Young & Beautiful




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all he can do is sit beside him, reliving the events of the night over and over and picking apart<br />

everything he did wrong. Because Louis doesn’t fucking know what he’s doing and he has no<br />

idea how to treat this situation or Harry, not really, but he can’t stop trying, won’t ever stop, and<br />

it’s terrifying because…<br />

Can he handle what he’s taking on? Is he doing damage to the boy?<br />

Louis doesn’t know.<br />

“I’m sorry,” he whispers, tired. He doesn’t look at Harry. He can’t.<br />

From his peripherals, he sees Harry shaking his head. “Don’t be.”<br />

And those two words strike Louis. They strike him out of his reverie and his self-doubt and they<br />

spur him to look at Harry who turns to look at him. There’s something communicated in their<br />

stare, and Louis doesn’t know what but it’s important. Important enough for Louis to never leave<br />

Harry’s side for the rest of the night.<br />

And, slowly, the tension leaves Harry’s shoulders.<br />

**<br />

It’s nearly the weekend. Thank fuck.<br />

Louis is exhausted—not so much from schoolwork (as the term is still fairly fresh and the<br />

coursework is still manageable)—but because he spends his nights stuck to the sides of his lads<br />

and can’t be bothered to be mindful of his bedtime when his courses disinterest him so. He’s<br />

taking a bunch of shit he cares little for—requirements for his degree—and it’s all fairly simple,<br />

leaving him tragically uninspired.<br />

But, oh well. He’s not too fussed. How can he be when he’s got the four best mates in the school?<br />

This is what he asks himself as he receives a text from Liam.<br />

‘”Certain Things” hit number one on the charts! Zayn and Harry want to celebrate. Dinner and<br />

cocktails? Please wear crimson. :)’<br />

Louis smiles as he tucks his phone into his pocket, mentally assembling an appropriate uniform as<br />

he walks back to his flat, the cold winds sharpening the rays of the sun as it falls atop the peaks of<br />

the towers around him.<br />

**<br />

The celebratory dinner is at Niall’s favorite restaurant—isn’t it always?—and Harry buys them all<br />

rounds and rounds of drinks (Louis is drunk, yes), his smile brighter than Louis’ ever seen it,<br />

mingling perfectly with his crimson suit and bow tie, lily pinned to his lapel. Several of the other<br />

lads in their wide circle of friends stop by, coincidentally and purposely, shaking Harry and Niall’s<br />

hands and smiling out congratulatory greetings. Edward shares a briefly intimate word with Harry,<br />

whispers something in his ear which has Harry actually flush, smiling so widely his dimple almost<br />

pops, before moving along with his date, sending warm smiles to all the boys.<br />

After that, Harry’s aura is even brighter, searing through the dimly lit room. He’s the center of<br />

attention—whenever Niall isn’t, that is—and everybody stares at him, watches him, admires him.<br />

Liam giggles like a schoolchild at his quirks and Niall fist bumps him when he utters a bold<br />

statement and…and often Louis will catch Zayn watching him, fond and quiet and with so much,<br />


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