Bird lore - Project Puffin

Bird lore - Project Puffin

Bird lore - Project Puffin


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120 <strong>Bird</strong> -Lore<br />

shows, such as poultry, corn and flower shows, also grange exhibits. Boys and<br />

girls may take up any one or more of the following projects.<br />

Home Garden.—Cultivation of vegetables, flowers, shrubs, etc. General<br />

care of the garden.<br />

Market-Garden.—Cultivation of one-twentieth acre of vegetables.<br />

School and Allotment-Gardens.—Cultivation of vegetables and flowers, etc.,<br />

in a centralized garden at or near the school or on vacant lots.<br />

day.<br />

farm.<br />

Corn Clubs.—Cultivation of one-tenth acre of corn.<br />

Potato Clubs.—Cultivation of one-twentieth acre of potatoes.<br />

Dairy Herd Clubs.—Keeping an accurate record of all milk produced each<br />

Canning Clubs.—Canning fruit and vegetables for home use or for market.<br />

Baking Clubs.—Baking bread and cake.<br />

Sewing Clubs.—Making garments and repairing.<br />

Handicraft Club.—Making useful articles for use in the home or on the<br />

<strong>Bird</strong> and Tree Clubs.—The study and recognition of birds and trees.<br />

Ofi&cial enrollment cards will be sent to boys and girls who wish to enroll<br />

in one or more of the projects mentioned above. When received, their names<br />

will be sent to Washington, and Uncle Sam will correspond with them occa-<br />

sionally and send them bulletins of information and helpful letters. The State<br />

Leader or assistants will visit the local clubs from time to time, to help them<br />

with their work; he will also send helpful bulletins and letters as needed.<br />

Monthly reports will be required from each member enrolled in the club work,<br />

giving an account of his or her work.<br />

The agent of the Extension Service of the Rhode Island State College writes<br />

"inclosed please find a brief explanation of the boys' and girls' club work in<br />

agriculture, gardening, domestic science and handicraft work. This is a splen-<br />

did movement for the Improvement Society to take up and encourage as a<br />

part of their constructive work in any community.<br />

The greatest asset in any community or state is the boys and girls who are<br />

to be the men and women of to-morrow. We should see to it that they are<br />

encouraged to be industrious and thrifty. Work of this kind will provide a<br />

very profitable as well as an interesting occupation for many idle moments<br />

after school, and through the long vacations for our boys and girls. At this time<br />

of the year clean-up campaigns are being started, and I would like to tack on<br />

to the end of that slogan the word 'plant-up.' I think that boys and girls<br />

should be encouraged not only to 'clean-up' the rubbish about their homes,<br />

but to invest a few cents in seeds which will germinate and grow and produce<br />

a picture very much more attractive than can be produced by many cans of<br />

paint and, furthermore, if the right kind of plant is selected, the effect will be<br />

perennial."<br />


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