Bird lore - Project Puffin

Bird lore - Project Puffin

Bird lore - Project Puffin


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The Audubon Societies S3<br />

pointed hoof-marks of a deer proved that all wildness had not left<br />

the spot.<br />

I left this paradise, feeling the deep sense of reverence that close contact<br />

with Nature always brings.<br />

lover.<br />

—<br />

—<br />

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A fellow bird-<br />

Israel R. Sheldon.<br />

[So sincere an observation should make us all wish to be true Nature-lovers. It is<br />

easy to awaken enthusiasm in the spring, and to continue outdoor observations during<br />

the summer and fall, but only true Nature-lovers are found in the open after the advent<br />

of snow and frost.<br />

Mr. Sheldon's Christmas bird census in 19 lo was taken in two places, and will be of<br />

value as a basis of comparison with those sent in this season from Rhode Island. It is as<br />

follows: Point Judith, R. I., Bobwhite, 8; Dusky Duck, 8; Widgeon, 2; Golden-eye, many;<br />

Greater Scaup, many; Loon, 4; Crow, 4; Titlark, many; Meadowlark, 3; Shore Lark,<br />

many; Herring Gull, many; Fox Sparrow, 3; English Sparrow, many; Large Hawk, i;<br />

Goose, 2. Pawtuxet, R. I., Sparrow Hawk, i; Meadowlark, 2; Robin, i; Goldfinch,<br />

many; White-tailed Sparrow, 2; Bufflehead, 8; Golden-eye, many; Lesser Scaup, 2;<br />

Greater Scaup, many; Herring Gull, many; Chickadee, 4; Nuthatch (presumably<br />

White-breasted), 2; Hairy Woodpecker, i; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Blue Jay, 6; Flicker,<br />

3; Crow, many; English Sparrow, many.—A. H. W.]<br />


Last winter I got some suet and put it up in the cherry tree for the birds.<br />

A Downy Woodpecker discovered it first.<br />

Every day I put out crumbs on the lawn and in a bo.x which was nailed up<br />

in the tree. When the ground was frozen, I put out crumbs on the lawn, and a<br />

great many Sparrows came. Sometimes there were as many as thirty at once.<br />

Last year a family that lives near me put up bird-houses, and Bluebirds lived<br />

there all summer.<br />

My father said he would put up a bird-house for me. Now I put out strings<br />

for the birds' nests. I haven't any cats, so the birds can live peacefully around<br />

my house. Lillian Hyam (aged 12), Beverly, Mass.<br />

[Attracting birds to one's home is always more or less of an experiment. During<br />

the latter days of November, the writer was surprised to see two Flickers attempting<br />

to sip water off the top of a sunken gas-pipe which had a flat iron cover, a contrivance<br />

for holding a clothes-post. The first Flicker that made the attempt was evidently more<br />

or less suspicious of this novel drinking-fountain, but succeeded in quenching its thirst.<br />

The second Fhcker, possibly more timid, did not make the trial many times, but it is<br />

likely that the scanty supply of moisture on the iron cover had already been exhausted<br />

by its mate or companion. This incident happened on the back lawn of a new residence,<br />

and is perhaps worthy of notice, because it shows how easily the Flicker is attracted to<br />

pipes, eave spouts and the like. No other birds have been observed investigating the<br />

post socket, although several different species frequent the trees about the place.<br />

A. H. W.]<br />

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