Young & Beautiful




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Harry resists, terrified eyes still staring over Louis’ shoulder.<br />

“Please look at me,” Louis whispers, quiet as a breath. “Harry. Please just look at me.”<br />

There’s so much blood rushing through Louis’ ears as we waits.<br />

As Harry’s eyes remain fixed outside, creased and frightened and ready to bolt. He’s balancing on<br />

a precipice and Louis isn’t sure which way he’s going to fall, but he waits for Harry to look at<br />

him, he waits and waits and waits.<br />

And then he finally does.<br />

Those eyes, those eyes that started all of this, slide over to Louis’ eyes and, click!<br />

Click.<br />

It all clicks together.<br />

Because suddenly Louis isn’t as terrified as he is inspired. One look in Harry’s eyes—that have<br />

become so familiar, so comforting and present—has Louis filled with a newfound confidence and<br />

assurance, an overwhelming feeling that everything, for just this moment, is perfect in the<br />

universe, is right.<br />

This is how it’s supposed to go.<br />

So he kisses him without thinking.<br />

Without a moment to shy away or fuck it up or crumble to dust, he pulls Harry’s face to his as he<br />

lunges forward, heart in his throat, and Harry’s startled intake of breath—because yes, the fucker<br />

gasps—opens his mouth and smashes the lightbulbs of Louis’ brain.<br />

There’s a solid five seconds of just Louis.<br />

Just Louis pouring his feelings into Harry’s frozen, open mouth and it feels as though he’s<br />

resuscitating him, breathing life into his stilled lungs, giving all that he has to Harry because he has<br />

nothing else but the air he breathes and he wants to give it all to Harry, every last breath.<br />

And then suddenly Harry’s shocked into life, like a bolt of electricity’s been cracked into his<br />

bones.<br />

Immediately, without warning, without transition, he suddenly grips at Louis, hands bunching into<br />

Louis’ shirt and tugging him closer, closer, closer, mouth beautifully soft and sighing (of course,<br />

with that fucking 8 th wonder of a mouth).<br />

Louis can’t see, can’t think, can’t feel, can’t breathe, is completely overwhelmed by it all, by<br />

Harry, by Harry’s softness and Harry’s scent and Harry’s touch and Harry because Harry is<br />

kissing him back and he’s kissing Harry and everything bad that’s ever happened to Louis<br />

suddenly doesn’t fucking matter because this makes up for it all. The feeling of Harry’s mouth<br />

moving like poetry over his own, effortless and real and flowing, warm and slick and bloody<br />

wonderful, his hands stretching the fabric of Louis’ cardigan, his toes bumping his own, his hair<br />

tickling Louis’ cheek.<br />

Louis’ hands get lost, he can’t find them, can’t even feel them, but they’re not on Harry’s face<br />

anymore and wherever they are, Harry must approve because he doesn’t make to stop and Louis<br />

never wants to, never ever.

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