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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 29

can produce nearly 400,000 seeds per year. These trees not only continue

to grow themselves, but they were created to produce more of themselves.

That reality exists with you. You weren’t created just to simply exist after

you surrender to Christ. You were created to lead others to Christ. So

your challenge for today is to tell someone else about Him. Share the

love of Christ with one person this week. Invite one person to church this

week. Help one person this week. Pray with one person this week, and

watch what God can do!

So, for the first 5 minutes that you pray, simply spend time in the presence

of God – don’t be in a rush. Don’t think about the tasks for the day or

the list that needs to be accomplished. Simply trust that His plan for the

day is better than yours. Then, spend the next few minutes praying that

God would show you the one person you need to reach out to this week.

Then ask for the confidence to share with that person! I know that it

can be intimidating, but I know that the Holy Spirit inside of you is not

intimidated by anything – He will work through you – if you let Him! I

am so proud of you! Keep going!

Question: Who is one person you can help this week, and what can

you do for that person?

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