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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 63

I found one, and laid it down. I sensed Him tell me to open it. So, I did.

I don’t ever recommend this, but I simply let the pages fall where they

may, just to see what God had to say. John 15:7 was open before me, so I

read it: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you

wish, and it will be done for you.” Tears filled me eyes, and I hit my knees.

I knew what I wanted, and that was for my children to be alive, so I asked

God for them. People were rushing up to me asking me if I was okay.

And I can’t blame them. Here was this 22 year old guy, on his knees in a

book store, crying. I simply told them I needed to pray. Some of them sat

and prayed with me. But I asked for my children to live lives that would

glorify God. I didn’t know how, but I knew they were going to be okay.

I would love to tell you that it was easy sailing from there, but it wasn’t.

There were times when it looked like we were going to lose them, and

times were the doctor would literally tell us that he would not be surprised

if they were both gone when we came back in to see him in a few days.

Our hearts and minds and spirits were stretched, but we remained in the

Lord and I held onto the promise He gave that if I abide in Him, He will

abide in me. And He did. They were born at 27.5 weeks, and today they

are 17 years old, loving the Lord. They are great young men who God is

doing unbelievable work through.

My point in that is to say that no matter what we are going through,

abide in Him, in His Word, and we will see Him do things that we never

thought were possible.

Here we are, the last day of the 30-day challenge. You have made it. My

prayer is that this time has been an amazing opportunity for you to experience

God working in and through your life. My prayer is that you have

gone into a much deeper and more intimate relationship with the King

of the Universe and the Creator of everything. And even though this is

the end of this prayer challenge, I want you to remember that this is Just

the Beginning of a much deeper walk with Him. This is where things

continue to move forward, and God continues to guide and direct you.

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