Beauty Turkey January 2020

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82 Beauty Güzellik

* Stress causes headaches in some, and allergic reactions in

others. This is one of the reasons that affect the skin.

* Pimple, such as rash in cases such as skin to tamper with the

skin deformation and even infection will increase.

* Personal care products and makeup used during the day

* Smoking and alcohol damage to the skin is greater than the

sum of the above, let’s say it. They both weaken the body in

terms of vitamins and minerals. Alcohol burns oxygen and

vitamin C in the body, destroying the amino acids that the

skin needs to produce new and healthy cells. This makes it

extremely difficult for the skin to breathe. So is cigarettes.

Acupuncture against wrinkles

Acupuncturist Dr. İsmail Maraş says:

Direct acupuncture treatment for skin wrinkles is not

considered. But neck hernia, chronic sinusitis, migraine and

so on. We receive feedback from our patients who receive

treatment because of their illness. When these patients receive

acupuncture treatment, they give feedback to the following

words that they see in themselves or that their relatives say:

They said, “You’re five years younger”, “Did you get Botox on

your face?” they said, “Your face is shimmer.”

Why is this happening? Of course, in many diseases, when the

underlying disease is treated, stress, tension and contraction

are resolved and indirectly all cells of the body are positively

affected. In addition, acupuncture in places where increased

circulation, removal of toxins, repair and accelerate the work

of construction, such as direct effects of skin wrinkles may be


Accelerate the work of construction, such as direct effects of

skin wrinkles may be reduced.

* Acupuncture already treats the body as a whole.

* Stimulates all organs of the body that are deformed by

internal and external factors over time, as a whole.

* Regulates the balance system. When the balance is restored,

the body automatically starts its own maintenance.

* Protein, collagen tissue and so on. Production increases.

* Some pain medications, nerve medications, blood pressure

medications, etc. As an effect, collagen affects the structure,

which increases the skin wrinkle.

* Acupuncture accelerates blood circulation.

* Clean blood flow to the most extreme points of the body is

provided healthy access.

* It treats constipation and so the person doesn’t get a plus load

on his skin, skin due to toxins that need to be removed. This

prevents wrinkles.

* Liver, kidney, secretory system, excretion systems, such as

many systems to ensure regular operation.

* The body does not need much skin to remove toxic

substances that need to be removed.

* Thus, our skin wear and wrinkles to a minimum.

* Acupuncture treatment, thanks to the repair and

maintenance of the transition to a very good results are


durumlar çözülüyor ve dolaylı olarak vücudun bütün hücreleri

olumlu etkileniyor. Ayrıca akupunktur uygulanan yerlerde

dolaşımın artması, toksinlerin giderilmesi, tamir ve yapım

işlerinin hızlandırılması gibi direk etkilerinden dolayı da cilt

kırışıklıklarında azalma olabiliyor.

*Akupunktur zaten vücudu bir bütün olarak ele alır.

*Vücudun zaman içersinde iç ve dış etkenlerle deforme olan

tüm organlarını, bir bütün olarak uyarır.

* Denge sistemini düzenler. Dengesi yerine gelen

vücut otomatikman kendi bakım tamir ve onarımını

gerçekleştirmeye başlar.

*Protein, kolajen doku vb. üretimi artar.

*Kimi ağrı ilaçları, sinir ilaçları, tansiyon ilaçları vs. etki olarak

kolajen yapıyı etkilemekte bu da cilt kırışıklığını artırmaktadır.

*Akupunktur kan dolaşımını hızlanır.

*Temiz kan akışının vücudun en uç noktalarına kadar sağlıklı

ulaşımı sağlanır.

*Kabızlığı tedavi eder ve böylece kişinin atılması gereken

toksinler sebebiyle cildine, derisine artı yük binmez. Bu da

kırışıklığa engel olur.

*Karaciğer, böbrek, salgı sistemi, boşaltım sistemleri gibi

birçok sistemin düzenli çalışmasını sağlar.

*Vücut dışarı atılması gereken toksik maddeleri atmak için

deriye fazla ihtiyaç duymaz. *Böylece derimizdeki yıpranma ve

kırışıklık minimuma iner.

*Ayrıca akupunktur tedavisi sayesinde, tamir ve bakım

düzenine geçtiği için de oldukça yüz güldürücü sonuçlar elde


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