knss news march

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prepared to witness the grandeur of our mishing culture.”<br />

he said chirpily.<br />

“In a jiffy”I replied.<br />

In around fifteen minutes I brushed and bathed and<br />

stood ready to witness what else Dhemaji and the tribe had<br />

in store for me.<br />

The tonga stood ready outside my tent.<br />

“Babu this is Ansh and you know Ripun” Katan said<br />

gesturing two gentlemen. They were opposites. While Ansh<br />

was a thin and tall man with a clean shave, Ripun was a<br />

squatty bearded man. Both smiled a greeting.<br />

“lets go, Babu” said Katan said getting ontothe tonga.<br />

As we rode I asked where we were going.<br />

“You’ll see babu. You’ll see.” came the reply.<br />

As we rode, I looked out at the scenic beauty of Dhemaji,<br />

wishing, in wain that Kolkata would looklike this.Paddy<br />

fields and trees shrouded the land scape on either side of<br />

the muddy lane.<br />

“Why cant you settle down here, Babu?” asked Ripun.<br />

“Oh no” I laughed “my family has always been Kolkata”I<br />

said.<br />

“I have seen Kolkata…”Ansh spoke for the first time.”…<br />

The Howrah bridge when I was very young” he said<br />

reflectively.”My father took me when he went to sell his<br />

harvest. It has big houses with flat roofs.”<br />

“Only Atul bhaiyya has such a house here” Ripun<br />

continued.<br />

“Which is where we area going” said Katan merrily.<br />

“Babu you are in luck. The Sun God has gifted you with an<br />

oppurtunity to witness a perfect Mishing wedding”<br />

The short ride was rather enjoyable. We arrived at Atul<br />

bhaiyya’s place, I knew for certain we had as the place had<br />

a festive air about it.<br />

Children ran around playing. The old spoke in loud<br />

voices. Some on seeing me ran for a quick check up and<br />

health questions. Clusters of pretty damsels sat giggling in<br />

a corner.<br />

Suddenly the middle aged women of the tribe began to<br />

sing and dance to the tunes of an authentic Mishing song to<br />

usher the bride. The wedding happened in utmost grandeur.<br />

I greeted the groom and bride. The girls further giggled and<br />

I couldn’t help turning red.<br />

The food was simply breathtaking. I was served<br />

roti,chicken curry and Joha rice(typical Assam rice). In the<br />

midst of the celebrations I was reminded of Priya. I had to<br />

buy her something.<br />

Having said my goodbyes to the guests, I asked Katan<br />

if there was any craft shop around there.<br />

“oh of course Babu. That’s the sole livelihood of the<br />

Mishing women” he said. “You have to buy something for<br />

your sister and friend. I remember.” He smiled.<br />

Bidding Ansh and Ripun goodbyes we set off on another<br />

36<br />

ride to the handicraft marts of Dhemaji. The choice was<br />

plenty. I bought a few shawls for my mother and clothing<br />

for my sister. I purchased an antique as a souveneir to gift<br />

my dear friends. Priya loved tribal jewellery. I bought her<br />

a few. I knew they would be mad at me for not making it<br />

to the engagement.<br />

“I could wave this as a sign of appeasement “ I chucked<br />

to myself.<br />

“Babu let me take you to another more beautiful place<br />

in Dhemaji” Katan said.<br />

We rode until I knew what he meant.<br />

The banks of the Brahmaputra. The river sparkled like<br />

diamonds in the sunset. I reclined on the banks and just<br />

admired the purity and sanctity of the river.<br />

“Here is where we see the marvels of Lord Donyi’s(sun<br />

God) creation” Katan said in reverence.<br />

“All of you are so lucky” I said “To live amongst nature<br />

and be a part of it”<br />

“Haha . Babu and look at the irony. People from here<br />

prefer the city” he said.<br />

I sat and watched the dimming skies. Just as fast as<br />

sunrise, Assam sees a quick sunset. Birds were retreating to<br />

their nests. Nature was preparing itself to invite the moon.<br />

“Time to leave Babu. My wife must have prepared<br />

supper. Please join us” he said.<br />

“With pleasure” I said and bidding the scenery a<br />

goodbyes we rode home.<br />

Supper was another marvel of homemade mishing food.<br />

I couldn’t stuff myself enough, because the more I ate the<br />

more I seemed to want. After a glass of milk and some<br />

chatting with Katan I set off remorsefully to pack. It was<br />

sad that it had to end so quickly. I packed at the presents<br />

and clothes and sank on the cot reminiscing and realising I<br />

reached the end of a wonderful camp. Offesring treatments<br />

was a pleasure and the last day just kept replaying. I<br />

remembered I had an early flight to catch and that the airport<br />

was 66km away. Hurriedly dimming the lantern I stupored<br />

off on my cot.<br />

“Babu, its time, get dressed” came Katan’s voice. I woke<br />

rubbing my eyes. I was sorrowful about leaving Dhemaji,<br />

but the joy of seeing my family and friends after a long time<br />

rejuvenated me. Quickly I washed in cold water and set off.<br />

Many of the village folk were present to bid me off. Many<br />

gave me small souvenirs and foodstuffs . they made me<br />

promise I would return. Thanking those wonderful people<br />

we set off to Lakimpur Airport.<br />

It was a long ride and rather quiet. Katan barely spoke.<br />

I looked around and on reaching the town read posters that<br />

said “Fight for Jhansi”. I was wondering what these posters<br />

meant. In a while Katan’s voice came.<br />

“Babu we reached the airport” he said.<br />

And I remembered the first time I met this man here..<br />

when he asked ”Dactar sir?”.<br />

<strong>knss</strong> <strong>news</strong> bulletin March 2017

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