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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 35

Too many of us are in a hurry to do what we want to do, that we lose

sight of what God has called us to do – and sadly many of us will read

that sentence right there and see following Jesus as a punishment, but that

couldn’t be further from the truth! Each day we have an opportunity to

plant seeds and trust that God will produce Fruit! Each day we can walk

in obedience to Him, and watch Him multiply His kingdom!

Last year, in December, we had a potato drop. We have about 45,000

pounds of potatoes brought in so that we can give them out into the

community. It is an amazing opportunity to get to know folks, and spend

time with them. Well, one of the folks from church took some home to

give out to her friends and neighbors, to meet the needs that were there.

She also took a few of those potatoes and planted them in a small garden

area about 5 x10 feet. She just took a few, and from those few grew a

massive amount. She had no idea those few would sprout so many in

such a small space. I think we are like that quite often. We have no

idea what God will do through us, if we will simply give him the chance

to use us!

So, today, spend 5 minutes simply in God’s presence – you don’t need

to do anything or say anything. Then spend the next 10 minutes asking

God to show you where and how He wants you to follow Him. Don’t

stress if you don’t get a clear answer. That is okay. Trust that He is still

in control and He will guide you! But keep asking! Nehemiah prayed for

120 days before he was given the message of where to go! God is working

my friends!

Question: Do you believe that God can and will use you where you

are right now?!

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