />
ensure that complete coverage<br />
of the stockpile is obtained,<br />
allowing <strong>for</strong> a complete point<br />
cloud model, and there<strong>for</strong>e, a<br />
more accurate volume calculation.<br />
The second major advantage<br />
is the ability to simply<br />
wall-mount the unit. For many<br />
stockpile applications (and particularly<br />
<strong>for</strong> indoor stockpiles),<br />
continuous analysis of the<br />
stockpile is required. With a remotely<br />
operated, wall-mounted<br />
unit, this is now a reality. It is<br />
simply a case <strong>for</strong> the unit to be<br />
switched on when a survey is<br />
required, and the autonomous<br />
motion will carry out the scan.<br />
The 360 o vertical by 270o horizontal<br />
field of view (i.e. just a<br />
90o blind spot to the rear) ensures<br />
that no parts of the pile<br />
are missed..<br />
Marine<br />
A rather newer application <strong>for</strong><br />
the ZEB systems is in the world<br />
of marine surveying. Anybody<br />
who has been on a marine vessel<br />
will know that space is at a<br />
premium; this is even more so<br />
when it comes to submarine<br />
vessels.<br />
A number of marine authorities<br />
and businesses have a requirement<br />
to accurately but rapidly<br />
survey their stock, either <strong>for</strong><br />
the purposes of creating 2-dimensional<br />
blueprints, or <strong>for</strong> the<br />
creation of 3-dimensional, fully<br />
interactive models.<br />
Both the ZEB1 and the ZEB-<br />
REVO can be rapidly deployed<br />
in a marine environment, and<br />
used to create a 3-dimensional<br />
point cloud of these hugely<br />
complex environments.<br />
Forestry<br />
Thought that ZEB units were<br />
<strong>for</strong> indoor use only? Think<br />
again. The ZEB1 and ZEB-<br />
REVO work best in ‘enclosed’<br />
environments – not necessarily<br />
just indoor ones. A typical <strong>for</strong>est<br />
will naturally be considered<br />
to be an ‘enclosed’ environment<br />
by the unit, as the tree canopy<br />
creates a natural ‘ceiling’.<br />
Coupled with the proliferation<br />
of unique features that a <strong>for</strong>est<br />
holds, and it can be seen that<br />
<strong>for</strong>ests are the perfect environment<br />
<strong>for</strong> ZEB scanners.<br />
Over the summer of <strong>2016</strong>, a<br />
number of different <strong>for</strong>estry<br />
studies are being carried out<br />
using the ZEB-REVO scanner.<br />
The first of these studies, carried<br />
out by the Geography department<br />
of University College<br />
London (UCL), focussed on<br />
measuring small de<strong>for</strong>mations<br />
in the ground topography of a<br />
mechanically-harvested area of<br />
<strong>for</strong>estry.<br />
Fig. 5 - Stockpile scanning is made<br />
simple with the pole-mounted ZEB-REVO.<br />
Fig. 6 - Cross<br />
section through<br />
the engine room<br />
of a marine vessel<br />
captured with<br />
the ZEB-REVO.<br />
24 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
Fig. 7 - 3D data<br />
of a vehicle<br />
captured with<br />
the ZEB-REVO<br />
in minutes.<br />
The suspicious<br />
package is highlighted<br />
red.<br />
From the data collected, the<br />
team were able to create a cmaccurate<br />
digital elevation model<br />
(DEM) spanning 100s of square<br />
metres. This data is then being<br />
used to measure the outputs of<br />
methane (CH 4<br />
) from these areas<br />
of felled <strong>for</strong>estry.<br />
Another study, conducted in<br />
relation with the University of<br />
Leicester, involves the mapping<br />
of varying <strong>for</strong>estry habitats<br />
across the UK. The aim of this<br />
study is to make comparisons<br />
between different <strong>for</strong>estry habitats<br />
across the UK, and also to<br />
combine the data captured with<br />
the handheld ZEB-REVO with<br />
data captured from above, using<br />
spaceborne-rader and UAVbased<br />
imagery.<br />
On a simpler note, both ZEB<br />
units can be utilised to rapidly<br />
and accurately scan an area of<br />
<strong>for</strong>estry, to obtain the point<br />
cloud data, and to make cuts or<br />
sections in the data at certain<br />
heights. One such important<br />
height is the breast height diameter<br />
(BHD), which is a measurement<br />
taken at 4.5 foot from<br />
the ground. This measurement<br />
is then used to create an estimate<br />
<strong>for</strong> the biomass of the area<br />
of <strong>for</strong>estry in question.<br />
Security and Contingency<br />
Mapping<br />
A final and possibly unexpected<br />
use <strong>for</strong> both ZEB units<br />
is in the ever-growing realm<br />
of security. In an increasingly<br />
uncertain world, governments,<br />
police <strong>for</strong>ces, security agencies<br />
and indeed even companies are<br />
increasingly security-conscious<br />
and are turning to new technologies<br />
to increase their security.<br />
ZEB1 units have been in use by<br />
a number of police <strong>for</strong>ces since<br />
their launch in 2013. Their<br />
speed, ease of use and high<br />
mobility make them the perfect<br />
tool <strong>for</strong> capturing the details of<br />
a crime scene, accident scene, or<br />
<strong>for</strong> mapping a building or site<br />
of interest. In the case where<br />
speed is of the essence (<strong>for</strong> example,<br />
after a RTC on a major<br />
road) the ZEB unit can be deployed<br />
in seconds, with a scan<br />
complete in a few minutes. This<br />
allows <strong>for</strong> a fully 3 dimensional<br />
image, accurate to within a few<br />
