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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 51

2. Confess any sin in your life. Sin doesn’t just harden the heart, it also

hardens the ears. In fact, we will turn a deaf ear to God when there is

sin in our lives, because we don’t want to hear the convicting voice of

the Holy Spirit. But, if you aren’t willing to listen to the convicting

voice of the Spirit, you won’t hear His comforting voice, forgiving

voice, or merciful voice either.

3. Remove any distractions. Often times when I find myself unable

to hear God speaking because of all of the distractions that are

surrounding me, I step back into a season of fasting. It allows me to

remove those distractions and refocus on God. Then, I am able to

distinguish between His voice speaking to me and my voice attempting

to control a situation.

Remember, if you want to find your voice, your real voice, and have something

worth saying, then we need to listen to the voice of God, and allow

Him to speak through us.

So your challenge for today is to simply listen. Sit in God’s presence and

listen. Don’t bring requests. Don’t bring concerns. He knows them all.

He is aware of your situation and He is working on your behalf. Just

simply be in His presence and ask to hear Him, and Him alone! Trust

that He will speak. There is no time limit on this. Take as much time as

you need, but know that He wants to speak, so be willing to listen.

Question: What Voice are you using to speak with?

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