The Vegas Voice 5-20

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Where Do You Cuss in Your Home?

By: Kate Wind / Kate’s Insight

Feng Shui isn’t just about colors and

furniture placement. It is about the overall

energy and feel of a space. When we spend a lot

of time in one place, we become unaware of

obstacles or challenges because we live with them on a daily basis.

Pinpointing where you cuss or swear in the home may provide some

insight on what needs to change. Some of you may already be saying,

my closet or the kitchen, while others may have to think about it.

When I ask, where do you cuss or swear in your house, I’m not

asking where you vent. I am asking what part of your home causes you

so much frustration that you find yourself getting flustered, aggravated

or even using foul language. That is far more important than the color

of your front door!

Classic examples are overstuffed closets or drawers, appliances that

do not work properly, doors that stick or have a meticulous process to be

closed correctly, or a messy garage. These examples drain our energy!

Even though these may seem like small issues, they are repetitive

issues. This can cause daily frustration, eventually shifting the energetic

frequency of the home, and not in a good way.

Other examples may include furniture that is placed too closely

together (making it hard to maneuver around the home) or a shower

tub knob that is hard to turn on. These examples may require more

work or some extra funds, but the payoff is worth it!

We want to live in a high-vibration, positive, environment! Right?

Use this week to identify where those extra 4-letter words slip. Once

you realize the points of frustration in the home, make the necessary

changes to eliminate them.

Throw away items that do not work, donate the items that make it

impossible to open the drawers, and move the items that are in the way!

Kate Wind is second-generation Astrologer and Feng Shui

Consultant. She speaks on an array of topics, from astrological

influences, Chinese New Year, Feng Shui and Tarot. You can contact

her at: the katewind@gmail.com


May 2020

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