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In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 43

look at the sun, you know that it is 93 million miles away, and yet it takes

only 8 minutes for light to get from there, to earth. You cannot escape the

awe and majesty of God and His creation.

So today, spend a few minutes in the presence of God. You do not have

to do anything. My prayer for you has been that sitting in quiet has been

getting easier for you. Then, spend the next 10 minutes thanking God

again for His creation. I know that we have had a time where we thanked

God, but there is nothing better than praising Him for who He is and

what He is constantly doing. And finish out your time by praying for one

person who needs to hear of the AWEsome power of God!

I am truly proud of you and what God is doing in and through you!

Keep going!

Question: How would you describe God’s Awesome power to

someone who has never heard of Him before?

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