centimetres, to be gained.<br />
The development of the autonomous<br />
ZEB-REVO<br />
has obvious benefits in<br />
these areas. In the case<br />
of a crime scene, the polemounted<br />
ZEB-REVO may be<br />
deployed, to ensure that areas<br />
of interest are not touched or<br />
disturbed.<br />
Where there is a risk to human<br />
health (<strong>for</strong> example, a bomb<br />
threat, or an unsecure building),<br />
the REVO can be trolley<br />
mounted (as in mining) and<br />
sent in alone to scan the area of<br />
interest.<br />
It is our prediction that the<br />
realms of security and reconnaissance,<br />
there will be increasing<br />
demand <strong>for</strong> this type of<br />
rapid, mobile, versatile surveying<br />
tools.<br />
The Future<br />
So what does the future hold<br />
<strong>for</strong> GeoSLAM? In a rapidly<br />
growing, rapidly changing<br />
industry, standing still is<br />
quite simply not an option.<br />
GeoSLAM will continue to<br />
respond to new challenges, new<br />
technological developments,<br />
and to identify new areas of application.<br />
Be sure to pay attention<br />
to <strong>for</strong>thcoming GeoSLAM<br />
announcements, to hear more<br />
about these highly exciting developments<br />
in the pipeline.<br />
GeoSLAM; ZEB-REVO; scan<br />
GeoSLAM is a manufacturer and supplier<br />
of handheld, 3D mobile mapping<br />
systems. Founded in 2012 and<br />
headquartered in the UK, GeoSLAM now<br />
has a global distribution network of 35<br />
distributors across six continents.<br />
AUTHOR<br />
Stuart Cadge,<br />
Pre Sales Engineer at GeoSLAM<br />
For more in<strong>for</strong>mation, please visit<br /><br /><br />
Fig. 8 - Point<br />
cloud data of an<br />
area of <strong>for</strong>estry<br />
with a section<br />
taken at BHD<br />
height <strong>for</strong> biomass<br />
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<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
Study and development of<br />
a GIS <strong>for</strong> fire-fighting activities<br />
based on INSPIRE directive<br />
by Andrea Maria Lingua, Marco Piras,<br />
Maria Angela Musci, Francesca<br />
Noardo, Nives Grasso, Vittorio Verda<br />
In the past years, the European Union has<br />
invested in the development of the INSPIRE<br />
Directive to support environmental policies<br />
and actually EU is currently working on<br />
developing "ad hoc" infrastructures <strong>for</strong> the<br />
safe management of <strong>for</strong>ests and fires.<br />
Fig. 1 – External model definition.<br />
The activities connected<br />
to the <strong>for</strong>est-fire fighting<br />
could be essentially<br />
divided in three parts: be<strong>for</strong>e,<br />
during and after the fire.<br />
In these activities, the most<br />
complex are the monitoring and<br />
management of at-risk fire zones<br />
and fire-fighting procedures e<strong>special</strong>ly<br />
<strong>for</strong> large fires (> 40ha).<br />
In the case of “big fire”, which<br />
are fires with a very large extension,<br />
the main problem is the<br />
coordination between the human<br />
resources (ground, marine<br />
and air) which work to fight<br />
the fires. This aspect is more<br />
critical when the fire is across<br />
the boundary, because there is<br />
not a European protocol <strong>for</strong><br />
interventions and each country<br />
has different procedures and<br />
CONOPS (concept of operations).<br />
Thus becomes clear the<br />
complex reality that competent<br />
authorities must handle in such<br />
emergencies (Andrews and Rothermel<br />
1982; Bovio 1993; Teie<br />
2005).<br />
The AF3 project (Advanced Forest<br />
Fire Fighting) is part of the<br />
7 th Framework Program and it is<br />
focused on the prevention and<br />
the management of big <strong>for</strong>estfires<br />
through the development<br />
of innovative techniques. The<br />
AF3 purpose is to improve the<br />
efficiency of fire-fighting operations<br />
in progress and the protection<br />
of human lives and heritage<br />
by developing innovative technologies<br />
to ensure the integration<br />
between existing and new<br />
systems. Furthermore, the AF3<br />
project aims to increase interoperability<br />
among firefighting<br />
supports (Chuvieco et al 2010).<br />
The project defines a unique<br />
control center devoted to coordinate<br />
all activities, from monitoring<br />
to the intervention on<br />
field. Among the technological<br />
aspects, the project provides the<br />
design of an SDI plat<strong>for</strong>m (Spatial<br />
Data Infrastructure) which<br />
is essentially based on a GIS<br />
(Geographic In<strong>for</strong>mation System).<br />
In the following sections,<br />
GIS model proposed <strong>for</strong> a part<br />
of the system will be described.<br />
This GIS is structured according<br />
to INSPIRE ( Infrastructure <strong>for</strong><br />
Spatial In<strong>for</strong>mation in Europe)<br />
Directive.<br />
Fig. 2 Steps to create AF3 Database in PostgreSQL and Q-GIS.<br />
28 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
GIS and fire-fighting: a<br />
brief description of the<br />
European scenario<br />
Currently, in Europe there are<br />
already several GIS useful <strong>for</strong> decision<br />
support at different stages<br />
of fire management. However,<br />
the opportunity to have both<br />
updated or real-time data, and<br />
a complete and consistent in<strong>for</strong>mation,<br />
is often missing. E<strong>special</strong>ly<br />
it is difficult to have an<br />
actual data interoperability with<br />
the existing available technologies.<br />
