Young & Beautiful




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All in all, Louis is winning at life.<br />

There’s only one slight catch.<br />

And it comes in the form of a curly haired, green eyed, pompous mouthed dandy who struts<br />

around like he owns the place and flits through empty passions like he does escorts. Because yes,<br />

every single fucking time Louis sees Harry, he’s got some new conquest on his arm, some new<br />

heart for him to mangle and press against thorns.<br />

And oh, all the “new things” he gets into…it’s enough to drive a man crazy.<br />

At each social event, Harry manages to paint himself even more ridiculous. Whether it be his three<br />

day obsession with yellow roses (everyone had to dress in yellow, and when they attended a<br />

symphony, Harry made them all throw them on the fucking stage) or his infatuation with the word<br />

“peafowl” which spurred him to litter live fucking peacocks on the lawn of Zayn’s lake house<br />

while they played croquet (“They’re my spirit animal,” he drawled), or his particularly annoying<br />

little stint where he fell in love with antique doorknobs and refused to open any doors that did not<br />

possess them, thus forcing others to open them for him all day, every day. Louis took advantage of<br />

that one by slamming doors in his face at every opportunity he could get. It was rather marvelous,<br />

actually. That was a good 'thing'.<br />

And then there's the parties.<br />

The nights of excess where Harry’s walls break and he loses what little he has of himself in<br />

crowds and intoxications. The nights where he lies on couches and pours absinthe into his<br />

dripping mouth and smokes opium on velvet pillows and stumbles around with flowers in his<br />

hand, pressing glares and thinly-veiled insults into peoples’ mouths. He acts like a king, a fucking<br />

evil king, and Louis can only watch him with a growing intensity and wait for a crack in the cold,<br />

hard surface so that he can laugh and rejoice in the barely-there humanity that resides in Harry<br />

fucking Styles.<br />

Which never comes, of course. Not really.<br />

But through all of these little ticks, not once does Harry ever exchange a word with Louis.<br />

He looks through him and sidles past without a word, all pretense of charm vanished. He knows it<br />

doesn’t work with Louis so he doesn’t even try. Which is wonderful, really, but Louis was never<br />

the sort that liked to be ignored, and though he can’t quite bring himself to acknowledge Harry<br />

either--the image of his haunting eyes and whispered words still resonating uncomfortably within<br />

him from their last interaction--he still finds it all very rude.<br />

The others don’t seem to mind, don’t even seem to question the stark animosity between the pair.<br />

Especially since Niall and Harry have bonded so well—which Louis constantly berates him for.<br />

(“TRAITOR!” “He’s just fun. I still like you better.” “Damn straight. Traitor.”)<br />

So it’s natural that Louis isn’t very nervous, at all, right now as he makes his way, alone, to<br />

Harry’s rooms. Which he has never been to before. He's not even a little bit nervous.<br />

They all agreed to meet there after they were done with lecture, and since Niall still has twenty<br />

minutes left of his audio course and needs to run some errands with Rory, Louis took it upon<br />

himself to embark on this perilous journey alone.<br />

Which is fine.<br />

So, ignoring any sense of displeasure in the pit of his stomach, Louis knocks on what he hopes is

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