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DAY 30


“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask

whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

JOHN 15:7

Whenever we see something showing up in scripture over and over again,

we can rest assured that God put it there for a reason – as if to say, “Don’t

miss this point that I am making to you, but just in case you do, I am

going to remind you again, and again, and again.” One word that appears

a lot in John 15 is the word “abide”.

John 15:7 is one of those verses that will always be a part of my life and

story. On Dec. 3, 2001, I was given the news that my unborn twin sons

had a disease called Twin to Twin Transfusion. It only happens in identical

twins, and left them with about a 5% chance that one of them would

survive. As the doctor shared that information, we just sat there in silence,

not really sure what to say. Not really sure what to do. I started to tear up,

but felt a sense of peace in my heart, because I knew, somehow God was

going to take care of them.

When we left the doctor’s office, we went to a local Christian bookstore.

For me, when I am stressed or overwhelmed, I like to listen to music. So,

we walked into the bookstore, and I immediately head towards the music

section. However, I felt a nudge in my Spirit to go pick up the Bible and

read it. I will be honest and say that the Lord and I did not agree right

then. I told Him I was not in the mood to pick up His Word right now.

I wanted to listen to music. But He gently nudged again and so I went

over to the shelf where all of the different translations of the Bible were.

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