In most cases, the in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
collected in the GIS are incomplete<br />
and they concern only<br />
one phase of the overall management<br />
process. There are, indeed,<br />
systems used, exclusively,<br />
<strong>for</strong> prediction or <strong>for</strong> planning or<br />
emergency control. In this way, a<br />
lot of in<strong>for</strong>mation is lost. However,<br />
this historical in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
could be helpful to make more<br />
comprehensive the tool <strong>for</strong> decision<br />
support. Furthermore, it<br />
lacks a central system to register<br />
distribution and availability of<br />
resources in risk periods, standardized<br />
systems <strong>for</strong> fires registry<br />
and systematic registration systems<br />
of firefighting operations.<br />
Finally, the metadata of the observed<br />
maps are not always available<br />
and the data validity is impossible<br />
to be determined.<br />
For example, in Europe, Web-<br />
GIS known as EFFIS (European<br />
Forest Fire In<strong>for</strong>mation System<br />
http://<strong>for</strong><br />
was developed by the JRC<br />
(Joint Research Centre). This<br />
GeoDB, still under construction,<br />
records only the data related<br />
to fire risk analysis and the<br />
occurred fires in Europe.<br />
Description of the GIS in AF3<br />
In order to propose an innovative<br />
GIS plat<strong>for</strong>m devoted to<br />
support the big <strong>for</strong>est fires management,<br />
the following activities<br />
must be considered: <strong>for</strong>ecasting,<br />
monitoring, planning, active<br />
fight and post-fire practices.<br />
Nowadays, the modern system is<br />
not designed <strong>for</strong> a specific enduser<br />
and it stands out <strong>for</strong> its versatility.<br />
However, it is possible to<br />
establish different authorization<br />
<strong>for</strong> different users and method<br />
of use.<br />
In order to realize the dedicated<br />
GIS <strong>for</strong> AF3, the traditional<br />
modelling process was followed.<br />
As well known, needs to pass<br />
from the complexity of the reality<br />
to a <strong>for</strong>mal schema describing<br />
entities and tools used in<br />
fire-fighting operations.<br />
External Model<br />
The first step was the development<br />
of an external model. In<br />
this model, the useful in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
could be gathered in three<br />
categories of objects: the competent<br />
authorities (command), the<br />
objects to be protected (territory),<br />
the event and the ignition<br />
point (fire and hotspot) (Figure<br />
1). In the case of AF3, there<br />
is only one control center that<br />
handles local operations centers,<br />
the terrestrial and aerial troops.<br />
The command center (command<br />
center) is the national control<br />
center. Local operations centers<br />
(operating center) are in charge to<br />
monitor and to fill register of the<br />
fire cadaster and the mission report.<br />
Instead, the teams (operating<br />
team) take care of active fight<br />
on the field.<br />
Conceptual and<br />
Logical Model<br />
(INSPIRE oriented)<br />
Next steps are the definition<br />
of conceptual and logical models.<br />
There<strong>for</strong>e, these stages consist<br />
in identification of entities,<br />
attributes, definition of relationships<br />
between the entities and<br />
the data <strong>for</strong>mats. The INSPIRE<br />
directive, thus, provides fundamentals<br />
<strong>for</strong> completely defining<br />
the in<strong>for</strong>mation layers closely<br />
related to the land description<br />
(e.g. digital terrain model and<br />
digital surface model), the event<br />
progression (e.g. time) and meteorological<br />
data (e.g. wind<br />
direction and speed, temperature,<br />
humidity). This European<br />
specification has a general nature,<br />
which needs to be suitably<br />
extended <strong>for</strong> adapting to the<br />
specific application. Some “ad<br />
hoc” entities are added in order<br />
to consider the data related to<br />
the command chain, fuel model<br />
and <strong>for</strong>est types definition (Burgan<br />
et al, 1998; Baskets 1999<br />
Baskets 2002; Han Shuting et al<br />
1987).<br />
Currently, it is necessary to<br />
highlight that in Italy, as in Europe,<br />
a systematic survey and<br />
monitoring of the <strong>for</strong>ests are<br />
missing. Moreover, standardized<br />
methodology <strong>for</strong> the preparation<br />
of suitable fuel models does<br />
not exist.<br />
Fig. 3 – Flow-chart of<br />
alarm trigger.<br />
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Considering these aspects,<br />
an approximation<br />
on the fuel models has<br />
been done. In particular, in<br />
Italy, the only achieved result is<br />
a regional classification of <strong>for</strong>est<br />
types, but it cannot be considered<br />
equally valid <strong>for</strong> the calculation<br />
of the danger indexes. The<br />
development of this <strong>issue</strong> would<br />
improve our capacity of fire <strong>for</strong>ecasting<br />
and, consequently, in the<br />
fire-fighting management.<br />
Fig. 4 – Example of query: hotspot and operating centre localization (left) and operating<br />
team localization (right).<br />
Internal Model<br />
Open source plat<strong>for</strong>ms were<br />
chosen to implement the database.<br />
Specifically, PgAdmin<br />
III were used to manage the<br />
database PosgreSQL with its<br />
