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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 27

trust. Does that mean you won’t encounter difficult times? No, that does

not mean that. It means that if you are seeking God, He will be glorified,

and His kingdom will be expanded by everything that is going on in your

life. The question is, are you willing to allow Him to use you completely,

even if that means going through hard times? Remember who God is.

Remember who He says you are, and trust Him.

The challenge for today is this – when the devil wants to fill your mind

with lies and distractions, speak truth. Remember that you are victorious

in Christ Jesus, and that in the end, Christ wins. Remind the devil that

he loses, and that you have chosen to surrender to Jesus. Spend 5 minutes

in Christ’s presence. Let Him embrace you, and comfort you. Let Him

surround you with His grace, heal your wounds, quiet your mind, and

steady your heart. Embrace that time you have with Him. Then, for the

next 10 minutes, thank Him for who He says that you are. Thank Him

that He has made you more than a conqueror. Thank Him that you serve

Him, and are on the winning side. Thank Him that He is using every

situation for your good and His glory! I know it is hard. I know that

things can seem overwhelming at times. I know that the devil is really

good at lying, but rest in the truths of who Christ is. There is no greater

place to be that in His presence!

Question: Who does God say that you are?

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