Young & Beautiful




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“No, yeah, I’ll see you at the flat,” Louis assures as he buttons his jacket.<br />

“Good. I’ve got a goodbye present,” Niall says lewdly, sending forth a wink and smirking at the<br />

boys as they titter in response.<br />

Harry quirks an eyebrow but says nothing, instead opening the door for Louis. “After you?”<br />

“Always,” Louis grins with a bat of his eyelashes, and he waves goodbye, feeling nostalgic and<br />

pleased at once.<br />

And then, suddenly the door closes and it’s just him and Harry.<br />

“Thanks for letting me join you, Curly. It’s nice when you’re not antisocial,” Louis teases,<br />

descending Zayn’s steps, careful to keep in pace with Harry’s measured, meandering strides.<br />

A light chuckle reminiscent of jingle bells slips from Harry’s lips. “Can’t say I’ve ever been called<br />

antisocial before.”<br />

“Well, I suppose there’s a first for everything.”<br />

Harry smiles, shaking his bowed head.<br />

There’s a brief silence, the only sound being the soft patters of their feet against ancient stone<br />

steps, and Louis is thinking a thousand million thoughts, each one persistently bubbling in the<br />

back of his throat, threatening to emerge.<br />

“So…are you all right, then? Everything good today?” he asks, hoping his voice conveys a casual<br />

ease.<br />

They’re now outside, slowly making their way towards Harry’s rooms. He can see the staircase<br />

coming into view. Soft speckles of snow imbed in Harry’s curls.<br />

“Yeah. It’s good,” Harry says after a moment’s pause, and Louis can tell he’s forcing himself to<br />

speak, is putting forth the effort to communicate honestly with Louis.<br />

Which Louis appreciates to no end. Harry’s trying.<br />

“And you really want to go home sooner rather than later?” Louis can’t help but ask, feet<br />

crunching frozen grass. His breath puffs before him before sneaking up to the heavens, taking his<br />

words with it.<br />

Harry nods immediately. “Yes. I don’t want to leave my father on his own for too long. It’s not<br />

good for him to be alone.”<br />

“It’s not?”<br />

Harry’s not looking at him, eyes instead set on the crunchy, snow speckled ground. “He’s not<br />

good with his thoughts. Like…he has a tendency to wallow.” A twisted smile curls at his cold<br />

lips. It’s wry and it’s fleeting, and then his face becomes masked in calm. “But the new single<br />

should help. He’ll have performances to attend. He might even get nominated for an award—he’d<br />

like that. It gives him something to focus on. So. He should be better. But I still like to keep an eye<br />

on him.”<br />

Louis sighs.<br />

How the fuck does Harry manage to be such a doting son? He can’t even stomach a conversation

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