Young & Beautiful




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And that was definitely a compliment and Zayn was definitely beaming proudly beside him and so<br />

Louis squeaked out a pleased, “Of course, sir, thank you,” before Zayn whisked him away for<br />

pasta and wine.<br />

And since then, it’s been ‘Zayn Malik,’ ‘Zayn Malilk,’ ‘Zayn Malik.’<br />

Of course, it doesn’t help that his mother’s just signed on to star in yet another “Lord of the<br />

Rings” film (where do they keep coming from??) bringing further attention to all that is Zayn<br />

Malik and his impressive lineage. Hoards of hygienically sound trust funders thirsty for ‘fame’<br />

cluster around him at parties because of it, spewing forth jovial invitations to their spring homes<br />

and their banquets and their ‘this’s and their ‘that’s. They shout greetings to him as he passes in<br />

the courtyard or in the halls, they snapchat his photo whenever he’s not looking, they’ll stare at<br />

him wide-eyed, caught between reverence and judgment and…<br />

And, to be quite frank, Louis doesn’t give a fuck about any of it. And neither does Zayn.<br />

Because his near celebrity status is something felt by the outside only—not by those near to him—<br />

and Zayn barely bats an eye at the influxes of attention and uninvited praise. He smirks at<br />

pleasantries and breathes smoke through introductions and slithers around the masses of designer<br />

clothes silently because it’s Zayn. Louis watches him, watches as he strides through the hallways<br />

undeterred as the whispered rumors and accolades follow his every move.<br />

It’s borderline frustrating, but. At least Zayn’s got Liam at his side through it all. Liam, who has<br />

started this term off with flying colors, playing the happy husband to Zayn. Like a guardian angel<br />

he deters unwanted attention away from him seamlessly, is always there when the people are too<br />

much, is always making charming conversation with those whom Zayn knows nothing about.<br />

When girls or boys alike become a bit too hands-on or a bit too there, Liam will whisk up, out of<br />

nowhere, brandishing his photogenic smile and crisp linen shirt, his hand outstretched and waiting<br />

politely to be shook.<br />

“Liam Payne,” he’ll say earnestly, as if he cares for the person at all, planting a firm arm around<br />

Zayn’s waist. “Williams, right? Don’t I know your father?”<br />

And the conversation will steer in a completely different direction as Zayn admires him through<br />

half-lidded eyes and a fond smirk, Liam never removing his arm, never removing himself from his<br />

side, and always filling the awkward pauses with a laugh or a polite inquiry.<br />

It’s very sweet, really.<br />

And Louis admires that simple way that Liam just looks after Zayn in these times, how he’s<br />

always present and making everything look so effortless and fun with his neat sentences and<br />

polished smile.<br />

Liam himself is also having a successful beginning of term because, of course, he’s an absolute<br />

star student at the school. He’s in just about every club and organization and extracurricular<br />

known to man—Khan must adore him, really—and he walks around as if untouched, always<br />

clean and always fresh looking, striding around in his football jersey straight from the practice<br />

field or in his waistcoat if he’s returning from the Student Union or his robes if he’s just had dinner<br />

with professors. His stress levels are manageable enough, as it is only the beginning of term, but<br />

there are times when Louis thinks, perhaps, Liam does live life a bit…intensely. And maybe it’s<br />

just because Louis hadn’t known Liam at the beginning of last term—not really—so maybe it’s<br />

just an age-old tradition of his to start the year with a bang but… Liam lives hard sometimes.<br />

Namely when they’re out.

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