spatial extension PostGIS and<br />
the graphical interface. This<br />
software allows the creation of<br />
tables and relationships, the<br />
implementation of triggers and<br />
queries, the realization of views<br />
<strong>for</strong> users and different uses and<br />
finally the semi-automatic input<br />
of data. This system is not<br />
equipped with a graphical interface<br />
to visualize the spatial data,<br />
there<strong>for</strong>e a connection with Q-<br />
GIS was realized.Thus, the procedure<br />
of GeoDB implementation<br />
follows the steps shown in<br />
Figure 2.<br />
A peculiarity of the internal<br />
model was the trigger, which is<br />
an “ad hoc” procedure <strong>for</strong> the<br />
automatic manipulation (insertion,<br />
modification and deletion)<br />
of in<strong>for</strong>mation related to a triggering<br />
event (Perry 1990). To<br />
complete the automatic management<br />
of the entire system, a<br />
large number of triggers must<br />
be implemented. Below as example,<br />
it has been described the<br />
"trigger" that starts when fire<br />
alarm is activated.<br />
In this specific case, when the<br />
alarm is recorded in the system,<br />
the program executes the procedure<br />
schematically shown in the<br />
flow-chart in Figure 3.<br />
Case of study (Sardinia)<br />
Data<br />
In order to test the GIS functionalities,<br />
a specific test site has<br />
been selected. In particular, a<br />
database related to South part of<br />
the Sardinia (close to Cagliari)<br />
has been considered.<br />
There<strong>for</strong>e, defined a specific<br />
area, all fundamental data have<br />
been collected, where the most<br />
important in<strong>for</strong>mation are the<br />
state of the <strong>for</strong>ests, fuel models,<br />
water resource localization,<br />
roads and technological networks,<br />
command center, operational<br />
centers, teams, meteorological<br />
data, hotspots, alarm<br />
have been inserted.<br />
Using these in<strong>for</strong>mation layers,<br />
which are suitably designed and<br />
compiled, using QGIS, it was<br />
possible to realize an example<br />
of a query on the system. Since<br />
the alarm is activated (Figure 4<br />
- left), the trigger is able to automatically<br />
calculate the competent<br />
command center, the<br />
nearest operating center, with<br />
the adapted number of men and<br />
assets. Finally, in real- time, data<br />
of the team and its location can<br />
be displayed (Figure 4 - right).<br />
On the field, the team will be<br />
monitored and managed by<br />
the command center, by means<br />
of the automatic registration<br />
of their coordinates (Figure 5),<br />
measuring in real time the team<br />
position.<br />
Conclusion<br />
The developed GIS model describes<br />
only a part of the “fire<br />
prevention and management<br />
system” provided by the AF3<br />
project, but its complexity is<br />
Fig. 5 – Example<br />
of query<br />
and trigger<br />
visualization.<br />
Real time team<br />
positioning on<br />
the field.<br />
30 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
quite evident. E<strong>special</strong>ly,<br />
it underlines that it is<br />
difficult (in some case<br />
almost impossible), to<br />
define exactly some entities<br />
(e.g. Fuel model or<br />
fuel moisture). Moreover,<br />
an unique European<br />
procedure does not exist,<br />
there<strong>for</strong>e it is very complicated<br />
to define the<br />
CONOPS and a system<br />
with a single command<br />
center.<br />
The proposed model<br />
shows that also the open<br />
source plat<strong>for</strong>ms allow<br />
to realize a complex SDI<br />
structure. The triggering<br />
system <strong>for</strong> the automatic<br />
procedures allows to add<br />
value to SDI, because it<br />
makes the system realtime<br />
responsive.<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
The authors would like<br />
to thank the CVVFF of<br />
Cagliari <strong>for</strong> their availability<br />
and data sharing.<br />
Furthermore they thank<br />
Dr. Raffaella Marzano<br />
from University of Torino<br />
<strong>for</strong> her help about<br />
fuel model and <strong>for</strong>est<br />
type and Dr. Cesti <strong>for</strong> his<br />
availability.<br />
Andrews, P.L.and Rothermel R.C. (1982), Charts <strong>for</strong> interpreting wildland fire behaviour characteristics. <strong>INTERGEO</strong> USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech.<br />
Rep. INT-131.<br />
Bovio G., (1993), Comportamento degli incendi boschivi estinguibili con attacco diretto. Monti e Boschi, 4: 19-24.<br />
Burgan, R.E., Klaver, R.W. & Klaver, JM. (1998), Fuel Models and Fire Potential from Satellite and Surface Observations, International<br />
Journal of WiIdIand Fire, 8: 159-170.<br />
Cesti G., Cesti C. (1999), Antincendio Boschivo. Manuale operativo per l’equipaggio dell’autobotte. Musumeci, Quart, Aosta, vol 2.<br />
Cesti G., (2002), Tipologie e comportamenti particolari del fuoco: risvolti nelle operazioni di estinzione, Il fuoco in <strong>for</strong>esta: ecologia e<br />
controllo. Atti del XXXIX Corso di Cultura in Ecologia. Università degli Studi di Padova, Regione del Veneto, Centro Studi per<br />
l’Ambiente Alpino, S. Vito di Cadore, 2-6 settembre 2002: 77-116.<br />
Perry, D. G. (1990), Wildland Firefighting: Fire Behavior, Tactics, and Command, ed. Donald G. Perry.<br />
Teie, W. C. (2005), Firefighter’s Handbook on Wildland Firefighting, 3nd ed. Deer Valley. Chuvieco, E. et al., (2010). Development of<br />
a framework <strong>for</strong> fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic in<strong>for</strong>mation system technologies.<br />
