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DAY 24


“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak

truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”


I am always fascinated by a person’s voice. Some people have a beautiful

voice that resonates through you as they speak or sing. Others have a

voice that will grate on your nerves and pierce your ear drums. Some

voices we long to hear, others we long to run away from. Some voices are

deep and low. Others are in an octave I wouldn’t dream of attempting to

reach. Still others lie somewhere in the middle. Regardless of how we

know someone, each person has a physical voice, and when I ask you to

define their voice, we will attempt to describe it in ways that we hear it.

Sadly though, we often times don’t use a voice in a way that produces

anything worth hearing. Sure, we are saying a whole lot of words (and I

am guilty of this quite often), but where is the depth behind it? The only

way to experience the depth in our words is by saying the words that God

has given to us, and the only way to know those words is by listening to

His voice. We all will say that we want to hear the voice of God, but the

reality is, we aren’t willing to do what it takes to hear Him.

For those of us who do genuinely want to hear the voice of God, let me

give you a few ways that I have found that help:

1. Open your Bible. When you open your Bible, God will open His

mouth. The surest way to get a word from the Lord is by getting in

His Word. God will speak to you, and then He will speak through you.

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