Impact Report 2018 StreetwiZe • Mobile School
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streetsmart <strong>•</strong> Transnational Meeting greece<br />
24/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 26/01/<strong>2018</strong><br />
Rob Sweldens<br />
Wim Depickere<br />
Lies De Vocht<br />
Erasmus+ KA2<br />
Thessaloniki / Greece<br />
Since September last year, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
NPO is the leading partner in an Erasmus+<br />
programme on case management for non-formal<br />
education in youth work. Together with<br />
partner organisations CME GPU-UNO (Poland<br />
- Robert Cieslar), ARSIS and PRAKSIS (Greece<br />
- Alberto Perez and Eirini Karanikola), <strong>Mobile</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> is developing a digital tool for personal<br />
case management within youth work<br />
in non-formal education. Therefore, we chose<br />
to apply for the Erasmus+ programme and<br />
started a KA2 project: Strategic partnerships<br />
supporting innovation. Being able to partner<br />
with organisations with different expertise is<br />
a necessary condition for developing this tool.<br />
Cooperation with relevant partners and youth<br />
work initiatives help define the user’s needs,<br />
assess the user-friendliness and disseminate<br />
this project. Within this programme, the EU<br />
encourages programme countries to share their<br />
experiences in transnational project meetings.<br />
At the end of January, we organised the second<br />
transnational project meeting in Thessaloniki.<br />
The first one took place in Leuven in October<br />
2017.<br />
The meeting started with a short update on<br />
the first intellectual output, the research report<br />
on case management within youth- and street<br />
work.<br />
The main focus of the transnational project<br />
meeting was the update on the current screens<br />
we had for the mobile application, SYD (working<br />
title - Street Youth Development). As it was the<br />
first time our partners saw these screens, it was<br />
important to get their feedback. Afterwards the<br />
main goal was to prioritise all our needs and<br />
wants. This way our developers from Accenture<br />
(via Share.IT - French Tech4 Good Partner) could<br />
start developing. A lot of conversations and discussions<br />
were held, but it was all very insightful.<br />
Some of the methodologies we were thinking of<br />
using within the mobile application, were also<br />
tested in a rudimentary way (on paper, with Google<br />
Forms…) during a street intervention with<br />
PRAKSIS. Not only the mobile school coordinator<br />
of PRAKSIS did this, but also her volunteers and<br />
they were all really enthusiastic.<br />
To finish this transnational project meeting, the<br />
Greek partners invited their testing hub partners.<br />
These organisations are willing to help test SYD<br />
when we have a first version. We organised an<br />
afternoon during which we presented our organisation<br />
and the SYD application.<br />
IMPACT<br />
Update on research report on case management in youth work<br />
Feedback on current screens for mobile application<br />
Prioritising of features for development<br />
Testing of methodologies in a street intervention<br />
Meeting with Greek testing hubs<br />
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