Han Shuting, Han Yibin, Jin Jizhong, Zhou Wei (1987), The method <strong>for</strong> calculating <strong>for</strong>est fire behaviour index, Heilongjiang Forest<br />
Protection Institute, Harbin, China, 77-82.<br /> (08/10/2014)<br />
http://<strong>for</strong> (08/10/2014)<br /> (06/11/2014)<br /> (03/11/2014)<br /> (05/05/2015)<br />
INSPIRE directive; fire fighting; GIS<br />
According to the Annual Fire Report 2013 (European Commission-Joint Research Centre, 2014), there have been 873 <strong>for</strong>est fires in<br />
Europe, in 2013, <strong>for</strong> a total of 340559 ha of territory. A comparison of this data to that of the previous years, highlights that, when<br />
the intended goal is that of preserving the environment and saving human lives, the importance of the correct management of <strong>for</strong>est<br />
fires can not be underestimated. In the past years, the European Union has invested in the development of the INSPIRE Directive<br />
(Infrastructure <strong>for</strong> Spatial In<strong>for</strong>mation in Europe) to support environmental policies. Furthermore, the EU is currently working on<br />
developing "ad hoc" infrastructures <strong>for</strong> the safe management of <strong>for</strong>ests and fires.<br />
The AF3 EU project (Advanced Forest Fire Fighting), financed by the FP7, addresses the <strong>issue</strong> of developing innovative tools to handle<br />
all stages of <strong>for</strong>est fires. The project develops a single control center <strong>for</strong> the coordination of monitoring, manoeuvring, and post-fire<br />
operations. The SDI plat<strong>for</strong>m (Spatial Data Infrastructure) represents another component which was designed in the context of this<br />
project. It is based on a GIS (Geographic In<strong>for</strong>mation System) which is able to efficiently integrate multi-modal data.<br />
Following an analysis of the state of the art of in<strong>for</strong>mation systems <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>est fire-fighting, and in light of the end-user requirements<br />
analyzed within the AF3 project, we propose a geo-topographic database based on the INSPIRE Directive and developed on opensource<br />
plat<strong>for</strong>ms, which provides interoperability of the data and allows <strong>for</strong>ecasting and monitoring of high-risk areas, decision making,<br />
damage estimation, and post-fire management.<br />
AUTHOR<br />
Andrea Maria Lingua<br />
Marco Piras, Maria Angela Musci, Francesca Noardo, Nives Grasso, Vittorio Verda<br />
Politecnico di Torino - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'ambiente,<br />
del territorio e delle infrastrutture (DIATI)<br />
Vittorio Verda<br />
Politecnico di Torino - DIpartimento di Energia (DENERG)<br />
This work has been presented at the 19th Conference ASITA 2015 (Lecco). We would like to thank the organizing secretary <strong>for</strong> the<br />
courtesy and his availability and wishes the best outcome <strong>for</strong> the 20th Conference ASITA <strong>2016</strong> (Cagliari 8-9-10 November <strong>2016</strong>).<br />
• Rilievi batimetrici automatizzati<br />
• Fotogrammetria delle sponde<br />
• Acquisizione dati e immagini<br />
• Mappatura parametri ambientali<br />
• Attività di ricerca<br />
Vendita – Noleggio - Servizi chiavi in mano, anche con strumentazione cliente<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 31
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
A survey from<br />
UAV in critical<br />
areas: the<br />
advantages of<br />
technology in<br />
areas with<br />
complex terrain<br />
by Zaira Baglione<br />
The tale of two experiences in the geological and cultural heritage area through the use of fixed-wing drones.<br />
Innovation and high quality of the data returned from an aero-photogrammetric survey as support to the activities of<br />
the different professionals. From the survey phase to the post-production all the precautions to obtain images with a<br />
very good resolution and solve obstacles <strong>for</strong> the mapping of areas not easily accessible such as quarries.<br />
The aerial photography<br />
have had a great revolution<br />
with the advent<br />
of the UAV technology that<br />
actually has allowed to overcome<br />
the objective problems of<br />
the access to the in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
E<strong>special</strong>ly <strong>for</strong> the territories<br />
with a complex topography, the<br />
use of drones is an advantage<br />
in terms of speed, cost reduction<br />
and achievement of high<br />
quality results. The applications<br />
of the proximity remote sensing<br />
in critical areas are a lot<br />
and involve many areas: from<br />
geology to engineering, from<br />
surveillance to environmental<br />
monitoring, civil protection,<br />
archeology and more.<br />
In particular it is recommended,<br />
<strong>for</strong> several reasons, the use<br />
of fixed-wing models <strong>for</strong> the<br />
survey of medium-high extension<br />
surfaces. Meanwhile, this<br />
type of APR provides a greater<br />
flying range than the multicopter<br />
models (which generally<br />
have shorter range, considering<br />
also the take-off and landing<br />
operations), in fact with a single<br />
flight it is possible to cover areas<br />
of several kilometers and obtain<br />
uni<strong>for</strong>m images, then with a<br />
very appreciable qualitative output;<br />
in addition the control of<br />
the flight parameters is efficient<br />
and it is possible to resists to the<br />
