Student Life | Issue 40

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Well, that is more typically aimed

at vegans but when I decided to

become vegetarian, I had that

comment or a variation there

of at least 5 times. If you think

about what you have on your

plate (probably some kind of meat

based product, a side which could

be potato-based and then maybe

some vegetables) and then take off

the meat part, you still have the

side and the vegetables. And, as

much as I would eat a meal which

consisted of onion rings and a salad

with chilli lime dressing, there are

plenty of things you could replace

the meat with. You could use a

meat replacement – I think fake cod

is surprisingly good – but you can

also take meat-based dishes like a

lasagne and use other items instead.

I’d actually suggest even those who

still want to eat meat try out stuff

like vegetable lasagnes because it

adds some variety to a classic dish.



I won’t lie. I’ve had some borderline

traumatic experiences with meat

substitutes. Once I had a not-chicken

burger which replicated all the worst

possible attributes a piece of chicken

could have and none of the nice stuff.

To add insult to injury, the coating

wasn’t even nice. However, I’ve found

it was a pretty isolated incident. I

continue to be surprised by how

nice a lot of that stuff is. In terms

of accuracy, I’ve found that really,

REALLY varies between who you ask. I

think there are a lot of products which

really do taste like the real thing and

some get every aspect (including

texture and appearance) spot-on

however, whenever I try a new one,

I always get into a headspace of just

thinking about whether I like how it

tastes rather than how accurate it is.

“What do you order at restaurants?”

Thankfully for us veggies, the vast

majority of restaurants now serve

vegetarian options. Sometimes it

is a case of there being only one

option which can be disappointing

if you don’t like said option but

most of them have at least a couple

of different options. Nando’s in

particular has had a lot of different

menu items for a while now. Fast

food joints have also dipped their

toes in the meat-free waters of

vegetarianism, even if at an extremely

cautious pace, but I will admit

sometimes it is a ‘guess I’ll just order

chips’ situation.

I hope that scratching the surface of

this dietary choice has educated you

a little bit on what it is actually like

for a vegetarian beyond what some

stereotypes might make you believe.

Seriously, fake cod can be convincing

in an almost scary fashion.


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