Tasmanian Business Reporter June 2019
Welcome to the June edition of the TBR. This month we take an in-depth look at the recently handed down State Budget where despite falling Government revenue, significant infrastructure spending looks set to maintain Tasmania's economic momentum. You'll also find a wrap-up of the Federal election and what the results mean for the state, an update on the $300 million Cattle Hill Wind Farm project and insight into the future of health care from St.LukesHealth CEO Paul Lupo.
Welcome to the June edition of the TBR.
This month we take an in-depth look at the recently handed down State Budget where despite falling Government revenue, significant infrastructure spending looks set to maintain Tasmania's economic momentum.
You'll also find a wrap-up of the Federal election and what the results mean for the state, an update on the $300 million Cattle Hill Wind Farm project and insight into the future of health care from St.LukesHealth CEO Paul Lupo.
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T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
2 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - JUNE <strong>2019</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
Infrastructure spending to maintain momentum<br />
Net debt to boost economy<br />
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
e dition<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> can now be delivered directly to your inbox. With our 30,000-strong monthly print<br />
readership, our new up-to-date digital distribution will keep <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s abreast of the all latest in local business<br />
news. From this month we will distribute electronic editions of the <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> as we go to print.<br />
To confirm your copy sign up to our mailing list via<br />
tbreditorial@fontpr.com.au<br />
T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
Tasmania’s business newspaper is published monthly by the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is distributed<br />
to businesses in Tasmania as well as key decision-makers.<br />
Circulation: 12,000<br />
WHILE health has historically<br />
been the biggest drain on<br />
the State Budget, this year’s<br />
winners are education and infrastructure.<br />
The highlights are:<br />
Health: $8.1 billion over<br />
the next four years, representing<br />
nearly 32 per cent of the<br />
entire State Budget. Over six<br />
years the funding will support<br />
298 new beds, 802 more nurses,158<br />
additional doctors, 128<br />
more allied health professionals<br />
and 182 additional support<br />
staff.<br />
Education: $7.1 billion<br />
over the next four years – a<br />
$349 million increase from<br />
last year’s Budget and includes<br />
$145 million in recurrent<br />
funding which allows for<br />
an additional 358 new staff<br />
including 250 new teachers;<br />
and $179 million in education<br />
infrastructure across Department<br />
of Education and Tas-<br />
TAFE facilities.<br />
Infrastructure: $3.6 billion<br />
including $304.9 million<br />
for rail infrastructure, $294<br />
million on the new Bridgewater<br />
Bridge, $111.7 million<br />
to keep upgrading the Midland<br />
Highway, $83 million<br />
towards an urban congestion<br />
fund, $58 million specifically<br />
to support tourist roads and<br />
$292 million to renew roads.<br />
Tourism: $20 million Regional<br />
Tourism Attraction<br />
Managing Editor: Tom 2O’Meara<br />
0418 135 822<br />
Editor: Becher Townshend<br />
0418 370 661<br />
Advertising and Special Projects<br />
Gil Sellars 0448 901 371<br />
gil@thetrustedmediaco.com<br />
HOBART’S Editorial BEST & Advertising RANGE OF<br />
TBReditorial@fontpr.com.au<br />
FOR THE www.tasmanianbusinessreporter.com.au<br />
Publisher:<br />
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Loan Scheme to provide<br />
low interest loans of up to<br />
$1 million for businesses to<br />
undertake projects to grow<br />
their local visitor economy<br />
and $1.2 million in a new<br />
<strong>Business</strong> Events Attraction<br />
Fund to bring major national<br />
and international business<br />
To see your business here, call Kerri on 0419 750 267 or email kerri@thetrustedmediaco.com<br />
Budget to drive growth<br />
From page 1<br />
WANTED<br />
<strong>Business</strong><br />
movers and<br />
shakers<br />
• Promotions<br />
• Appointments<br />
• Awards<br />
• Celebrating<br />
success<br />
Share the news<br />
with the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
business<br />
community<br />
Send your news<br />
snippets, with a<br />
high quality photo,<br />
to TBReditorial@<br />
fontpr.com.au<br />
As a result, Treasurer<br />
Peter Gutwein has<br />
been forced to make<br />
some difficult decisions.<br />
First up, there will be the<br />
introduction of two new<br />
taxes – foreign investor<br />
land tax to catch overseas<br />
money, but more importantly<br />
for <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s a<br />
15 per cent point of consumption<br />
tax on gambling<br />
– capturing gambling<br />
online and bringing<br />
Tasmania in line with the<br />
rest of the nation.<br />
There will be a $50<br />
million special dividend<br />
taken from the MAIB,<br />
while the <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
Public Finance Corporation<br />
will hand over $39.5<br />
million.<br />
Government departments<br />
will also be required<br />
to provide a 0.75<br />
per cent special dividend<br />
and the so-called hardline<br />
two per cent wages<br />
target continues.<br />
However, given the<br />
teachers’ wages decision,<br />
it remains to be seen if<br />
this can be achieved.<br />
The moves to increase<br />
taxes and take further<br />
special dividends are designed<br />
to cover the loss<br />
of revenue and thus allow<br />
the Government to<br />
continue its fiscal path.<br />
This sees yet another<br />
year of record infrastructure<br />
spending at some<br />
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Now incorporating<br />
events to Tasmania.<br />
<strong>Business</strong>: Continuing the<br />
payroll tax rebate scheme<br />
and small business grants<br />
until <strong>June</strong> 2021 to support<br />
the employment of around<br />
4,500 young <strong>Tasmanian</strong>s<br />
as apprentices and trainees.<br />
$4.1 million partnership<br />
with the TCCI and Tas-<br />
COSS to address barriers to<br />
work, $4.4 million for the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> Trade Strategy<br />
to further boost <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
exports and jobs and $2.8<br />
million to develop Tasmania’s<br />
first Defence Industry<br />
Strategy.<br />
$3.6 billion and while<br />
some question the ability<br />
of the Government<br />
to spend this amount, a<br />
drive down the Midland<br />
Highway and through<br />
the Hobart CBD certainly<br />
proves things are happening.<br />
Elsewhere health continues<br />
to receive record<br />
funding at $8.1 billion<br />
– which is now about<br />
32 per cent of the total<br />
budget, while education<br />
is not far behind at $7.1<br />
billion.<br />
There are some remarkable<br />
figures for<br />
those who study the longterm<br />
economic growth of<br />
Tasmania – a gross state<br />
product figure of 2.75 per<br />
The state rail network,<br />
above left, will receive<br />
$304.9 million while the<br />
upgrade of the Midland<br />
Highway, right, will<br />
continue.<br />
cent – revised up by half<br />
a per cent since last year<br />
and is three quarters of a<br />
per cent better than the<br />
long-term average.<br />
Population growth is<br />
running at double the<br />
long-term average, therer<br />
is continued growth<br />
in visitor numbers and a<br />
respectable 6.5 per cent<br />
unemployment rate.<br />
Meanwhile this year<br />
will see a budget surplus<br />
of $41 million, next year<br />
it will see a $57 million<br />
surplus, which interestingly<br />
won’t get us out of<br />
net debt until 2021 but<br />
given the circumstances<br />
a steady-as-she-goes<br />
budget is not such a bad<br />