Young & Beautiful




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of smile that struggles to surface, but the walls of Harry’s face haven’t learned to let it through yet.<br />

Louis marvels when it happens, because he likes to think it grows stronger every day, though<br />

that’s probably not the case. Still though, Harry alights when he speaks of such things, stuffing the<br />

details into his sentences, and his quiet, dopey enthusiasm that seeps through his calm exterior has<br />

Louis feeling triple the enthusiasm he would normally feel, hanging onto Harry’s every word and<br />

phrase, every blink and slide of fingertips against brittle book pages. It’s a passion of his, Louis<br />

surmises, so it’s quite convenient that he’s tutoring him in a Victorian course that he couldn’t care<br />

less about himself.<br />

So it works. And Louis is learning. He can tell by the way he doesn’t fall asleep as much in<br />

lecture, or by the fact that the thought of doing his homework doesn’t traumatize him. It’s helping,<br />

and he’s grateful, and sometimes when he leaves the lecture hall, he texts a boastful exclamation to<br />

Harry.<br />

Because, yes, Louis forced them to exchange numbers. And, no, Harry never texts him back.<br />

Ever. As in, not once. Not even if Louis has a question.<br />

So there’s that as well.<br />

And it’s all this—the lack of warmth, the unresponsiveness, the lack of progression, Harry’s<br />

seeming indifference to Louis’ general existence—that has Louis contemplating ditching today’s<br />

tutoring altogether, helpful or not.<br />

Because it’s been a shit day. He slept through his first course, got woken up by Niall’s fucking<br />

piano and a text from his sister complaining about Mother Dearest (but Niall assured him that he’d<br />

spoken to Jo since and he’s sorted her out, so…yeah…that happened) and he’s had a splitting<br />

headache. Not to mention the fact that he spilled beans all over his pristine, white trousers, or the<br />

fact that he tripped on one of Niall’s empty beer bottles that he likes to keep on the floor, or that<br />

tomorrow’s Halloween and Zayn’s throwing the party of the century and he really, really wants to<br />

be rested and energized for such antics and also, hopefully, be in a somewhatly pleasant mood.<br />

Which, at this point, seems less than likely.<br />

And now his phone’s dead, he’s hungry and had forgotten his wallet this morning before he left,<br />

and he’s supposed to be at Harry’s in ten minutes so he can sit and be talked at by a poisonous<br />

mouth and guarded eyes and fuck all of that.<br />

Fuck it.<br />

Louis is going back to his flat.<br />

So he just keeps walking.<br />

**<br />

“Aren’t you supposed to be at Harry’s?” Niall asks mildly, strumming his guitar on the couch.<br />

Rory’s in the kitchen, cooking up something that smells delicious. And fuck, are those chocolate<br />

biscuits?<br />

“Hungry. Hate the world. Don’t give no fucks,” he manages, stuffing biscuits in his mouth<br />

without hesitation, and Rory raises his eyebrows, but Louis can’t quite care right now.<br />

“Did you text him?”<br />

Louis scoffs, crumbs falling from his open-because-it’s-so-stuffed-he-can’t-close-it mouth. “Like<br />

he’d even read it,” he says almost unintelligibly, sending sprays of biscuit bits at Rory who winces<br />

and looks on at the spectacle with severe distaste.

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