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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 39

possible. We are trusting Him to work beyond our own ideas and visions.

We really want God to do something that is beyond our physical ability.

I was reading the other day, and the author made such an amazing point.

He stated that “in the midst of God’s omniscience and omnipotence, God

has determined there are some things that He will only do in response to

prayer.” Are you willing to pray that prayer today and invite God into the

everyday aspect of your life, to surprise you in ways that you never even


So, for a few minutes today, simply sit in God’s presence. Take a deep

breath. Close your eyes and imagine the hand of Abba coming down

upon your head reminding you that you do not need to do anything right

now. Embrace those few minutes. Trust Him in those few minutes that

He is recharging you, refreshing you, and working through you. Then,

spend the next few minutes asking God to surprise you. Abandon your

fear and trust God to do what He does best – and that is run your life and

lead you! I know it will be hard. I know it will be terrifying, but I know

that it will be well worth it! Ask Him to surprise you today!

Question: Would you be excited to experience a surprise from God?

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