adverse environmental conditions,<br />
supporting wind gusts of<br />
up to 60 km/h. The fixed-wing<br />
aircraft, in general, are perfect<br />
<strong>for</strong> the applications in geology<br />
and archaeological surveys. Two<br />
interesting experiences, related<br />
respectively to the geological<br />
and cultural heritage area, are<br />
described below by Gabriele<br />
Santiccioli, FlyTop president<br />
and member of the Provincial<br />
Board of Surveyors and<br />
Surveyors Graduates of Rome.<br />
Certainly a very growing sector<br />
is the quarries monitoring<br />
through precise mapping activities<br />
to accurately control the<br />
excavations, to know exactly the<br />
amount of material removed<br />
and prevent any movement of<br />
materials and the risk of landslides.<br />
A proof of the quality<br />
of the remote control systems<br />
<strong>for</strong> this type of professional application<br />
is given by Gabriele<br />
Santiccioli, president of FlyTop,<br />
through a project carried out in<br />
a mining quarry in the north<br />
of Italy. "We enthusiastically<br />
accepted the engagement by<br />
the responsible Authority <strong>for</strong><br />
the exploitation of a quarry<br />
in Emilia Romagna - says the<br />
president Santiccioli - because<br />
it meant <strong>for</strong> us to win a challenge.<br />
This experimentation<br />
yook place in an extremely<br />
mountainous area, undoubtedly<br />
challenging under the aeronautical<br />
profile. We used a fixedwing<br />
aircraft, FlyGeo24Mpx,<br />
a unique drone in its category<br />
32 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
equipped with technology to<br />
fly at a fixed altitude. Generally<br />
this type of critical reconnaissance<br />
is carried out with a<br />
multirotor drone, but the fixed<br />
wing flexibility allowed us to<br />
successfully conclude the mission.<br />
The conditions were not<br />
easy, considering the extension<br />
of the area to be analysed, about<br />
95 hectares, and the difference<br />
in height of 360 meters between<br />
the top and the valley of<br />
the quarry. However, with a single<br />
flight, we have acquired in<br />
25 minutes nearly five hundred<br />
pictures with a resolution of 2.5<br />
cm per pixel ". With regard to<br />
the mining activity in the quarries<br />
it must be said that both<br />
private interests, relating to<br />
companies that hold the regional<br />
authorizations, both public<br />
are involved at the same time,<br />
considering that some of them<br />
represent a heritage that should<br />
be used in an intelligent<br />
manner and preserve the<br />
environment. The UAV is<br />
a good instrument from<br />
many points of view: it<br />
allows to rationalize the excavation<br />
areas on the basis<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 33
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
of what is known from<br />
the restitution of photos<br />
and the subsequent study<br />
and post-processing; they<br />
provide in<strong>for</strong>mation relating<br />
to the amount of material removed<br />
and, finally, they are the<br />
only possible solution to reach<br />
critical areas that may only be<br />
known with the conventional<br />
aerial photogrammetry systems<br />
and with inevitable higher costs.<br />
"In order to plan the operation<br />
we referred to a regional technical<br />
map (CTR) - continues<br />
Santiccioli - and we decided<br />
to set a fixed altitude of 130<br />
meters. Through some control<br />
points on the ground we made<br />
12 strips with an overlap of 70<br />
percent between each photo,<br />
acquiring one frame every 25<br />
meters. We got a 3D model of<br />
the quarry, a cloud of points,<br />
the DTM and DSM from the<br />
restitution and we processed all<br />
the photogrammetric data with<br />
a <strong>special</strong> software characterized<br />
by a very high level of metric<br />
accuracy. We can say that this<br />
result satisfied the client and<br />
FlyTop, that realized the work."<br />
The application of the UAV<br />
technology has grown significantly<br />
also <strong>for</strong> the cultural heritage<br />
sector, not only <strong>for</strong> monitoring<br />
and documentation,<br />
but e<strong>special</strong>ly <strong>for</strong> the discovery<br />
activities. With the partnership<br />
started between the University<br />
of Salento and FlyTop an<br />
archaeological survey was carried<br />
out in the Veio Park area,<br />
a few kilometers from Rome,<br />
in an area between the towns<br />
of Formello and Isola Farnese.<br />
Gabriele Santiccioli together<br />
with Professor of ancient topography<br />
Giuseppe Ceraudo describes<br />
the survey done with the<br />
fixed wing UAV FlyGeo24Mpx<br />
that led to the identification of<br />
ancient Etruscan and Roman<br />
settlements, in particular the<br />
remains of structures of buildings<br />
and streets.<br />
The discovery<br />
comes from a<br />
research project<br />
that the University<br />
of Salento leads<br />
<strong>for</strong> over ten years<br />
and had a decisive<br />
result last<br />
year following the<br />
mission that led<br />
to the discovery<br />
of a city system<br />
of Etruscan and<br />
Roman eras. The<br />
area covered by<br />
the flight (about<br />
<strong>for</strong>ty hectares) was<br />
overflown with a<br />
fixed-wing drone<br />
equipped with<br />
a 24Mpx digital<br />
camera with single<br />
focal length lens.<br />
The operation<br />
involved the town<br />
of Archi di Pontecchio and was<br />
carried out in compliance with<br />
