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DAY 29


“Sing to the Lord a New Song”

PSALM 96:1

When you hear the word “new”, what comes to mind? I know for me,

I imagine something that I have never experienced before. A new car, a

new food, a new book…something that can give me a new insight into

the world around me. Now, if we are honest, we don’t always like it when

new things occur, because that sometimes involves change. We tend to

get comfortable in our routines, and there is nothing wrong with a routine

– we call them disciplines, and they can be useful in helping us grow as

a person. For example, many of us have a routine we go through every

morning; coffee, shower, brush teeth, put on deodorant – and those are

good. For the sake of those around you, don’t stop those routines – haha.

However, when a routine becomes mindless, meaning we know that we

are doing the same thing over and over again, but we don’t know why, we

lose sight of their importance in our life.

I heard a story one time of a husband and wife who had just recently gotten

married. The young couple was in the kitchen and decided that they were

going to cook dinner together. So, what they wanted to do was to cook a

pot roast. They prepared everything, got the roast out, and the husband

observed his new bride cutting the ends off of the roast. Curious, because

he had never seen that done before, he asked very kindly and gently why

she did that. Her response was quick, and reassuring to him – “because

my mom always did it that way.” Nothing else was said, so they enjoyed

the wonderful dinner together. The next day, that question stuck with the

young lady so she decided to ask her mom, why do you cut the ends off of

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