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Village Voice December 2019/January 2020



Tylers Green Middle School

Events at TGMS: It was delightful to see our

Year 3 children lead the harvest assembly. They

were very confident in their delivery of their

message and used a combination of drama and

singing to relay their message. It was an

occasion to invite our Year 3 parents into our

school and we were overwhelmed by the

numbers of visitors. The whole school donated

items of food that to the One Can Trust. We

were joined by Reverend Mike Bisset who

engaged the children with a can of baked beans.

School Council: At TGMS we often see

democracy in action and each class elected a

School Councillor. The School Councillors are:

Max Sugden; Nellie O’Connor; Sebastian Bull;

Maisie Lomas; Emma Clark; Baxter Yule; Lily

Gurney and Chiara Sabatini. Miss Baker shall

be working with our School Council to support

our aim for a ‘greener school’ and reviewing our

School Citizenship award.

Mental Health and Anti Bullying: This

year, we will be wearing odd socks one day to

school to show that everyone is uniquely

different. This theme links with our PSHE

programme (Personal, Social and Health

Education) that is delivered through assemblies

and class lessons to support our children to

recognise each person’s strengths, and to not

tolerate bullying behaviour.

With so many concerns about children’s

mental health, we have held many assemblies

over the year to discuss that everyone has a

mental health and how important it is to look

after it. With our ‘Body Confidence Dress’, our

pupils developed a greater understanding of

being happy in their own skin. We were asked

by Racheal Kin, one of our parents, to help her

in designing a dress for an upcoming beauty

pageant. Whilst a more unusual request, I

considered the merits to our children being

involved. The pageant supports and raises

awareness for mental health. This was a subject

close to Racheal’s heart, after going through a

life changing operation to remove her large

bowel in 2017. Her goal was to represent the

issue of body confidence among young people

and the dress would make this the centre of

attention during the pageant. Rachel went onto

win the pageant and return to the school to talk

about her amazing journey. It was a very

inspiring assembly.

Super North Star: We have been fortunate

to have guest speakers in school to tell the

children about their passions and their type of

work. This was one of the requests from the

children from the pupil survey when asked

about the Compass For Life initiative. They

wanted to know other people's journeys.

In October, we were extremely fortunate to

have a very talented musician join us in

assembly. He opened by playing the piano and

immediately we all knew that this was

something special. Our piano has never sounded

so good! Matt Johnson is the keyboard player in

the band, Jamiroquai. Matt told us that he first

started realising he enjoyed playing music when

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

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