Young & Beautiful




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Harry seems caught by the subject, having paused his frantic, agitated actions of scouring through<br />

his sheet music and instead now absentmindedly fumbling lightly with the corner of a random<br />

page as he stares down at it. “How so?” he asks, and his voice is feigning nonchalance, but Louis<br />

can feel the coiled tension beneath, the genuine curiosity and…something unidentifiable.<br />

“Because—“ Louis stops. He never talks about his mum. Not really. He doesn’t see the point in it.<br />

If anything, it causes him anger or makes him dwell on it more than is necessary, which does shit<br />

all for anybody, so he doesn’t think about, doesn’t talk about it. Just deals with it, and it’s really as<br />

simple as that. But Harry’s asking, and he thinks he may need to hear this answer, and Louis’ got<br />

nothing to lose from it, so. So he continues. “Because after Charles left, she became a selfish mess<br />

and I had to pick up the pieces. She was all right before then—a proper enough mum. She read<br />

stories to my sisters and hugged us before we left the house and made us dinner and decorated the<br />

house for every holiday. She asked us about our days and remembered our birthdays and signed<br />

our permission slips when we needed them the next day for school. But Charles spoiled her,<br />

probably too much, because she never seemed to pick up on the fact that he didn’t like me. She<br />

was too focused on the presents and the holidays and the jewelry. So after he had an affair and<br />

they divorced, she lost herself. Maybe she lost herself before then, I don’t know. I have five<br />

younger sisters. The youngest is four. I basically raised them—she wouldn’t. She cries because<br />

she wants attention, she picks at you if she’s feeling bad about herself, and she loves me, she does,<br />

but she loves me most when it serves her best. She gives into her weaknesses and forgets about us,<br />

completely fucking forgets about her six children. Then suddenly the next minute she’s practically<br />

strangling us because she won’t fucking let go—just clings and suffocates us, peering over our<br />

shoulders and sitting in our laps and crying all the goddamn time. Sometimes she leaves for days<br />

at a time, just because she wants to find herself. I’ve no clue where she goes, nor do I care to<br />

know. Sometimes she wants to find a boyfriend. Just because she’s bored and insecure.<br />

Sometimes she flirts with me best mates for attention. Sometimes she screams at me in public<br />

because I don’t give in to her. And sometimes she’s good, yeah, drives me to appointments or<br />

takes care of me when I’m sick. She came down here to help me move. She misses me, too. But<br />

thing is, I think she only misses me because I looked after her and took care of her. I don’t know.<br />

That day you took me to your house? Yeah, she was in a proper strop, on her way here to drag me<br />

home and make me leave school. All because she was having a bad day and decided to blame me<br />

for Charles’ problems. Fuck, probably for her own problems! And I have to thank you again for<br />

that because, even though you probably didn’t do it on purpose and were just bringing me along<br />

for whatever other reason, that saved my life. I’m not good with her. Niall, Niall’s good with her.<br />

But I’m not. I don’t feel bad for her. I don’t have the patience for her. I just…I’m just a bit bitter, I<br />

suppose.” He sighs, and he feels drained, the words having erupted and forced themselves out of<br />

his mouth. He didn’t plan on saying that much, not nearly, but it felt relieving in some odd way,<br />

and Louis forces himself back to the present before taking a look at Harry.<br />

His head is bowed, hands in his lap, and Louis isn’t even sure if he’s paying attention anymore—<br />

“I did,” he suddenly says, quiet and low. “I did bring you with me on purpose that day.” He looks<br />

up at Louis, features void, but eyes filled with swirling clouds—which is more life than Louis’<br />

seen in them in weeks.<br />

The room is so quiet that it’s loud, Louis and Harry staring at each other from across the room.<br />

And fuck.<br />

He knew it. But he can’t process it. So Louis just stares. Stares into swirling, overcast eyes that<br />

have hooked painfully into his own, preventing him from blinking, breathing, thinking. Too much.<br />

“I know what that’s like,” Harry mumbles, practically into Louis’ fucking soul, “To…to need to<br />

escape. Just for a bit.”

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