ENAC specifications. The flight<br />
has enabled to acquire images<br />
of the highest quality, almost<br />
two hundred pictures with a<br />
resolution of 1.7 cm per pixel,<br />
geo-referenced and complete of<br />
3 parameters of translation and<br />
rotation. Through the captured<br />
frames there was a validation<br />
of what were until now only<br />
hypotheses; observing from the<br />
sky the differentiated growth of<br />
vegetation, in fact, it has been<br />
recognized part of the ancient<br />
Etruscan city of Veio.<br />
About the accuracy of aerial<br />
photogrammetric data Gabriele<br />
Santiccioli says: "Our company<br />
has always been committed to<br />
combine innovation and integration,<br />
so we have used all the<br />
instruments that the surveyor<br />
has, arriving until the production<br />
of maps of high technical<br />
quality in few hours. We have<br />
obtained a cloud of points, a<br />
3D model, the DTM and DSM<br />
from the elaborate digital images<br />
in order to know better<br />
the morphology of the land.<br />
Considering the future scenarios,<br />
I do not exclude that shortly<br />
the application of thermal and<br />
multispectral sensors will enter<br />
in the archaeological sector or at<br />
least one study focused on the<br />
result that could be achieved".<br />
The aero-photogrammetric<br />
proximity survey with the use<br />
of an APR represents an archaeological<br />
survey interesting<br />
landscape, as well as a real and<br />
accessible system <strong>for</strong> the study<br />
of preliminary research. Later,<br />
with subsequent investigations<br />
and excavations, it will be able<br />
to determine more accurately<br />
the reference period and other<br />
more detailed in<strong>for</strong>mations.<br />
The survey done in the quarry<br />
and the result of Veio demonstrate<br />
how the remote sensing of<br />
proximity through RPAS is advantageous<br />
in terms of time and<br />
costs, e<strong>special</strong>ly <strong>for</strong> particularly<br />
extended areas of inspection or<br />
not easily accessible.<br />
34 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
The aero-photogrammetric<br />
proximity survey with the<br />
UAV use represents an<br />
interesting vision of the<br />
archaeological survey, as<br />
well as a concrete and accessible<br />
system <strong>for</strong> the study<br />
of preliminary researches.<br />
Later, with subsequent<br />
investigations and excavations,<br />
it will be able to determine<br />
more accurately the<br />
reference period and other<br />
more detailed in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
Both the survey done in<br />
the quarry and the Veio<br />
result demonstrate how the<br />
remote sensing of proximity<br />
through the use of on<br />
UAV is useful in terms of<br />
time and costs, e<strong>special</strong>ly<br />
<strong>for</strong> particularly large areas<br />
of inspection or not easily<br />
accessible.<br />
UAV; cultural heritage;<br />
survey; aerophotogrammetry<br />
The tale of two experiences<br />
in the geological<br />
and cultural<br />
heritage area through<br />
the use of fixed-wing<br />
drones. Innovation<br />
and high quality of<br />
the data returned<br />
from an aero-photogrammetric<br />
survey<br />
as support to the activities<br />
of the different<br />
professionals. From<br />
the survey phase to<br />
the post-production<br />
all the precautions to<br />
obtain images with a<br />
very good resolution<br />
and solve obstacles <strong>for</strong><br />
the mapping of areas<br />
not easily accessible<br />
such as quarries.<br />
AUTHOR<br />
Zaira Baglione<br /><br />
Account manager<br />
Flytop<br />
Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n°3-<strong>2016</strong> 35
<strong>INTERGEO</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
Sun, water and<br />
hydromethane:<br />
possible options<br />
<strong>for</strong> the energy<br />
future of the<br />
Smart Cities<br />
The Italian engineering company<br />
Geocart S.p.A. (,<br />
in the context of the<br />
urban planning according to<br />
the "Smart Cities" approach,<br />
has focused its attention on the<br />
search <strong>for</strong> new solutions <strong>for</strong> the<br />
production of energy from renewable<br />
sources and resources<br />
and the development of innovative<br />
techniques <strong>for</strong> the monitoring<br />
of energy efficiency.<br />
The final objectives of the<br />
study are threefold:<br />
1. mapping of potential hydroelectric<br />
productivity<br />
from mini and micro-hydro<br />
plants;<br />
2. study on the feasibility of optimal<br />
hydromethane generation<br />
from renewable sources;<br />
3. analysis of the efficient use<br />
of solar resource on an urban<br />
scale.<br />
In addition to the estimation<br />
of the potential productivity<br />
of hydropower, the objective<br />
of the study is to understand<br />
the feasibility of optimal hydromethane<br />
generation from<br />
renewable sources and its use<br />
<strong>for</strong> public transport in urban<br />
areas or high environmental<br />
value areas. The activity aims<br />
to respond to market needs:<br />
the various existing technologies<br />
<strong>for</strong> hydrogen storage are<br />
not fully satisfactory in terms<br />
of efficiency, convenience and<br />
af<strong>for</strong>dability. A fundamental<br />
aspect of the activity is the generation<br />
of hydrogen-methane<br />
mixtures having a maximum<br />
hydrogen content of 30%<br />
by volume, easier to use than<br />
pure hydrogen: in fact, the hydromethane<br />
