Young & Beautiful




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“Fuck’s sake, Harry! This isn’t good for you!”<br />

“How can you say that?” Harry snaps, whipping around to look at him fully. He knee knocks<br />

harshly into Louis’. “It wouldn’t be good for me to just abandon him!”<br />

“Not abandon, you bloody cunt, just live somewhere else. You can fucking visit him, you can<br />

spend all your livelong day with the man, but for fuck’s sake, Harry, you honestly cannot argue<br />

that living with him isn’t dangerous or difficult. That’s too much to expect for an eighteen year<br />

old. Don’t be a hero.”<br />

Harry shakes his head once before sitting back, folding his arms. “I’m not discussing this.”<br />

“Harry,” Louis sighs, placing a hand on his arm. “It’s gotten worse.”<br />

“It’s gotten better,” Harry snaps. “This past month of me being home was fine. Good, even. The<br />

song—he likes the song. That helps.”<br />

“I should hope so, he wrote it,” Louis says with a roll of the eyes.<br />

Harry doesn’t say anything.<br />

“Look, I don’t want to fight. I don’t. I’m drunk still—pretty pissed, to be honest—and tonight was<br />

fun and I missed you Harry, I missed you. I don’t want to fight.” Harry’s face softens as Louis<br />

continues, inclining his head in Louis’ direction infinitesimally. “But could you please, please just<br />

begin considering some other options? Ones where you can keep him in your life but, just, take<br />

some healthy steps back? It could help him, you know. Sometimes people need a bit of distance.”<br />

He keeps his hand on Harry’s arm. The fabric of his gold jacket is warm, a little damp from the<br />

night’s events. It’s smooth as a sigh.<br />

Harry quiets, seeming to consider Louis’ words. Albeit begrudgingly.<br />

“Yeah, all right,” he says, a little crossly, but a little gently. He glances over at Louis through a<br />

half-attempted pout. “Though I’m still not sure why you care.”<br />

Louis grins, feeling some of the tension ease as he removes his hand. It feels cold and heavy.<br />

“You’re stuck with me, Curly. Better get used to it.”<br />

Harry averts his face, but Louis can still see the smile.<br />

There’s a pause<br />

“I’m not—“ Harry begins, then stops. His feet shuffle and his arms uncross. “I’m not used to<br />

having, like, proper mates. I’ve only ever had Zayn as a real mate, he’s my best mate, even, but,<br />

um. Even then I fucked it up a bit. And, like, I’m just…not good at it, I don’t think. I’m not really<br />

sure what to do? But, like…thank you. Just, for being…there? I, just, um, I’m really appreciative<br />

of it. And I really…like being around you. And I’m glad we’re mates. And.” He sends a smirk<br />

Louis’ way. “I’m sorry for being such a twat before.”<br />

It’s very possible that Louis might combust from the sheer amount of emotion that is welling up<br />

inside of him. Every emotion known to man is erupting like a volcano from every crevice in his<br />

body and he’s just…<br />

Harry’s apologizing.<br />

Harry’s telling Louis that he cares.

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