Student Life | Issue 40

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by Susanna Clarke

Release Date: September 15th

A dark fantasy twined heavily with

Gothic atmosphere and supernatural


The blurb we’ve been given definitely

holds a lot of mystery, but I have high

hopes after Susanna gave us Jonathan

Strange & Mr Norrell. I would try and

summarise the blurb, but I think

it’s best if you read it for yourself:

‘Piranesi lives in the House. Perhaps

he always has. In his notebooks,

day after day, he makes a clear and

careful record of its wonders […]

On Tuesdays and Fridays Piranesi

sees his friend, the Other. At other

times he brings tributes of food

and waterlilies to the Dead. But

mostly, he is alone. Messages begin

to appear, scratched out in chalk on

the pavements. There is someone

new in the House. But who are they

and what do they want? Are they a

friend or do they bring destruction

and madness as the Other claims?

Lost texts must be found; secrets

must be uncovered. The world

that Piranesi thought he knew is

becoming strange and dangerous.

The Beauty of the House is

immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.’



by Aiden Thomas

Release Date: October 1st

A trans, Latinx own voices novel with

magic, ghosts and gay romance? I’M.


This was by far one of my most

anticipated releases of 2020 (coming

in at second place if you wanted me

to specify). Magic is always a drawing

point for me, but combine that with

trans and gay representation that’s

also by an own voice author and

culturally diverse too? I can already

tell this is going to be amazing!

‘When his traditional Latinx

family has problems accepting

his true gender, Yadriel becomes

determined to prove himself a real

brujo. With the help of his cousin

and best friend Maritza, he performs

the ritual himself, and then sets out

to find the ghost of his murdered

cousin and set it free.’ Only he

summons the wrong ghost, one that

refuses to go quietly into death.

NOTE: The book subscription box

company Illumicrate have put

together a special edition box for

Cemetery Boys which will include

a signed bookplate, letter from

the author, an enamel pin, and a

wooden bookmark! BUT THAT’S NOT

ALL! You can also submit proof of

preorder (for any book format and

21 21 • 21 • MARCH • ISSUE ART 2019 40 • • • STUDENT LIFE LIFE LIFE

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