can be used in a<br />
normal natural gas engine.<br />
For the analysis of the solar<br />
potential of the urban area, the<br />
research is based on 3D mapping<br />
of city buildings, as a further<br />
instrument of knowledge,<br />
including <strong>for</strong> policy makers,<br />
of the effective potential use<br />
of solar resource on building<br />
patrimony, and as a policy instrument<br />
<strong>for</strong> the planning of<br />
new construction areas. In this<br />
context, particular attention is<br />
paid to the study of the energy<br />
exchanges of the urban area<br />
and the so-called urban heat<br />
islands.<br /><br />
(Source: Geocart)<br />
Location-based data<br />
and services enabling a<br />
geosmartcity<br />
Any smart-city implementation<br />
leveraging location-based data<br />
and services is undoubtedly<br />
reaching faster its sustainability<br />
aims. The EU co-funded project<br />
GeoSmartCity is contributing<br />
to this, establishing a cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m,<br />
re-usable and open hub<br />
in which different categories of<br />
users can discover and access interoperable<br />
geographic in<strong>for</strong>mation,<br />
by means of generic-purpose<br />
as well as <strong>special</strong>ized services<br />
based on open standards.<br />
The GeoSmartCity approach is<br />
applied in two different urban<br />
contexts (the Green-Energy scenario,<br />
to support the implementation<br />
of sustainable energy policies<br />
,and the Underground scenario,<br />
to support the integrated<br />
management of underground<br />
utility infrastructures) and tested<br />
by 11 pilots, consisting of<br />
cities/regions from 8 different<br />
Member States.<br />
The underlying layer of the<br />
overall GeoSmartCity architecture<br />
consists of interoperable<br />
georeferenced and semantically<br />
reach spatial datasets, which<br />
have been harmonized according<br />
to common data models<br />
which extend INSPIRE application<br />
schemas on Buildings<br />
and Utilities & Governmental<br />
Services and have been made<br />
discoverable and accessible by<br />
means of OGC webservices.<br /><br />
(Source: Epsilon Italia)<br />
Leica Pegasus<br />
Backpack<br />
The Leica Pegasus:Backpack is<br />
an award-winning wearable reality<br />
capture sensor plat<strong>for</strong>m. A<br />
highly ergonomic design combines<br />
five cameras offering fully<br />
calibrated 360 degrees view and<br />
two LiDAR profilers with an<br />
ultra-light carbon fibre chassis.<br />
It enables extensive and efficient<br />
indoor or outdoor documentation<br />
at a level of accuracy that is<br />
authoritative and professional.<br />
This unique mobile mapping<br />
solution is designed <strong>for</strong> rapid<br />
and regular reality capture. It is<br />
completely portable, enabling it<br />
to be checked in as luggage on<br />
a flight. The Pegasus:Backpack<br />
is designed to act a sensor plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />
with our standard external<br />
trigger and sync port outputs.<br />
BIM – map indoors, outdoors,<br />
underground, anywhere<br />
The Pegasus:Backpack makes<br />
progressive professional BIM<br />
documentation a reality. It synchronises<br />
imagery and point<br />
cloud data, there<strong>for</strong>e assuring<br />
a complete documentation<br />
of a building <strong>for</strong> full life cycle<br />
management. By using SLAM<br />
(Simultaneous Localisation<br />
and Mapping) technology and<br />
a high precision IMU, it ensures<br />
accurate positioning with<br />
GNSS outages.<br />
Industrial training – realitybased<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> fast<br />
response Knowing and understanding<br />
a landscape be<strong>for</strong>e<br />
rushing into emergency situations<br />
can save lives. Document<br />
any site in 3D models and<br />
images <strong>for</strong> fast, safe and efficient<br />
response. Combined with<br />
Autodesk, Intergraph and other<br />
software, reality-based industrial<br />
training is enhanced with<br />
the most accurate and current<br />
data sets. Safety & security – in<strong>for</strong>med<br />
decisions in emergency<br />
situations<br />
The Pegasus:Backpack helps<br />
you to make better and faster<br />
decisions in emergency situations<br />
due to access to more accurate<br />
data. Evacuation plans<br />
and route mapping benefit<br />
from clear and detailed images<br />
and point clouds that alert authorities<br />
to any changes. Access<br />
densely populated areas, providing<br />
accurate and current mapping<br />
to give city authorities a<br />
clearer and deeper understanding<br />
of the situation.<br />
Natural disaster response – minimise<br />
damage and save lives<br />
For the first time, responders<br />
to natural disasters can capture<br />
disaster area data in 3D on foot.<br />
Faster response times translate<br />
into lives saved and damage<br />
minimised. Capture the critical<br />
data needed to make faster and<br />
better in<strong>for</strong>med decisions that<br />
increases chances of survival and<br />
reconstruction.<br />
Contact us <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
or to request a demo.<br /><br />
(Source: Teorema srl)<br />
36 Special Supplement to <strong>GEOmedia</strong> Journal Issue n. 3-<strong>2016</strong>
GEOSPATIAL 4.0 –<br />
BIG DATA<br />
GEOBIM –<br />
JOIN US NOW!<br />
WWW.<strong>INTERGEO</strong>.DE<br />
UK<br />
PARTNER COUNTRY <strong>2016</strong><br />
Host: DVW e.V.<br />
Conference organiser: DVW GmbH<br />
Trade fair organiser: HINTE GmbH<br />